@Kaarme It wasn't especially bad to normal people, and yes, it was mostly the popes and other high officials that did most of the bad things often attributed to the church, and local scale things were pretty much fine, the Catholic church did do some pretty bad stuff, especially if you are a non-Catholic and try to adhere strictly to the bible, for examples, look at
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninety-five_Theses of Martin Luther, and while yes, most of these are coming from a discrepancy between what the bible says and the Catholic Church's actions, its pretty hard to justify conquering land and taking it from other rulers as a religious organization(couldn't find a relevant wikipedia article).
@Nematoda Oh, I haven't read all manga and light novels, and my MDList is filled with probably around 2000 titles I want to read right now, so its very likely I just haven't read any yet.
Well yeah, but Buddhism is pretty well known (especially in Japan), and i can't think of a more stereotypically "chill" group of people, and I have yet to see a take of an evil Buddhist monastery or something, as for the "Noragami Incident", I have no idea what religions music the soundtrack was similar to, so yeah.