Oh good, the hungry fish are coming back. They only ever have things to add to "Magical Trans!" character discussions if people express opinions that offend their fragile sensibilities. Or make them feel stupid or belittled, which is pretty easy to even accidentally do. Then they'll hypocritically accuse others of being fragile.
Get your block buttons ready ladies, gentlemen and NB folk. Nothing to see here, just knock 'em down as they pop up like carnival ducks. Don't engage. stick to talking about the actual manga. Effective magical girls don't waste time on minions. This space is ours just as much as it is their's and they *hate* that fact. That's why they make noise -- they'd prefer no meaningful discussions happen rather than the possibility of discussions that have paradigms/dimensions they don't personally approve of. They'll do everything they can to drown it out in response.
So yeah. Roll up your sleeves, block any whining babies instead of engaging and let's stick to talking about how cute Akira and Minami are. And how they're totally exploring their gender identities/expression through the medium of mahou/maou shoujo transformations. (if just because it seems to piss them off, if for no other reason)