Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 16, 2020
Why do they put anime girl eye on the anime adaptation it look so weird.

They really think putting human eye on a spider is a great idea.


Edit: and its fuckin cgi

I dunno about u guys but i just gonna put the anime on □NO NO Box□ forever
Aggregator gang
Jan 21, 2018
Same here, and by the gods... I just realized the anime is adapted by the same studio that did Berserk 2016 and 2017. That could be one of the main reasons.
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
Because the anime is an adaptation of the NOVEL not the manga, so they went with a design closer to the novel.

Literally the best decision they made. The novel designs are much better than the manga.
A bee? The UNDEAD spider is a bee!

From manikin to robot

From pretty boy to bandit
Feb 28, 2020
@Korpi93 Personally I liked the classmate chapters but even the majority of LN readers don't. Most agree the payoff is 150%, if anything the more you hate them the more the payoff might even be. I'd give the series five volumes if you can. The author probably intended for everyone to hate Shun's guts at some point especially once volume 5 rolls around, even as someone who didn't mind him I hated him by then.
Honestly cutting them ruins the story around where the manga is now. Basically the biggest plot point of the series needs the classmate chapters or that big revelation that changes your perspective on everything that happened before is non-existent in the manga.

The manga was probably designed to work well for when she was inside the cave. Now that she is outside the classmate chapters matters a ton and sadly it's where the LN is meant to shine the most.
Double-page supporter
Dec 28, 2019
I really like this! I like isekai stuff but I don't like harems so unless I actually look for it I can barely find any mangas I'll actually like. I like the fights and her personality mostly, she pretty op but she had to work for it so that fits better with me
I'm actually gonna try and read the Novel since the anime is more based on the novel than the manga. I like charts so I'll probably make a chart about differences and similarities between all three lol after maybe a season of the anime maybe I can decide which I like best
Judging from the first 2 episodes, I like that they introduced the humans right off the bat to say that all the other students did reincarnate in the same world and also relationships Wakaba had with the other specifically the dragon bully girl
the CGI was better then I expected too
Aug 25, 2020
I mean the cgi isn't too bad. It is a easier way for people like me that can't read light novels to enjoy the story of the source material tbh.
Aug 5, 2020
Where can you read the novel without purchase? Oh and I stayed up to day cause we were promised a new episode x.x
Mar 9, 2020
Eh...Will finish the manga then continue with the anime to get a grasp of the other classmates. They were kind of boring, so this is a lot easier. Too many harem vibes from the human protagonists to wanna watch.
Feb 28, 2020
@Shunrei if it makes you feel better

the series does have a realistic type of setting where one can't make it out with of friendship alone, so the series makes fun of characters who are the generic hero types that try to think things through with blind ambition, cause consequences are a thing here in this universe. The classmates chapters are at least there for like the biggest plot points the series has, even if they seem boring at first. It's like most of the juicy parts of the series won't really work in the manga, it can't really.
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
I don't understand why people call the students story a harem. At most is a love triangle.
Guys remember, just becuase a girl talks to a boy it doesn't mean that she likes him.
Fei - Literally one of the first things that Fei told Shun was that he's not her type.
Yuri (white hair girl) - She's pretty much god-sexual.
Filimos (sensei) - She's away like 70%.

The only ones that love him are Katia (red hair girl) and Sue (Yandere little sister).
btw the anime is really downplaying Sue's yandere impulses, she's really dangerous.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 27, 2018
I thought I would drop this when she got her split personality, but I'm glad I stayed.
Time to begin the novel now I guess.

I'm not really into the OP stuff, that's why i liked it at the beginning, it was fight for the survival, with her being at death door all the time.
Fortunately, now that she is almost a god, there is at least people above her, and a plot with challenges.
Dec 22, 2019
@Sec Volume 5, but it's also the volume where a big climax of the story happens involving both sides of the story, so unless you want to be confused during half of the book it's recommended to start from the beginning at Volume 1.
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
I was 100% sure that manga readers would be the first ones to discover what was the purpose of the student chapters, I guess my expectations were too high.
Episode 1 must have been enough to make you suspicious.

SPOILER if you're not up to date with the manga and haven't watch Episode 3 of the anime.
Active member
Oct 7, 2020
1) wtf, that is messed up. Like seriously, I initially thought that might be the case.... but completely dismissed that theory bc who the hell does
time gaps
like that mid story?
2) That is as funny as it is sensible.
3) sweats profusely

Seriously though, this is going to confuse the hell out of everyone watching the anime once they meet. Assuming it gets a S2/3.
And now I have to re-watch Ep. 3

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