Thank you, the translation looks the same, but overall it's so much better. Particularly the typesetting and the expressions, like at page 9 (11 in the other) the girl went from a smile to the opposite.
It's geezer, sorry, not a native speaker. Actually I know how it's pronounced and spelled, I suppose the japanese word 'jijii' (geezer/old coot) got me confused.
Geezer, Jeezer, whatever. I’m just glad the actual scan quality is so much better than the version of this chapter that was put up previously. Also glad to see that the chapter itself is complete. I’m really liking this series so far. Thanks for all your hard work. 🙂
I felt like I was having a stroke reading this chapter. Fast paced, no characters important enough to mention their names, just a Jeezer walking around zapping things.
I don't think I'll stick with this one.