MangaDex v3 is coming!

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Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
Feedback about the new version of Managadex:

Main Page:
Too much of a cluster, a modern webbsite should be slick, easy to navigate and should not be overhelming, the new version is the opposite of that. It has too much stuff on it and feel out of focus, it's like everyone is screaming at the same time for attention.

The featured titles is distracting, that is the thing that has all the attention and it's in a bad way. It take away focus from the new releases and all the others columns and feels like those annoying ads that screams for attention.

Latest Manga Comments and Forum Post are unnecessary. While this might be done to engage the readers into discussion but it sacrifices the slick design and adds to a cluster, it looks ugly and unnecessary in term of design but also utility.

Latest Releases, Top Manga and Top Chapter are trying to compete with each other for attention and is overwhelming for the readers. When a reader is on a manga reading site, the manga reading site focus should and must be on the Latest Release, that should be the main focus of the site, while Top Manga and Top Chapters are to be on the side, like how the Current Mangadex does.

Conclusion: The current mangadex is much better in term of user friendly and design compared to the newer version. In the newer version, there are no focus, it's overhelming and not user-friendly, all its section are screaming for attention resulted in a cluster. A modern webbsite should be "have as little as possible while still tells as much as possible". Though the current version still needs more work and improvements as well as layout wise is nice but a bit of "life" would be great. Therefore the newever version shouldn't be implented.

The only concern here is that the default is Resized, it should be at its default size, Why? A pages has tone and pattern, by resizing the pages these pattern changes and so does the tone of the manga. While this is not obvious to many readers but for Scanlators who do HQ and can see those differences, it's annoying, it decreases the quality of the work and is also the main reasson why Scanlators hate site that compress and resize their work.

A second concern is the Direction option, this doesn't make much sense, I tried it and it's confusing, probably this was made for the "read from left to right and right to left" but it's just confusing and also the reader keep going back and fourth on 2 pages. The Last one and the First one.

Conclusion: Apart from those 2 concerns, in term of design and utility it's much better than the current one.

Final verdict: The new home page of mangadex shouldn't be implented, it's a cluster and bad design, the old home page of mangadex should be keep and improved upon. The new reader should be implented with the concerns addressed as it does a better work than the current one and are more slick.


Jan 18, 2018
Regarding the reader, can we get an optional reader mode that disables all the extra stuff around the image so it's basically just the image? It could just be the JavaScript to load the next or previous image on tap or swipe, a link back to the chapter list, and the image itself. This would make reading on mobile a lot nicer.


Group Leader
May 27, 2018
General feedback:

- Reader is way too busy. It's slower to load and feels like it's going the "HTML5" route of a bunch of unnecessary stuff, animation, etc. when I just want something simple. This is the very reason I download all of my manga and just use a regular image viewer on my computer/phone. The black bar on the bottom is distracting and unnecessary, the
code on the sidebar is wrong (just plain
works for me on Mac, no shift required), and it's distracting with the bar on the right as others have said. Plus, the manga pages are smaller on my already-small laptop screen. It also feels like all the color of the old site is gone – the settings page (which needs padding between the buttons, btw) is all grayscale. These buttons are also a different style than those used for search/settings (with a slight gradient) which isn't good for consistency. Unless the new reader undergoes significant changes, please do not get rid of the old reader entirely, and allow people to toggle that version if they choose.

- Very much not a fan of the new homepage. Agree with literally everything @ImperfectScans said. Improve on the old one, which was good; don't design a new one for no reason that's harder to take in (three competing columns of stuff with titles cut off, placed below huge previews for "featured" manga that I probably don't care about? just… why?!) In the end, it feels super cluttered compared to the old one.

- Dark theme doesn't seem to work but I'm guessing this in progress? I'd love to give feedback but won't be testing/using the beta until this is implemented.

- Re: "Follows" in the top bar… is this supposed to be a noun or a verb? Obviously everyone's dialect/sociolect/idiolect is different but as a native English speaker, "Follows" isn't a noun and this sounds ungrammatical and confusing to me. Maybe change it to "Following" (i.e. series that you're following)?

- Under Info, changelog is usually one word.

- Spoiler buttons on userpages are still broken.
Jan 18, 2018
The pages don't seem to load on chrome android for me, I just get page 0/0 and most of the buttons don't do anything. I can open the settings window but non of the buttons there are highlighted and don't stay highlighted after pressing them. Chrome on windows is fine.

I'm glad the sidebar switches to the top on smaller screens like it is in the current version, it would be nice if there was a setting that kept it there on bigger screens since I prefer being able to just scroll up than having to click. Similarly the header toggle is nice, but it might be good if it just wasn't sticky and the page loaded scrolled down so it'd be hidden until you scroll up.
The double pages are a nice addition though.
Mar 10, 2018
@ImperfectScans - You explain better my point, completely agree with you.

"Latest updates" should be the main and big part of the main page while everything else should just be resized on the right side like now, is because i like the actual layout, you get directly to the point, while the v3 main page seems to have so much compressed stuff that is unpractical and difficult to navigate.
Apr 24, 2018
beta is looking great! please add the ability to sort the search results by rating :3
Jan 18, 2018
Would be great if the follows on the main page did not show the manga I have dropped/plan to read/on hold and only show the ones I am reading. Otherwise it defeats the purpose of these filters.
I use the dropped filter for the manga I am not interested in, which is now mixed together with the ones I am interested in.
No other issues found except this one.
Beta looks good.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
One glance at the new homepage layout and I detest it. Why are you guys trying to copy other manga reader sites?

The "Featured Titles" is a HUGE waste of space and is the kind of shit I'd expect and see on manga rip-off sites like mangago.

Although I see comments above about the new reader "seems to work without any problems," it doesn't work in all the various browsers I use whereas the old reader does. Whoopeee dooo.

Like others, I much prefer the current version. Since you're going through all the bother, why not be really innovative and allow users the options to turn off those bits of the home page that they don't want to see (Featured titles, Top manga, etc.) or at the very least allow them to rearrange the page and put all that useless crap at the bottom of the page? I'm sure I'm not the only one who is only interested in seeing the "Latest updates" list and couldn't care less about the rest of the crap.
May 29, 2012

As was mentioned multiple times before:

Beta is beta, things will probably change based on feedback.
Mar 21, 2018
I've no problem with the main page since I go directly to follow page anyway. The new reader is stunning as well. However, I'd prefer it to have an option to show manga page resolution similar to v2's. I don't know v2's resolution so here are screenshots of both versions for comparison.



It's just my preferred page size. Neither too big nor too small.
Jun 18, 2018
my feedback:
can u improve hentai filter? I think it'd be better if you only show hentai when "only hentai" filter activated. I mean, it still show normal manga in the top chapters, top manga, etc. It'll be nice if they are hidden completely when using this "only hentai" filter.
Mar 10, 2018
Uhm, now that i tried deeply the v3 reader i prefer the old one, more practical and fuild, lol.
I'm sorry to say this since lot of work was already done, but this v3 is a huge disappointment for me, but as Ixlone said is just beta so i guess is ok to wait and see. >_>
Feb 22, 2018
Front page is way too cluttered overall. Quite unpleasant to look at.

- Not impressed with Featured Titles scrolling across the top of the page, the flicker is irritating and a distraction from a page which is already difficult to scan. Just noticed there is a pause button, but I'd much rather have a static display with a 'see more' button.

- Featured Titles: why do manga with current anime get top billing on the front page?
(Curious rather than complaining...)

Individual manga details pages:

- the 'Read' eye marker for individual chapters disappears then reappears when the mouse pointer passes over it, which doesn't happen in v2.

- I can manually clear Read markers from chapters, but still can't set them with a single click - useful when Following manga already partly read.

The New Reader:

- the v2 reader just works for me, though a ±% zoom would be nice.

- the new reader page is busier and does not work as well 'out of the box'. More flexible options mean it needs more configuration I suppose, but it does not feel like an improvement at the moment.

- settings side panel doesn't stay minimised between between manga, I have to keep hiding it.
I'd rather have a settings icon at the top of the page - easy to access if I need it, otherwise unobtrusive.

- some reader settings are changed with unmodified keys - a recipe for irritation at least if I lose track of my active window and start typing an email into the mangadex window (a regrettably common scenario)... I know some people love single key controls, so could we just have a global setting to turn it off if unwanted, please.

- I can click/tap left or right to go forward and back - thanks! :)

- though a ±% zoom would still be nice.

P.S. An Unread Chapters filter would be really nice for Follows, particularly when I discover and follow something that's months old.
Mar 23, 2018
its good...though a little bit cluttered...also will need a fast connection...
any version for slow connection?
when will it be deploy??
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
Can you improve the searchbar? Like adding the option to exclude some genres when want do to a random search.
Jan 22, 2018
Great work Mangadex, only issue I have would be not having the cover photo of the followed mangas in the „Follows“ Tab, as it is sometimes hard to find each manga you follow by only habing the name visible. A small cover photo in addition to the name of the manga would mage browsering the Follow Tab much more comfortable, e.g the similar to the main page
Jan 26, 2018
It looks nice, but it doesn't seem to be any more or less easy to use than the current layout. It looks needlessly complicated at first glance. There's a lot going on on the front page when there doesn't really need to be.

I prefer the current layout, but as long as there's still a dark mode I won't complain.


Jan 18, 2018
I don't really like it, it seems very confusing. Will it be possible to choose between the current layout and the new one?
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