I've Been Cursed by Her, but Since I'm Happy It's OK! - Ch. 3 - The Curse is Crying

Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2020
The way boys in eastern manga form "fanclubs" and worship girls they find attractive is EXTREMELY objectifying and toxic as fuck. It's ridiculously sexist behavior and really needs to stop being treated as acceptable. I mean c'mon, making decisions for someone you just met about who can and who cant speak to her? That is absolutely not okay, its creepy and grossly possessive. Also "defending" her is offensively sexist in that it suggests she needs defending solely because of her gender or physical appearance/attractiveness. The fact that all of this behavior is normalized and perpetuated is concerning and ought to be widely addressed.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 17, 2019
Man... A cross... What could it be? Could it be a exorcist? Could it be the "heaven" side of the curses?
... I'm really interested in whether this will turn into a fantasy isekai by this point...

@StaK It's just simps being fanatic simps. If you want to go complain about fanclubs go attack those. Don't complain about manga drawing something socially off. That's like complaining the coffee isn't black enough after adding creamer
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2020
@Milanin no Im speaking to a common shared trope Ive seen in a lot of stroeies that seems to reflect irl behavior. Saying its just simps being simps is like saying "boys will be boys"-- perpetuating these behaviours in popular media as if they were normal causes people to accept them as normal irl.
It's not complaining, its making an open observation about unhealthy behaviors.

It is not remotely like adding too much creamer and being upset. Thats one of the worst uses of metaphor Ive ever seen. I dodnt add the "creamer" myself and Im not complaining about preferences Im addressing a subtly toxic ingredient used in the "coffe"
A more apt metaphor (though still wrong) would be to say Im choosing to get my coffee from a place I know is toxic and then public stating that it is toxic.

Also I'll say what I want, where I want, about what I want. So please refrain from trying to tell me what to do.
If you want to state your opinions about the characters behavior or cultural norms then feel free to do so, but do it without tagging me so I dont have to read it.

Also I drink my coffee straight black without creamer or sugar.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 27, 2018
I get the feeling that this ghosts represent an aspect of how she's feeling. Like we saw that being overwhelmed by the fan-club manifest a ghost to seek Iida since they're aware that he can see them. I could be wrong & it maybe like some kind of ghost of the day that rotates around. Thanks for the translations.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
lol at the dude crying about the boys fanclub, same happens in shoujo with the girls...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2019
I agree that this whole fanclub thing should disappear, but it's not exclusive to boys. There's also several manga/anime with girls fangirling over a boy or tomboyish girl, whom they see as their "prince" and any girl even normally talking and getting along with the "prince" outside that fanclub is seen as a nuisance and the fangirls will mostly (try to) bully such a girl. An example would be Fruits Basket(2019 <- no idea if that's actually important) in which Souma Yuuki (?) is seen as the "prince" of his school year and a couple of girls created a fanclub to keep girls away from him. Completely toxic behaviour and definitely uncalled for.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
This is actually somehow interesting. Also that simp thing is overblown.

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