MangaDex v5 Dev Suggestions: The Real Thread

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Aggregator gang
Jan 18, 2018
thats only limited number of titles. if a bunch of titles have been uploaded since i last checked ii will miss the new titles that have been pushed off the list since lack of place.

Again, where do i need to look so i won't miss new titles that came into this site?
May 13, 2019
Wasn't the idea to force them to follow first before they could rate a series? That way it would act as a barrier to prevent such a thing? Not force follow after rate, but follow to unlock the ability to rate.
@AbyssalMonkey I agree but I think clicking follow button is too easy. I'm more inclined to make the unlock parameter to require user to read the first chapter (load all the image and add eventlistener to the activity), but coding wise might be convoluted, but if it is not hard to implement, why not? (Again this idea also from RoyalRoad, this is how they implement their drive-by rating system)

Supplementing though, maybe.
@Teasday Yes, that what I was trying to suggest, I imagine it to be like RottenTomatoes, which MD will have a drive-by rating paired with reviewer rating. Also, depends on the rating, it also means that a manga is worth reading because somebody spent time to write a review for it, also it tells us that a manga is trash if somebody took time write a bad review for it.
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
Reviews are definitely coming, might even be before v5.
Aggregator gang
Jan 18, 2018
I have been asleep for 7 hours and when i woke the new title list is already completly different, already pushing new titles off with Haikyuu!! doujins
i have both shounen ai and doujin filtered and they still show but thats not the point
the point is, the current system doesn't work.


Feb 9, 2018
A suggestion perhaps for a new forum area (apologies if it was mentioned somewhere in thread before, but it wasn't in the suggestion forums thread): there should be a sub-forum under Manga or Groups dedicated to guides for PRing, Cleaning, Typesetting, Editing, Extracting Raws, etc. This thread, for example, is a pretty good guide but got lost three pages in the forum, drowned amongst the "do you know this manga" and other threads. Some of the guide currently floating around on the internet are good but a little outdated, and having new guides (especially for things like webtoons, which have no guides currently) would be great.
Mar 7, 2019
A suggest! In the manga search, display only those that are translated into a specific language 😀
Sep 15, 2018
"Follow" function for author/artist
Some artists release mostly oneshots, like Pageratta (, and having a follow function for them would be neat.
Jun 21, 2018
@deleteTF took me a while since I didn't want to go looking for an example, but I found one in my reading list that was updated. In this case resizing doesn't make the image stretch to fit the container, width or height. Might be more noticeable if you were to increase the resolution of the display as most uploads don't seem to be an issue on a 21:9 1080p display.
Jan 25, 2018
The most annoying thing for me is the scrollbar popping while new pages load in as the total length has to grow. If the total length of a chapter could be pre-calculated, or predicted based on number of pages, then scaled based on zoom / layout style it'd be better. Also, if there are 100 pages in a chapter and I just want to read the last ten, perhaps this would allow for loading the pages I scrolled to rather than sequentially, thus skipping the loading of 90 pages I don't want.
May 13, 2019
I think it may be a good idea to consider making a phone app, as the current mobile experience is a bit of a hassle. It isn't as simple to use as apps like Manga Plus or other manga viewing apps, so an app could be an opportunity to make a viewer for your site that's catered to mobile.

You could also include an option for user's to allow ads to show to help with server costs. Since you don't want to have ads on the website, having them only be on the app could be a decent alternative.

Edit: Also I can't seem to find a way to delete comments. If there is already a way, then I can't find it on the mobile site.
Group Leader
Oct 6, 2019
[ Sorry for the possible mistakes in the post, I'm not English :( ]
I have a couple suggestions and I'll start with the easy one. In the actual version, when I'm using filters to find manga that I may like, I can also decide how to order the results. [ for example rating up, last updates et cetera ] Unfortunately, whenever I change the filters and search again, the order of the mangas goes always back to the standard one : " Last updated".
That is truly quite annoying.

Another problem I would like to talk about is unfinished translations.
It often happens that teams just get fed up with the mangas they are traducing or they simply can't do the work anymore, for a lot of different reasons.
While it's true that any team at any given time can pick up these mangas and translate it, it is also true that a lot of time this does not happen.
A lot of good mangas are just abandoned, ( like poor kittens) and this is really disappointing. Many times I don't even start one if it is not already completed, because I'm worried it will never be finished.
I think there may be some solutions to this problem.
One the best ideas I have, is introducing a ladder and a rating system for translators. Maybe, after having read at least 10 chapters of a team, the reader could be asked to rate them.
This way you could create a ladder of the best translator and make them really more happy and satisfied about their work.
Group Leader
May 13, 2018
No idea if it's been mentioned here, but a feature I would like in the future would be the option to hide manga not available in languages I have selected, instead of it appearing like normally, only to open it and realize that it's not available in any languages I have selected
Dec 20, 2018
could you add an option in the search bar where you could search the description instead of just the title?
e.g. Search term = 'dragon, tank', returns manga w/ description containing dragon and tank.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2018
I have so much dropped titles they occupy 50% of search results. Option to exclude dropped titles from search results will be a godsend present.
Jan 19, 2018
already on the planned features list.
Exclude followed manga
This one is in the Search category and dropped counts as a follow
Hide series set to dropped
This one is in the follows category. Now this one is kind of weird since dropped series are auto filtered from the follows list so i'm assuming it means it will filter them from the latest updates.
Some clarification from the mods would be appreciated.

Also if I remember correctly custom search is coming in V5 it's just not included on the list for some reason.
Apr 17, 2019
With Mangarock going down, a lot of users will want a comfortable and accessible reading platform. I do all my reading on mobile, I do not have the time during the day to sit at computer and read. And the mobile site version is lackluster in my opinion.

I think just the addition of a forward and backwards page button would be tremendous in improving mangadex.
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