I guess I'll be the non-sociopath to explain to you psychos why it's weird to kill a bunch of people for burning your home to the ground and attacking you. See, as far as Spider-Protagonist believes, they're a person that's reincarnated as a spider. Their entire motivation from the beginning has been to get back in with the humans and return to a normal life. Now, they should be completely understanding that the humans view them as a monster because, hey, they woke up and saw creepy spider monsters and freaked the fuck out originally as well. Instead, Spider-Protagonist flipped out because their web-home was destroyed and then murdered some sapient people. Sure, it was an accident at first, because they're so weak.. but you'd think anyone who really wanted to get into the good graces of humans would have backed off and played harmless friendly spider monster until they got the point. Instead Spider-Protagonist wipes a few out by accident and then went "Shit, these things are buckets of exp. Better just kill the rest!" Now Spider-Protagonist is a monster for real. I know you like this manga, hell, I do too, but just because they "Destroyed her home and attacked her first!" doesn't give her the right to straight up murder a bunch of humans. As far as they're concerned she's a dangerous monster until proven differently, and beyond their first completely unplanned meeting she made zero attempt to prove otherwise.