Practice cheating and all you can do is cheat. Git gud.
"You never had a bright future to begin with."
"This is a story, so shit happens all the time. Nothing special."
Taking most stories out of the story and trying to make sense of them in a RL context usually ends up with lots of people being fired or prosecuted.
"It really pays to have friends..."
Not sure I'd call those "friends".
If you're cool, you just walk in. Flashing cards before asked is what kids do who just got of age when they buy booze.
Of course he'd say that line.
Whisky's nice.
They're always playing along with his fantasies. That's what the entire setting is based on.
Weak. If you order a drink, drink it.
That's a word.
I wonder how many evil cults and groups and congregations there are in this world. They seem to sprout like weeds.
I'd ask, "Why the cards?" but it's Cid.