I, for once, do agree that killing somebody is the right thing to do...
it kind of hurts my soul to say that, from all the times I see random bumfucks who wants to murder every single antagonist even if that makes very little sense for the MC to do...
Well, there could really only exist 2( or 3 if you want to really stretch it ) issues with the plan" kill him before he wakes up".
1. they can´t find him, or anybody who knows where he is so they don´t know where to go.
2. they can´t convince the people who do know where he is, so they can´t get access/permission to kill him even if they did find him.
( granted the MC is from what I can tell somebody who would break in and kill them anyway if that really was the only choice left, even if it meant spending life in prison )
1 is fairly unlikely, as they know what organisation took him... but it is possible they would be unable to find them if bureaucracy gets in the way.
2 is more likely if there are spells that can record memories it's likely that there are spells that can modify memories too.
if a memory altering spells exist, then this memory sharing spell loses a lot of credibilities as his memories could just have been fabricated so the MC have a reason to kill him.
The girls trust him and know he would never lie without a good reason, a random secretary or officer would not trust him as easily.
3 which chance is almost none existent, but not 0% would be that, for some reason, the evil guy is already too powerful and if you tried to kill him he would wake up prematurely.
Again, considering we know his body went into a state of decay, this is VERY unlikely to be the chase.
If they made a prison that nobody could enter, not even the warden, then it would fall into the problem nr 2...
That said, where is it ever said that not even the wardens can enter it?
I know its a dimension prison but very few prisons throw away the keys and worst chase you could just brute force the jail if necessary.
If you can make something, then you are very likely to be able to break it too.