Madougushi Dahliya wa Utsumukanai ~Dahliya Wilts No More~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 4.1

Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2019
This is the part where you normally would walk along and not say anything. How stupid is this guy?
Aggregator gang
Jan 17, 2018
But does your ex have a radar by accident?
It is not possible that they meet so often.
Or maybe I'm getting confused with the other manga. o.ò
Apr 27, 2020
@feha - This series has a new artist and a new publisher. The original was with Mag Garden and the new one is with KADOKAWA. Since it is adapted from the book, a lot of scenes are going to be the same, but since it is a new publisher, they have to present it a little bit differently.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@Akule I know, but both versions are being translated, and I have yet to figure out which version is superior. Meaning I end up reading both so far.
Apr 27, 2020
@feha - Yeah, I have been reading both. I feel this one will end up being superior, as it looks like his editor at KADOKAWA is allowing some additional background details that are present in the novel, and to stretch out the development of the story a little bit. Like how it was mentioned that the furniture in the house was her mother's. It was a nice extra twist of the knife that I am sure was present in the novel.

I also like how the ex-fiance's selfishness and impulsiveness is slowly becoming exposed in this version. It gives a better impression that he didn't really think anything through and suddenly is forced to deal with the ramifications of his decision.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that this series is ongoing, and will likely go past the 10 chapters. ;)
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
Ouch. A whole chapter on clothes and makeup. Lies women tell each other.
Why don't people just wear belts out of gold or something to show off their wealth, and be allowed to dress comfortably?

@Ifrittuccia - you are getting confused. It's the only random meeting they had, it was just depicted in the other manga earlier.
Active member
Aug 7, 2018
@flannan ??????? there's nothing wrong with wearing pretty clothes/putting on makeup. It really is a confidence booster. It's never a bad thing to leave a good first impression because you present yourself well... And in the first place Dahliya wasn't dressing up because her stupid insecure ex kept telling her to dress down. If a new look helps her move forward then there's nothing wrong about it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
>30 pages chapter
>still 4.1
woah, that's wrong mate, you're supposed to put 4-8 pages for .X chapter
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
@wkread - wearing whatever you want is fine. Forcing others to wear whatever you want is a crime against humanity. And stories like this one condition women to do just that.
Active member
Aug 6, 2018
@flannan what kind of bs? This woman is just older but she's still a friend recommending clothing. Dahliya needs this 'push' or else she'll remain lost (no longer herself).
Mar 24, 2020

huh? you can clearly see that despite dahliya's initial wariness, she genuinely enjoys putting on makeup and wearing nice clothes. the older woman doesn't try forcing her to do something that she doesn't want, and the reason she tries pushing dahliya in the first place is for her to try new things and step a little more out of her comfort zone. i think she's aware that dahliya needs the push to improve her confidence and self-agency. clothes and makeup are empowering for many women, and it's okay if it's not, but this has helped improve dahliya's confidence further. idk it lets her feel better about herself, and is helping her character mature from a more meek personality with low self-esteem to a more confident girl who wants to empower herself with her appearance. when she was engaged to tobias, she purposefully tried to seem as ordinary and inconspicuous as possible for the sake of their relationship (trashy man). now she's improving her appearance for the sake of her own confidence and empowerment, and i think that's awesome. just because she was given a push by the older woman doesn't mean it's a bad thing.
Active member
Aug 6, 2018
That's not true.
If she was being forced or restricted to certain clothes by the lady it would be a different story, but she isn't.
It's the same as the difference between a child telling her mum that teacher told her her writing was ugly
A child telling her mum that her teacher told her to practice gripping her pen tighter (and assigning additional homework in penmanship)....

The first one is what didn't happen in this manga.
The second however, happened here.
Nov 2, 2019
damn, looks like someone keeps forgetting to take out the trash *cough*fuckingtobiasthatlilshit*cough*

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