Level 0 no Muno Tansaku Sha to Sagesumarete Mo Jitsuha Sekai Saikyodesu Tansaku Ranking 1 I Ha Nazo No Hito

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 13, 2024
I am enjoying this a lot despite only having a few chapters. The people rating this a 1 just because it follows a generic trope are morons KEKW. Just because things are generic doesn’t mean they are bad. Yes, unique themes/plots can be good, but they can also be terrible. So far, this is entertaining.

Thanks for the translations so far!
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 14, 2024
Welp I’d be really proud for being level 0 who can drink highly poisonous water that can melt a dino.
Jul 2, 2023
MC walks.
*Skill God speed acquired
*Skill Flash step acquired
*Harem acquired
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 13, 2024
This is turning out to be super fluffy. If it goes in the direction of a romance manga rather than the generic OP protag adventuring manga, I’m not going to complain. This chapter was adorable.

If anyone who has read the light novel is here, does this stay super generic or does it get exciting and unique in some places?
Active member
Jul 15, 2023
5.8 MAYBE 6 (If rating system would be more fair i would rate it as 5 meaning average as in average isekai)
In any case it's good that people are rating in more or less fair way.
It's not good story wice nor character wise (who knows maybe shit will change though i doubt it).

It's a typical story to ponder to losers who might have been given a short end of the stick yet instead of trying to improve or find a way they bitch around and continue to be losers. Now finally some shit happens and they are instead given godlike powers.
What is more infuriating (hopefully it will change in chapter 4 and onwards) is how they are clueless about OP'ness of their power i.e. always acting humble and weak (not because they are humble and weak but because their introspection skills are 0).....

I would not recommend this to everyone it's very specifically tailored for losers (do not be offended by this word, from internal stand point being a loser is simply your state of mind and losers state of mind have similarities that can be changed with work).

The worst part about it, it doesn't teach young lads to become stronger through effort or grit it teaches them that you will stay a loser as long as something mystical grants you power and they you can have money, power and women. What can this lead to:
A) Lad continue blaming everything and not take a stand and improve.
B) He somehow gotten the golden ticked and as an adult with golden ticked he will be a trashy person.

You may disagree with me based on some dialogue with a lass that told him about him being F 0 isn't the end. But one thing is saying this the other thing is literally giving him everything on a silver platter.
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Active member
Jul 15, 2023
Hope there is segs OwO
There won't be. In these types of manga MC will be the most oblivious cunt you ever saw.
If the girl directly will tell him she likes him, HE WILL THINK: Ahh she likes me as a friend.
Ending (if it won't be canceled) at most will feature a kissing scene.

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