What you look like, bear...
Like... Really? You said that?
@Rizkid1412 Still a girl, mind you. I don't even remember the age correctly, but she should be like 16 or 17 if I didn't confuse her age with that of someone else. Even if she was a massive stock market player, I don't know if she was any much of a business owner at any point.
for once, the MC who says "come with me" instead of going "I'll pick a fight with the thugs who are actually here to 'solve' this then continue on with my adventure" ... so when their friends come back 10x angrier, you are all alone to face their wrath
I hope that thug have a pretty high ranking backer, try to mess with Yuna, then realize that she acquintanced by the minister, the princess, and the queen XD