you mean the officially translated novel?
I've read the JP webnovel and the official EN light novel, and there are changes between them that I generally think are improvements.
What's done wrong between the JP light novel and the EN version? I haven't noticed anything PTSD inducing at all.
From the English side of things, the translator is (in my opinion) pulling shit out of his ass. I couldn't get past the first volume of the official English translation because of this. I had a considerably easier time reading the fan translation of the WN, despite it having its own problems not relevant to the discussion (which you'll have no issue spotting should you go read a few chapters of it).
The following information is what I managed to piece together as a non-translator, so this is 2nd hand information.
The PTSD inducing part are there are translation mistakes. Pretty much every other chapter has them.
That by itself isn't that bad, since mistakes do happen... until you realize they've been pointed out to the translator and remained in regardless. If anything, the translator doubled down on his mistakes.
We've come to a point where people are just no longer pointing them out, because they know they won't get fixed.
For example, the official English translation for the novel part of this chapter has the following translation error (attributing the sentence to Rou Men instead of Rakan):
Note: Luo Men -> Ruo Men (Rakan's uncle) | Lakan -> Rakan (the general)
羅半が付け加えるように、先ほど見せてきた資料をあらためて机上に広げる。 加えて壬氏の暗殺未遂、楼蘭の後宮からの逃亡がある。 「膿は早めに出し切るべきです」 その言葉に羅門は心を痛めた顔をする。心優しき医官には、たとえ反逆とはいえ戦ごとは快く思えないだろう。 そして、羅漢がそれを壬氏に申し出ることはなにを意味するのか。
He once again spread the materials he had shown Jinshi earlier on the desk.
And that was not even to mention the attempted assassination of Jinshi or Loulan’s flight from the rear palace.
“Corruption ought to be rooted out and destroyed as quickly as possible,” said Luomen—even though he winced as he spoke.
The kindhearted doctor was cut to the quick by the thought of war, even against rebels.
Moreover, he knew what it meant for Lakan to make this request of Jinshi.
I don't think you even need to know Japanese to see something is wrong there, as the translation contradicts itself.
Funnily enough, MTL gets it right.
"The pus should be drained as soon as possible."
At those words, Rou Men wore a pained expression. As a kind-hearted physician, he likely could not view conflict favorably, even if it was in response to treason.
And what would it mean for Rakan to propose this to Jinshi?
This was just one example. There are plenty more I can go hunt for in our series channel. But you do see the problem now, right?
I honestly don't know what to attribute these to. Is it incompetence? Is it a matter of pride? I don't know.
J-novel's other translations do not have these kinds of issues for the most part, so this seems to just be a problem with this translator in particular.
Honestly, what a fucking oversight from J-novel for a series like this to end up with a translation/translator like that.
I'm expressing my dissatisfaction using my wallet, and I hope you are too.
Though, given how popular this series is, I doubt it'll make a dent.