I cant play mmos with casuals, so i'll explain this to you a bit.
dps are absolute morons who gain to much damn agro all the time and it makes more sense to just heal them instead of a tank if the content you are doing wont pancake the dps
the tanks who are good at what they do don't play casually
The healers who know what they are doing also don't play casually.
let me put it in a number sense
a tank has 10000 hp and 50dps, a dps has a base 100 dps and can bulk to 1000 dps but has 1000hp, and a healer can heal 20000hp but has 500hp
Now if you are doing content where an enemy's have 1000hp and do 100 dps and the dps going full dipshit can mow them down, in this scenario you can fairly easily just have a group of dps and a spot healer, a tank would be 100% worthless at this point in time.
Now you are going for an area boss, this thing does 500dps but has 10000hp, at this point you are having healers pop out and heal that person, maybe toss a battle rez, and draw so much agro they bite it.
Now a raid boss, that will be doing 2500dps, and have 100000hp, this thing is one shotting the dps, and the healers come in to rez only to be killed,
at this point in time tanks would be useful/needed, but the god damn casuals play the game with their thumb firmly up their ass and die almost as fast as the dps does while the healer who is use to not needing to fully pay attention now needs to pay attention but he just took a fat bong rip and is half way to the moon and not hitting the right buttons anymore.
but what they watched on screen was a well oiled machine, a tank who min maxed and has 25000hp and knows how to stack things to make it to 2000dps, a dps who is able to go balls out constantly and not let up doing 5000dps, and a healer who sold their soul to satan because they have a 3000ms ping and are more responsive than people who are playing directly on the servers hardware along with somehow managed to also put out 5000dps.
This tank knows how to tank, the dps knows how to dps, and the healer knows how to heal and they are doing it so damn good consistently people are screaming hacks.
that's basically the situation they are in, and god help them I have tried to teach people to play their classes, but not one of them ever touched us.
healer 2 is how all good healers become, they have to deal with morons on a constant basis who get themselves killed by being to stupid to play the game, they literally have better things to spend mana on then the mage who decided to pull agro again, and the tanks aoe is on cool down so they will burn 1/4 of their mana to keep dipshit alive and dipshit if they know what's good for them is not casting a single spell or so help me god I will kick them from the party here and now.
There is a reason I refuse to play with casuals in mmos, my friend tanks and I pick up whatever role is most needed as im a jack of all and compared to casuals master of all too but this guy is a tanking savant. with just me and him we can effectively 2 man things people bring raid forces for.
a bit off topic, but yea, the healer heals the useful, just be useful, so many fail at even hitting that mark its sad.