Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 21 Ch. 178 - The Girlfriend and the Tiger’s Den (Part 3)

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Critical hit, but the attacker failed to notice he did anything at all...
Nov 2, 2020
@ammatrax to me he looks like an Asian fboy LOL. Like his style though. Also Kazuya looks like he could glow up at any moment. Too bad he just burns red. ;C
Sep 23, 2020
@startwindowsnormally So, basically:

Chizuru: The Mary Su. Too focused on her career and will be and relationships especially long-term ones won't ever work out as either Kazuya will be second-priority or she will be heartbroken if she doesn't succeed.

Sumi: Too passive for a long-term relationship to work out. Things are just not going to work out as Kazuya will have to do almost everything himself.

Mami: The b*tch you'd wish you never met. The one that ruins your life one way or the other.

Ruka: The true wife material. Supportive, spoil you at times but also knows when to scold you. I can list many more things but in the end, SHE IS THE BEST CHOICE!

For all the reasons Ruka is a great choice are also the same reasons I almost always support the Osananajimi route as with them if you can overcome the initial she is like my sister obstacle they are the best choice unless they are too passive or too aggressive.

Am I right?
Apr 18, 2020
well i don't quite follow why does she blushing?? did she said something to kazuya or the tunip head boy before??
Jun 14, 2020
@Rzelux Well I remember in one of the previous chapters, she said to the popular guy that she 'doesn't not like him'. A double negative which could imply that she actually likes him. She remembers what she said and realized that it does sound like she already liked him at that point. Oh, and by him, I mean Kazuya just to make sure the context is not confusing.
Jan 6, 2020
Ruka really is the better girl but Kazuya just does not like her, there's not much that can be done there.
Jan 14, 2021

You make some good points.

I do believe that Ruka, if she weren't a minor, would be the best choice. She's a far better communicator, her reasoning on why Kazuya shouldn't continue dating Chizuru is on point, and she satisfies a lot of the qualities that Kazuya listed for his perfect girlfriend. Sure, she is a little immature with the relationship, but the growth trajectory for her is a lot stronger for her than Chizuru for many of the reasons you stated.

However, the plot points towards Chizuru. Of the four girls, she gets the most screen time. She has grandma Nagomi's engagement ring. She's got some investment in Kazuya's emotional growth. Mami is antagonised by her. And she's the object of Kazuya's affection.

From a realistic POV, I think having things break down with Chizuru would be better. The relationship started off wrong, Kazuya's obsession is not healthy, simping is corrosive, and the two characters are very different. A scenario where Chizuru tells Kazuya that their relationship will never be what Kazuya wants it to be would anger a lot of readers, but this would probably be the healthiest pathway. But the plot doesn't seem to lead there, and a fairy-tale like ending would generate the type of re-readability that keeps a writer in business.
Nov 22, 2020

It sounds like a game with full customization. You put all your stat points into one attribute to complete the game fastest, or balance them out to have an easier time in the post-game content. It's not like Kazuya has full control of other people and who can fulfill his desires.

It's starting to sound like they are puzzle pieces but you can pair one of them with 2 different pieces on different puzzles.
More like a pawn in a game of life.
More machine than man.

These guys are people as well.
Jan 26, 2018
@ammatrax This might be more "enjoyable" or plausible if the two MC's journey is to "council" each other as friends with little to no romance, but even then I doubt they would still be compatible for counseling each other's personal problems.

Very belated reply I just remembered I wanted to make: No guarantees, but you might enjoy Sexless Friend. In light of how this one has been dragged out, ymmv on whether it's good or bad that it got axed quickly and only had 14 chapters. 😅
Feb 7, 2021

Ruka's age was a huge hold up for me as I will not support or normalize pedophilia, thankfully my concern was addressed. As of Ruka's most recent birthday, she became legal.


I do believe there is a realistic way for Kazuya and Ruka to end up together, while giving readers the cathartic release of seeing Kazuya and Chizuru together. People have been sold a bill stating Kazuya x Chizuru almost from the beginning, and I believe that those people should see that. However I believe they should also see the relationship, although happy, stagnate and ultimately start to fall apart, but have the relationship be saved and transformed into a great friendship. After which we get a spin-off with Chizuru as the MC, a win-win situation where the readers get more Chizuru sans Kazuya (who most lambast anyways), and Reiji gets more money.

> "However, the plot points towards Chizuru. Of the four girls, she gets the most screen time. She has grandma Nagomi's engagement ring. She's got some investment in Kazuya's emotional growth. Mami is antagonised by her. And she's the object of Kazuya's affection."
I'll give you 3/5 points there as Ruka also has some significant investment in Kazuya's emotional growth, and also antagonized by Mami. Other than that I believe you're correct.

Compatibility is important, you can't live off an emotional high forever.
It's important to have a confidant that will give you an objective outlook on things, like relationships. Kazuya's family is clearly in a "honey moon" phase with Chizuru where they see Chizuru as a dream come true. Just look at how they're blown away by everything Chizuru does, all while trammeling all over Kazuya, Kazuya's grandmother even cries and beings to act erratically. What will happen once the "honey moon" phase wears off, and they realize that Chizuru isn't going to live up to all their hopes? Kazuya won't be taking over the family business, something that was cared for over generations, and they won't have children probably until after Kazuya's grandmother has passed away. Slowly but surely their infinite well of praises will dry up, and their harsh criticism will begin to grow. Kazuya and Chizuru are in a pseudo-"homey moon" phase, where the chase keeps them focused on how perfect the other is, while ignoring each others faults, just see Kazuya's "perfect girlfriend". What will happen once they attain each other, and the "honey moon" phase wears off? The less compatible they are with each other the more likely they are to get divorced. Chizuru might be fine from a divorce, but Kazuya tends to get himself in a rut, and has a very hard time getting out. Just imagine the berating Kazuya will receive form his family for screwing up a relationship with Chizuru through no fault of his own, and with them having been one of the major factors pushing the relationship in the first place.

Kazuya's goals of having a large family and running the family business are incompatible with Chizuru's goals of being a world famous actor. One will have to give up their dreams for the rest of their lives.

I can't tell if you're making a being passive-aggressive comment, or genuinely posting, either way... I believe Sumi is a very viable option, as with Kazuya she would overcome her social anxiety, although she would remain rather reserved, meaning no large family for Kazuya, but she'd excel in many other areas. As for Chizuru being a Mary Sue, I never made that connection. She might be a Mary Sue in terms of only showing the most minimal amount of favor towards Kazuya, and in return having Kazuya, his family, and the plot all waiting on her go ahead. Chizuru as an actor though, we've seen her work hard to attain her position.
Nov 22, 2020

You mind telling me the point of Kazuya being in a relationship then?
Why does he have to be in one?
Is there really a point?

If it's just to satisfy his family, I don't think I should be caring that much about who loves who. There are more girls than just Ruka and Chizuru, but they are the best chance Kazuya has.

I've given up on trying to say anything against your belief.
You win.
Jan 14, 2021

Thanks for the link. I'd assumed she was 15-16 when this started. With that knowledge, I agree, of the 4 main girls, she's the ideal match. But we are dealing with a fictional story here, so who knows.

Agreed that Ruka is also invested in Kazuya's growth. I'm not certain that she antagonizes Mami to the same extent. Sure, there was the confrontation at work, but Ruka isn't a rental girlfriend. I think, at this stage, that's Mami's sticking point with Chizuru and how she'd disrupt any relationship with Kazuya. She's essentially powerless when it comes to Ruka.
Jan 26, 2018
@startwindowsnormally Ruka's age was a huge hold up for me as I will not support or normalize pedophilia, thankfully my concern was addressed. As of Ruka's most recent birthday, she became legal.


Agreed, with quibbles. (^_~) I didn't realize she's been Kazuya's nominal girlfriend so long - at a minimum*, almost a year.
* - I'm not sure where the manga is time-wise, other than Time For Kazuya To Act Like An Adult. (^_~)

I was going to object to the poster's math based on how chapter 28 was (mis)translated as the weirdly-specific 200,860,200 - but that's apparently why they linked the raw. I transcribed the raw to Google Translate with the help of the furigana and the handwriting tool, and 2億6千2百80万回分前のお話 does come out to 262,800,000 heartbeats.

They apparently assume she's only nine years old exactly when the flashback starts, but none of the context suggests it. Given this and the fact we see her heart rate as being in the 50s when she's awake (it slows during deep sleep), she might actually be 18-and-change when she starts going out with Kazuya (the post deduces 17-and-change).

Regardless, on her birthday (chapter 139) she's presumably either 18 or 19. So in the US at least, she's able to consent.

Something I picked up on while looking for info on the above: When Ruka proposes a trip to an onsen (chapter 169), Kazuya objects that she's "underage". Iirc, in Japan you're an adult at 20 - but I don't whether that's only wrt being able to stay in a hotel, or wrt their age-of-consent laws as well.
Jan 6, 2021
I hope in the next chapter, they stick around a bit at the party then head home. As they're going back they're talking about the party and how different the experience was for Kazuya. Then she gives off a "I'm cold" vibe and then Kazuya gives her his jacket so she has an even bigger blush than the last chapter. Which then leaves a cliffhanger for the last couple pages where shes lovestruck and doesnt know what to do next. One can only hope!
Sep 2, 2019
anyone mind to explain or give me some context? why chizuru was blushed when kazuya says "I don't not like you"
is that like a indirect confession but kazuya fails to realize or it just chizuru's misunderstanding??
Jan 26, 2018
For anyone curious about the Ghost Leg: The straightforward version of the game involves perfect unbroken horizontal and vertical lines. I assume, but can't be certain, that this farked-up version follows the straightforward rule of "Always go down on vertical lines", but replace "Except when a horizontal line touches it, in which case follow that line" with "Except when any not-purely-vertical line touches it, in which case follow that line." (Which can be really frustrating given the number of times a line pushes you back up, throwing your brain out of kilter for the "always go down" rule... or the ( and ) lines, which often reverse your course through the same lines but in the other direction.)

If those are indeed the rules but you find it too frustrating, these are the results I get for each start point: (spoiler for Ghost Leg game)
1 leads to 2.
2 leads to 1.
3 leads to 3.
4 leads to 4.
5 leads to 5.

Yes, really. Not especially pseudorandom (which is what the game is meant for), but I guess he was counting on people not looking below to see who was at the final endpoints.

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