Maybe,maybe not. We don't know anything about his skills yet. Maybe he is good at diagnosing but just needs to find someone who makes good potions a.k.a medication. He said the king had back pain which he himself can't do much about if the potion he is given the king isn't effective. If potions exist in this world this means that pure magic alone isn't always the solution. To make a parallel,we have tendency to think that the reason why people were dying easily in the past is because doctors had no clue,which is true to some extent but not all. Sometimes they knew exactly what was wrong but no cure had been invented yet for that illness.In the real world, physicians don't get their job because they know a guy who make medicine. They get their job because they can diagnose and treat stuff. This guy just wants to ride on someone else's ability without showing anything himself.
In the end Sana will go to the ball but for her true love: Capitalism.
Nah, he'll see her with that "aspiring doctor" and think she is that guy's date and get all butt hurt.Well things are gonna get awkward. The prince will definitely misunderstood that Sana accepted his invitation.
I wonder if the hero (I keep forgetting his name) also got invited?
I believe it was said a few chapters earlier after she met the hero I think that she'd become the heroine.The game wants her at the ball any way possible. Every attempt she makes to get out of it only results in something weirder happening to make sure she gets there.
I think the game has figured out that she's not just an NPC anymore.