Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 20 Ch. 175 - The Girlfriend and the Sigh

Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2020
one day in like 5 years youll stumble back on these comments you made and realize how cringe they are
"hahahahaha im 15 i have had gfs ur such a virgin"
Nov 10, 2020
@satoneh you mean the kinda mistakes that wouldn't be uncommon for someone in the position?
The irony calling kazuya a beta cuck is amusing.
Aug 14, 2020
Aug 14, 2020
@Sekijou23 yeah spending thousands of dollars a month to simply converse is a common mistake even tho she lives next door man woah my bad
Nov 22, 2020
@satoneh One day you'll realize that your middle school relationships don't compare to decent writing. You're 15, go do something better with your life. I'm telling you, give it some time and you'll cringe at the fact that you wrote that stuff.
Feb 7, 2021
I'm surprised nobody's talking about the Ruka conundrum, and the serious implications it means for those that ship Kazuya x Chizuru. This probably be a long one, so I'll collapse it into a spoiler as to not take up an inordinate amount of space for those just casually scrolling through.

What is this Ruka conundrum I'm talking about, and why is it so important? To be blunt and to the point, Ruka has had zero character development in the direction of being okay without Kazuya, that and she has her meme heart condition. In other words, a built in self-destruct should the author ever decide to use it, anti-depressants and depressants already cause significant problems for people without a heart condition. For Ruka, her medication plus alcohol, or sleeping medication, paired with heart weakening stress from a break-up seem to be more than enough of an excuse for the author to kill Ruka with a heart attack. There are a few heartless people that are quite fine with Ruka dying hoping her death will remove a major obstacle between their ship, but in actuality a Ruka death will more than likely be the end of the Kazuya x Chizuru ship.

Why does Ruka's death spell the end of the Kazuya x Chizuru ship? Kazuya and Chizuru have both shown that they are kind hearted people, Kazuya often sacrificing his own himself for others happiness, Chizuru does the same but to a much lesser extent, however, so does Ruka (and Sumi). Despite Ruka being a source of annoyance for Chizuru, both Kazuya and Chizuru owe her a great deal of thanks due to her assistance with the filming project, even though she had something to gain from the filming trip also. Ruka sent Kazuya the script that would ultimately be selected for the film, played an indispensable part in the play, and has a lot of personal relationship time invested in Kazuya, as well as Chizuru. Ruka is also a topic often broached in conversation between Kazuya and Chizuru, meaning that she is on their minds somewhat frequently. Neither Kazuya, Chizuru, or Ruka want to hurt each other, just imagine the guilt that would be brought to bear on Kazuya and Chizuru after learning that they had a hand, and are somewhat responsible for the death of a person, even more damaging that they knew this person personally. They would also learn of Ruka's heart disease, further shattering Kazuya and Chizuru's relationship, as this would mean that Ruka hadn't willing to unlimitedly guilt trip Kazuya, but was doing only what was necessary to be close to him.

It would be difficult for Kazuya and Chizuru to build a relationship on the grave of another person, especially someone who had deep feeling for Kazuya, someone whose death they had a hand in. The guilt will surely drive the two apart, likely ending the ship once and for all. What would happen next? Mami, being the opportunist she is, would likely swoop in and claim the broken Kazuya, with a slight chance Sumi could rescue Kazuya from her grasp before he could make the grave mistake of tying the knot with Mami. Ultimately, a Kazuya and Mami relationship hurts all parties involved.

So, what if the heart attack doesn't kill Ruka?
Once again, Kazuya is willing to sacrifice himself to save someone else, and if he has to give up on the chance of a relationship with Chizuru to save Ruka's life, I feel that he will.

What leads me to believe that Ruka will suffer a health emergency should Kazuya break up with her?
Ruka's character has developed to be less toxic, and more selfless, but she's also grown more fond/closer to Kazuya. She's not willing to give up on Kazuya, that seems to off limits for her character. The author seems to have set Ruka up to be an all or nothing character, he developed her to be less toxic, but has fallen more in love with the MC. She's set up to have one of two fulfilling endings, either she ends up with Kazuya, aligning with the trend of the tragic underdog who makes a comeback, or she dies, fulfilling the role of the tragic character.

How do we avoid this outcome?
About 100+ more chapters of character development, and a decent portion of them featuring Ruka, though this task must be handled delicately to avoid ruining Ruka's character, as there nothing worse for story and merchandising like ruining a good character. Ruka's character is one of, if not the strongest in the series, ruining it would be a huge blow as Ruka is the series second most favorite.

What do I think Reiji should do?
If Reiji is a good business man, I think a Kazuya and Ruka pairing would be the most profitable and satisfying in the long run. Ruka and Kazuya don't seem to have much story potential outside of the main series, all the other character do, for example, see Sumi. Mami has great spin-off story potential, Chizuru has great spin-off story potential, but Ruka and Kazuya seem to be fairly fulfilled in this series.

How should this be done to avoid the fanbase giving up on the series?
Kazuya and Chizuru should date, and soon. Ruka should be dismissed, only to be brought right back to make Mami believe that Kazuya is no long seeing Chizuru, but that rather it is all a song and dance for Grandma. Kazuya should learn that the feeling he thought he had for Chizuru was not love, but rather a grand appreciating for a best-friend/confidant, something that Kazuya lacks in his life. Meanwhile, Kazuya has developed feeling for Ruka, but doesn't want to leave Chizuru out of consideration for her feeling. Kazuya and Chizuru's relationship grows stale, and Chizuru learns the truth about Kazuya's feelings. Chizuru releases Kazuya to pursue a relationship with Ruka. Now Mami must be dealt with, Kazuya must appease Mami to avoid her ruining the family business, and hurting his grandmother. Mami wants Kazuya to tell his family all the details about his various lies, basically humiliating himself before her. Kazuya does this, is forgiven by his grandmother, and accepts Ruka as the potential future wife, but still loves and values Chizuru. Mami, satisfied with Kazuya's humiliation, tenders her resignations, and leaves. A new series is launched, with Chizuru as the MC, so we can have more of her as a character, and less as a plot device, with her not getting sidelined to Kazuya all the time.
Oct 21, 2020
I'm getting sick of nothing happening, and finally, Mami comes and I AM HYPED. Mami seems to be the only thing getting this story MOVING. Kazuya and Chizuru are hopeless, and Kazuya ignores Ruka, and Sumi is a friend but really has no presence. Mami is the only girl getting things on.

PS: I love Ruka the most, but I gotta be honest that Mami is the only interesting girl rn
Jan 24, 2021
@startwindowsnormally : I read something about Ruka a couple days ago, either here or in Reddit comments. If she were a guy approaching a girl the way she's approaching Kaz, she'd be seen as a stalker and a predator. He never wanted to date her on any terms. She basically forced him to, using methods such as acting out in public, using his close friend to get to him, and even blackmail.

She is not a conundrum, she is butting in where she is not wanted. Maybe she'll cause a mess before she is gotten out of the way, but it perplexes me why anybody feels she has a stake in this guy's life. You can't force yourself on somebody that does not feel attraction for you, and it is not appropriate to try.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 27, 2020
Realistically, Mami gains nothing out of fucking up everything other than just enjoyment for being a an soulless bitch who doesn’t have empathy for anyone
Mar 31, 2020
Is it just me or Mami look different now when she was alone? I mean, before, her eyes looks pretty dead that just want to see others to suffer and could make people afraid of her, but now the way the author draw her eyes like, she was genuinely sad?
Nov 22, 2020
@startwindowsnormally Ruka just doesn't have what Kazuya and Chizuru have. Think of it like this:

Kazuya Kinoshita, the person deciding whether the audience is impressed or not, has all the spotlight. Most of the people in these cursed comment sections become vexed due to an interruption or Kazuya himself. His actions are almost never liked, and he has had 0 confidence in himself to begin with. Kazuya's state has been since chapter 1, at it hasn't changed..... until he met Chizuru.

Mizuhara Chizuru, Kazuya's rental girlfriend, originally didn't bring much to the table. She got paid to be someone's imaginary girlfriend and that was it. It wasn't until Kazuya's grandmother got into the situation that things started going. At this point is when you need to understand something: time spent with somebody can do a lot to a single person. They originally weren't supposed to be affiliated with each other in such a manner, but with the time spent together and digging into each other's lives really drew the line between a rental relationship and an actual one. If you don't believe me about spending time, take a look at Boku Dake ga Inai Machi. Even I though I thought Hinazuki would wait for Satoru, that's too much time, and that time was used for someone else. To reverse it now would be quite stupid. Even if they have a "good friendship" ending it like that would make the author look stupid and switching the storyboard mid manga would take way too long, and people would stop reading. The things that Kazuya had done for Mizuhara made it clear that they have an extra special connection. Ruka decided to make it difficult and there is no time for Kazuya and she to build a connection that strong. Kazuya and Mizuhara pick each other up when they're down, are always there for one another, and generally 1 up each other. The things that ruka wants would want in a relationship would eventually stop making her heart beat fast, and she wouldn't want to be with Kazuya anymore. It's not real love

Ruka Sarashina, a confused girl who's confused love with excitement, has set herself up for failure. As @Revenant62 said, if it were a boy, he'd be seen as a stalker or a creepy person. Ruka is a generally useless character, and has only brought Kazuya trouble. I barely understand how anyone can even come to like someone like that. I think Ruka's death probably wouldn't end the ship. Solely because Kazuya will have to put his foot down, kind of like how Ichijou did with Tachibana.

I don't really know, in the end we're both just speculating.
Aug 15, 2020
Atleast, MC knows how much of a scum or simp he is. At this point, i just want mami-chan to screw them up lol. And i think author-kun intentionally wants us to hate this Mc xD

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