It appears you've made up your mind if you're not interested to do any research after seeing those. I guess you've already read peer reviewed studies showing that, as you stated, alcohol in moderation wasn't harmful?Ok, a clinic in Ohio and a newspaper? Peer reviewed study, please.
That's just wrong. I myself do things that I know are harmful because it's enjoyable (such as occasionally drinking alcohol) but I'm not going to state it isn't harmful when research by others state that it is.Your whole attitude screams “no one should be allowed to do things I think are bad.”
I feel that you have misunderstood me on many points (above being one example) but that's just how the cookie crumbles.You come off as completely insufferable
You are indeed correct; I do not believe that the recipient is very receptive here. I'll still give it a fair shot.Thanks for being explaining this for so much detail, but I don't think your intended recipient would like to read or think this much about it. I appreciate it, even if it is a bit tangential. I just hope people can learn to keep out of other's business.
However, I don't think people can or should keep out of other's business, since we live in society. (To start with, what exactly do you define as a person's own business?) Once you're out in public, your behaviour is pretty much everyone's business, see: so in the scope of this topic, it's reasonable to talk about whether it's appropriate to crossdress in public.
My views remain unchanged. Wearing male or female clothing is equivalent. I will add that clothing fashion is transient (e.g. ).I hope this leads you to the right direction.
I still don't know what your issue is with crossdressing as a public hobby since you refuse to elaborate. It seems that you wish to prevent male to female crossdressing in public because slutty female clothing exist and you do not wish to see any males wearing slutty female clothing (although you are fine with females wearing them and males being in swimwear on the beach).