Kekkaishi e no Tensei - Vol. 3 Ch. 13

Jun 4, 2020
If there were no demand there wouldnt be any offer. The princess got saved from becoming a tyrant. Doesnt bode well for the character to be this idiotic from the start.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@hurafloyd I mean, she's a sheltered little princess that's pretty much getting manipulated by the nobility who've likely made a living off of being sneaky, scheming cunts to maintain their power and to grab for even more. It's honestly a little weirder when characters like her are way too smart and perfect at everything for no good reason. She should start dumb as a brick and get some character development through actual real world experience. The problem will be if that doesn't happen from now on.
Oct 15, 2019
Am I the only one who feels like this series kind of has no direction rn? the death of MC's old companions feels too quick.. And resolved so fast...
Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2018
wow this series got really fucking stupid really fast, and it wasn't great to begin with

he just walks into a kingdom he's never set foot in before and is literally instantly given connections to the highest levels of power, a free mansion, a free storefront, and presumably money? a license to operate? everything just because he namedropped some guy and hasn't done a single thing for them, despite having said that he just came from their enemy AND after he said he was directly involved with their catastrophic destruction?

then on his very first day in a neighborhood he hears a commotion and decides to rush over, barge to the center, and start yelling at soldiers about something he has absolutely no context for? does he even know what the laws there are yet?

and of course the soldier in charge becomes blindly enraged by some random guy heckling him and tries to murder him, just to give him the excuse to be cool and powerful wowie zowie everybody loves him instantly

instead of trying to arrest him for attacking a soldier or calling for backup they just run away? and he starts lecturing the princess who's somehow immediately amazed by his basic reasoning skills, despite her seconds ago having been shown to be unwilling to budge in the slightest?

I figured I'd give this series one more chance after all the times the MC was given everything he could want with zero effort on his part, but I don't know why I bothered
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
There is a supposed saying by a past prime minister of my country about government closing brothels, dude apparently said "if we shut brothels down, are the public meant to come fuck us instead?" which is pretty much moral here I think
Sep 9, 2019
Shooter is probably one of those yes men who change their opinion the moment their leader says so. First he gave a reasonable opinion regarding brothels. "They are a business. It is neither good nor bad." But the princess looks at him like "are you questioning my authority?" Then he switches position as if his original opinion never existed. And when she holds a some doubt in her mind, like a good little psychofaint, he reassures her that she is right.

Of course I could be wrong, and the writer just changed his character for convenience. Maybe he is some villain after all. But I think that is kinda lazy.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

Yeah, I'm inclined to agree, it goes from a tragic "weak to strong" story into a happy go lucky power fantasy in a few chapters.
There is also the fact that the novel readers got past this ages ago and have had 4 arcs to get used to the new format.
I think the story is going to benefit from the manga format more, but the manga already changed a few details here and there so we will just have to see.

Despite all of its flaws, it's still not a terrible manga/novel, but it's hardly a masterpiece.
There won´t be much tragedy outside the ocational
bad guy who likes torture
farmers who are dying of starvation to the point of almost becoming cannibals.
The MC is basically a demigod already and once he learns how to really work his barrier magic, he is more or less a god... not to mention...
he actually meets the fox spirits god later and gets her blessing which makes him even more powerful.
OP MC doesn't have to make the story bad thought, but that depends on your taste in mangas I guess.

Give it to the end of this arc and consider if you would like the type of story it becomes, if you don´t then, by all means, drop it if you don´t have the time to keep reading it.
Personally, I'm ok with wasting a few minutes of my life every month or so for a new chapter, but I understand that isn't a luxury everyone has.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 4, 2019
They should’ve wait to kill the previous masters, too bad. Build up their relationship more and deeper and then tear them apart with the Marechal’s/general’s coup and the butler’s betrayal.

Now the story is just wandering in the middle of fucking nowhere losing itself and us at the same time. BIG SIGH. Besides, the MC doesn’t seem to have learn a shit about caution and throws himself at wtv comes his way shesh.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
The story went from interesting stuff to Hey look at this dumb princess that is obviously being controlled
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
the good ol question of how to stop a vice from becoming a problem.
It didnt work for prohibition, and it hasnt worked on the drug war.
Yet at the same time legalizing the vices still leads to public issues, so what is the best way to deal with this?
Lets see what the author comes up with if he ever touches the issue again at all.

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