I'm fuckin losing it...
We keep being told that girls are supposedly super-attractive... when they're at their absolute ugliest...
When they're looking awesomely hot, people are actively making NEGATIVE remarks about it...
Oh... and he says her boobs are a bit small when they're EXACTLY THE SAME SIZE AS THE ONES EVERYONE CALLED HUGE.
The translator is a fuckin train-wreck of unwanted ad-hoc bullshit. We're here because we can't read Japanese. Translators exist to bridge that gap... not to just make shit up on the spot in a failed attempt to be funny.
So not only is the protagonist a prolific liar... we're also being lied to constantly by the mangaka AND the translator.
This is too many levels of deception. Losing my patience here, and it isn't even about the protagonist. Everything in the text bubbles is assumed to be false from now on, as well as a good deal of what is shown around them.