It starts out a little edgy and generic. But it eventually improves by toning it down with the edge in an organic way for in-universe reasons and then it accumulates a likeable supporting cast that brightens up both the story and the main character, who is developed by interacting with them. It still has a high amount of cliches, but seeing how it leans more into comedy as it goes on, that isn't too detrimental, as comedies tend to rely on a long-established set of tools to begin with, and many of the cliches are inserted specifically to serve as set-ups for comedy due to their cliche nature. Also it's definitely more character- than story-driven.
It's not a manga that will have you on the edge of your seat or have you rolling on the ground laughing, but it has lots of funny, cute and wholesome moments. The action is serviceable, not outstanding in it's substance, but elevated by the likeable characters engaging in it. Overall, it's a pleasant, entertaining read that will make you smile a lot.