Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - This Healer is Useless

Aggregator gang
Dec 13, 2018
That king was shit just like MC said due he is greed type who shows his power and wealth but those contributors who did for him was being non-existent at all.
Well, MC actually has 150 Stat points due his recovery already started from 100 and he just dump all 50 points remaining to Evasion due his old wound still bothered him so much.
When that king heard what he said, he suddenly thrown into prison since MC considered as useless. Well, I prefer that MC will live independent rather than being bound by that shit kingdom and beat him in his ass mutiple times
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 30, 2018
@hartex92 yes you described the chapter we all read, thank you.

That aside it’s pretty average isekai shit but who knows maybe it’ll be interesting.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
would it kill these isekai kings and stuff to just chill and listne to the people they summon and think is useleess for like
5 secs
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
kek.. whats up with that reaction.. they don't know what evasion was? do they don't have assassins? nor thieves?
well for me.. i was into that.. when he was really thinking about stats allocation.. but then he suddenly dumped it into one stats..
so.. you are a healer and an EVA type (Dungeon Seeker anyone?).. how would you level up yourself exactly now? hmm?

tsk.. all of these isekai with their 'im a gamer' tag are pretty stupid when it matters..
you know.. like basic balanced stats allocation?


Active member
Feb 7, 2019
@hartex92 The concept of annihilating a whole race (demons) just because some stranger asked you to do it is stupid. I don't understand why so many otherworlders follow what the summoners ask then to do, like puppies. So ya even if they were asked to not put anything into eva stat, why would you listen to them? I'd like to see a manga where the whole isekai'd team would just get out of the city and make decisions by themselves while staying together, with no betrayal/false accusation between them whatsoever.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
"Uses regenerate countless times" ...Soo, how many times did he level up? Enough to punch through the wall?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@kuzunagi13 I mean depending on the games system you either want some balance or none at all. This seems like the latter. Whats important is understanding the system at play. He was careless though since he hadn't even verified how the stats work. I mean imagine if he put those points in and ended up with the classic 75-95% cap issue. Dodging can be broken after all, so most systems tend to restrict its effect to being supplementary. Thats why ill always go for defense in games. Sure you take more damage overall but you can take the damage. A dodge build might just get unlucky and die.

This seems to be that kind of system after all. Not the dark souls type of game where dodging isn't even a stat.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
Evasion based healer. Now that sounds kinda fun.

It would definitely have to have less healing capability than your traditional 'walking target' kind of healer, though. Combining something like an Assassin with a Priest. Would probably still have low damage output, but if it can straight up avoid damage and throw out some moderate heals, I'd play it. Sounds like a blast even.
Apr 21, 2018
To claify, the MC did not mention once that he had 100 recovery in his stats. The king and the rest knew that all starting base stats are all 1s on each. So when the MC placed it all on evasion his stats would look like this STR 1 END 1 MAG 1 RES 1 REC 1 EVA 51, etc. To everyone else as they cannot see it directly as the manga presented it that way. And that is why they called him useless as a healer with only one stat base would not healer anything compared to 51 recovery as they assumed he would.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
I guess its too much to ask for an isekai that doesn't blow dick


Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
So if he punches someone, will it hit or completely miss? Let's say he is punching a wall, it's going to hurt him so would his whole arm or body dodge the wall or would the wall magically teleports somewhere else? Oh such a burning question 🤣

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