America trying to control other countries by bring war and selling weapons to the terrorist and look what happen to them now so many dying cuz of virus that what we Sri Lankan called KARAMA IS A BITCH !
Yea It will for example 2015-2019 previous government was complete trash and when last year after terrorist attack people learn in hard way that previous government were trash when election happen most of the people give their vote for current president and now all the trash politicians that were from previous government were getting arrested for their crimes .
Like that Americans can also change their corrupt government in the election and vote for good politician
btw I got to take down my previous comment about Karma since it's not Karma but it's their own stupidity cause so much Americans to die . I mean you don't even wear mask and causally go to beach and have fun .... really ?
Can anyone tell me if the anime did good job adapting manga and its ok to conitnue or events order was changed and important stuff cut out and its better to start from 1?