Kako and the False Detective - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - The Duty of Those Who See

Aug 8, 2018
******* What a Normal person would have said to the midget.

MC to Midget: I broke my bones and almost died neutralizing two serial murderer ghosts. The ghosts were monsters that can hulk smash 4 gangsters and the previous notebook user was a serial killer that ghost murdered at least double digit number of people. Oh and the ghosts drive people murder crazy.

I'm sorry, what were you doing during this case? Oh right, Nothing. You would have just watched the murder ghost murder tons of people and say it can't be helped, it's my duty to watch. Let the government deal with it.

Which they then pass on to me, meaning I've been cleaning up all the cases that you did nothing on . . . . . because you do nothing except watch.

. . . . . . . . . Piss off useless!!!!
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 30, 2019
On one hand, I can see the chibi’s point about how he can’t solve murder cases unless someone has died. But he did a great job pointing out how crimes can only be investigated AFTER they happen.

Her solution seems to basically be either a “Minority Report” or “Psychopass” system, which means instead sacrificing basic human rights in an attempt to ‘predict’ crimes before they happen.

I do totally see the irony in the fact that she actually pointed out how he can’t solve crimes without trading a life. Yet, at the very instant she was accusing him of that, he was actually investigating a simple crime of underwear theft. He didn’t have to use his ghost-seeing abilities for that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Why did she said "change the system" if system alredy supposed to work towards crime prevention as one of the prime directions anyway?
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
I think people are misunderstanding what the small officer said. She never said to go Minority Report. She said that she'd want to use her ability to ghosts in a manner that would allow to predict crimes and to have a system that would trust such predictions and act on them instead of waiting for a murder to happen in order to have a case.
This page here pretty much shows that using her ability is what she was talking about: https://mangadex.org/chapter/696811/15
Of course this is pure idealism and probably way too hard to put into practice. But it's ay better than most people are thinking she is saying.
Aggregator gang
Oct 7, 2018
but it's not like you can keep your eyes constantly at what,like, millions of people...
Aug 23, 2019
I'm honestly confused as to what she's trying to argue for.
Does she go up to police officers and say they're horrible at their jobs because they didn't know that random-person-X secretly wanted to murder a person? It especially is confusing in this case, as he *didn't* have to wait for someone to die before he could solve the case.
The only supernatural ability I've seen so far that would be useful for crimes *before* they've happened is the girl who has out-of-body experiences... just seeing ghosts only helps you solve crimes that are already done.
Anyone willing to explain the reasoning she's trying to go for?
Jan 20, 2018
i cant understand what does author want to do with furano. cant he just put it in her mind when she visited him

cause i am sure even if i has her viewpoint in me, i wont tell that to someone straight especially when the target is in hospital bed

because we need help from him, adult asking a high schooler to help them with duty

now i need a character that do not take what he did for granted and actually give him some bonus like (his family situation, his financial, his living condition, you know checking minor take care of himself )

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