Main two causes for slow images currently are new chapters in SEA region due to poor peering on DDG. Other than that if you get a slow md
@h client, which is rare as the slower ones lose traffic if they aren't performing well and we have way more bandwidth available than is in use - unless you have poor peering to the client of course. But these are issues that would've been present on legacy, too if that were the case.
My load times via the network range from 150ms-500ms per page on average.
You can set up default reader to look exactly the same when reading and have just the page on screen. I personally like to keep the page bar at bottom for easy navigation if I want to go back. You can close the side bar by either clicking the icon or by pressing "t", don't have to keep it open and "squish the image". You'd have to click the X on legacy reader to remove top bar, so it's no different to pressing "t"/clicking the arrow to hide the side bar and it doesn't have the ugly ass buttons at the bottom of the screen that make you scroll past the page height like legacy did.
You can make it as uncluttered as you want. See screenshot above.
We don't upscale images. Didn't upscale them on legacy either. A page that is 1200px on legacy is 1200px on default. You can set the default to restrict pages by height, or container size, but if the page is "ant sized" it won't hit those limits either. Personally I use width as my setting since I like larger res images to fill up my screen.