Kekkaishi e no Tensei

Sep 22, 2018
I've never seen a tragedy manga protagonist recover so fast from the Tragedy... Where is this story supposed to go? What's the point of killing EVERYONE if he's gonna be smiling again in like, 3 chapters.

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Mar 11, 2019
Wew i thought this was a feel good isekai story? who hurt the author to suddenly go george RR martin on the story

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Jun 13, 2018
WTF just happened? Well dropping this after the 180 turn in story. Relay did the author let his teenage Emo child wright this or what?
Jun 4, 2019
I enjoy it. I mean I read stories where they build up someone and have them killed off soon in the arc. it’s about the impact. War, greed and death is not pretty when it effect people . People will died when you less expect it. So I see it about being a big impact on what happen and now the character will figuring things out and etc. how they understand their power and actions they taken.
Jul 20, 2018
Having those tags does not mean we should expect the author to kill off every single fucking character up to date ALL OF THEM except the main fucking character.......
Like cmon man are you serious ? Do you really think this is how you would write a story ?

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Apr 18, 2020
I really dislike lots of time skips in short succession. It limits the amount of character-building and world-building that the author can do while the protagonist is still as ignorant of the world as the reader. This story has multi-year time skips in almost every chapter. When the protag starts as a 5-year-old, you know there's going to be at least one time skip, but these time skips were too frequent and cut out too much.

The protag was a slave, so I'll let his lack of personality slide. If you've got a slave crest, you kind of have to go with the flow, or you'll end up in pain or dead. I figured he'd come into his own as a character after his slave seal was removed in the coming chapters.

Despite the lack of world-building, I was excited for some political intrigue involved later on. Chapter 9 just completely nuked that pipe dream.

In chapters 6-9, there's a coup. None of the rebels, including the leader, are ever introduced prior to chapter 6. The rebel leader gets a 10-page backstory in chapter 7, but he's dead by the end of chapter 9. So, that's cool, I guess? The rebels kill a lot of the protag's friends and loved ones. The protag finishes the job by killing everyone in the royal palace and the surrounding noble district (rebels and loyalists alike). By the end of chapter 9, everything he's ever known and loved was turned to dust by the protag's own hand.

There's been no world-building. There's been no character development. Now, the author tore up the script, and we're also without a plot. I'm not sure where the author intends to go from here, but it feels like I just wasted my time reading the first 9 chapters.
Oct 24, 2018
Straight up killen the Main heroine well what now ? Xd

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Feb 3, 2019
Hooo boy. Wasn't expecting that brutality - can't wait to see where our hero goes from here!
Feb 10, 2018
"To save everyone, I can't have any wasted actions" Then proceeds to spend the next 5 pages doing absolutely nothing while everyone is killed, only then to instantly create a ton of bombs and take control... I can no longer suspend my disbelief, dropped.

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Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
Do not read this manga, it's a huge waste of time: 1/10.

Edit: I just wanted to say that I had never felt more sorry for any other artist in my entire life before. I am willing to donate some money to the artist's GoFundMe (no way I'm buying this crappy author's work) if they are in dire straits because of this manga. Katou Itsuwa's artstyle was wonderful, I bet it immersed a lot of readers into the story just like it did to me. The reason I'm sorry about is that the artist's (and his or her assistants') hardwork was completely wasted on a story like this. I'm sure they're going to find a better place of employment (just read the manga to see how skilled they are as artists) with an author
that doesn't kill all of the main characters for absolutely no reason in the end of volume 2.

I bet this is going to get axed very soon, judging by the reception of readers. It is about supply and demand, after all. There's not much demand for terribly-written stories.

It really pained me to give this manga a 1-star rating because the artstyle was just beautiful, but the story was just terribly-written: it was like serving dog shit on a silver platter.

I had such expectations... This could have been something so great. Oh, my expectations were 'subverted', all right.
Jul 26, 2018
I LOVE 10/10
"if I took shit on my keyboard, the pressure from my hot, steamy shit would type out a better story than this crap. ",
You can't write a manga so stop talking for nothing !...
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018

Those words really hurt when they come from someone who can't write a basic sentence.

I've read hundreds of mangas, and can attest that this manga is utter shit.

I've also read the raws up to chapter 11, and the light novel bits until a little further beyond this part, so here's spoilers for you:
The author gives the MC LEVELS and TITLES on a STATUS SCREEN in the novel, all of which he hasn't shown before... These don't even get put into the manga, by the way... Because they go full-on damage control mode by adding A CUTE FOX PUP AS A SIDEKICK, AND A UNICORN. No joke. Hahahaha. This is some hilarious shit! Every part of this story is so far apart from each other. Just a sign of a terribly-written story.
Dec 4, 2018
I really, REALLY... want to defend the author. But I can't. As lionfromnorth said below, I'd love to find a way to support the artist because they did a helluva job on this. But the author... if I hadn't read the novel, I'd be able to defend him by "giving him the benefit of the doubt" and waiting to see what comes next. But I've read it. I know what comes next. I really can't see how he connects anything from before BS to after BS. He could have just started with After BS and used flashbacks as necessary and it might have been a much better novel.
Dec 4, 2018
OH! Endless Journey, thank you for all your work on this and other projects! Not every manga can be legendary, but you always treat your projects very well. I read things just BECAUSE you put them out. So please don't take my previous post as anything negative towards you guys.
Oct 9, 2018
Thanks from the bottom of my wounded heart to Endless Journey Scans for Their hard work in getting us this far, and for giving me some form of closure from this mercilessly painful arc.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
I'd really be curious to see how many of those 1 ratings are from the last week.

Anyway, it was a nice series, and sad to see that it apparently throws out everything people would have liked about it in order to chase even more generic isekai tropes.
Sep 5, 2019
That’s some real stupid shit it tried to pull at chapter 8 OMG

The author really doesn’t know what he’s doing.

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