Maria no Danzai - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - The Red Lies Paved The Road To Damnation.

Jan 21, 2018
I'm surprised Iijima got out of that with just getting dominated: his mouth gagged, his back whipped (with his own belt I presume, and is that a lit candle on the side?) and a dog collar on his neck but otherwise he's got no serious injuries, let alone be in danger of dying. I guess so long as he doesn't rat her out she can use him as an obedient tool later.

But I'm honestly disappointed he got off lightly because he's a clear baddie who's probably hurt more people than was shown. It didn't seem like his first rodeo getting sent to assault a woman like Maria. Then again, Maria isn't some vigilante out to dispose of bad guys, she just wants revenge on those who wronged and killed her son. This tells me she doesn't care that much about those who wrong her personally. But if that's the case, I don't have a good feeling about the vice principal getting any comeuppance...

For all her attitude Kumiru couldn't even contact Okaya. And the curtain falls on this revenge target. A slow and very painful death. Provided nobody (even a random passerby) comes to save her. I presume Maria will stay there for a while to make sure she isn't rescued.

There's a rule of thumb about not calling a character dead until we see their dead body, with the first target we saw him die but here, not yet. Maybe we'll see it next chapter.
Mar 30, 2023
Look up scaphism. It wouldnt be abnormal for other creatures like rats to be down there too.
but this isn't exactly scaphism, as she's not really immobilized & have a much bigger chance to escape than being tied to a double boat filled with honey & bugs.
Mar 30, 2023
You do realize some of those bugs, if not all of them are poisonous right? There were centipedes and a lot of them.

This slow and painful death is well deserved.
u do realize a person won't die unless they CONSUME POISONOUS critters, right?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2020
man that second to last page actually got me squeamish i thought at the very least she woulda been unconscious, but yikes man............ yikes.

glad this is as fucked up as it is!!! KEEP IT COMING!!!!!!

thanks for the tl!!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2020
Yes, it can. What Maria did here on the little bitch was some sort of scaphism.
So I looked up scaphism and HOLY FUCK :shamihuh:
Apr 20, 2018
u do realize a person won't die unless they CONSUME POISONOUS critters, right?
To be charitable, they probably meant venomous instead of poisonous, and to be pedantic, you don't always have to consume something poisonous for it to kill you. Though I didn't see any dart frogs or cone snails down there so her dying from inhaling or absorbing poisons through her skin from those critters isn't all too likely.
Active member
Nov 3, 2023
You guys are still underestimating the gigant centipides bite, the pain is extremely painful, for example, just one bite made this guy cry like a little girl, now imagine being constantly being biten by that many not only in your body but inside your ears, mouth etc. I don't think any human in earth could endure that. I personally have being bite by one when i was a kid and trust me, the pain is not a joke.

Nov 4, 2023
So wait, did Maria let the thug live? Won't that come back to haunt her later, after the girl is reported missing? I mean the guy could connect the dots and expose her. Or maybe that's also part of her plan to lure someone else.
If I had guess she probably plans to use him as extra muscle and the guy most likely wouldn't care that much if Maria did kill Shikimi given that he believes that she posted him basically assaulting a guy and exposed his operations.
Nov 4, 2023
Damn I thought she gave this man the same treatment as the fat guy but nope mans in a gag and a collar with welts on his back all the while he blushing while getting petted.
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2019
I just hope Okaya doesn't get to go scott free at the end because of some bs reason, he's the one that needs to die the most.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2020
but this isn't exactly scaphism, as she's not really immobilized & have a much bigger chance to escape than being tied to a double boat filled with honey & bugs.
Depends on how hard she hit her head. Imo she has like 50/50 shot. I honestly hope she does survive and somehow manage to get out of there, so she can reappear as a surprise and add an unexpected obstacle to the mc for the plot
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
But at least this girl died a more painful death than the first dude
Exactly. Call me a sadist or whatever but the main draw in this kind of manga is seeing the bad guys being hurt. Some just skip that part and showing them dead or hurt but it doesn't feel very satisfying. This is perfect
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
Wait, I guess I'm 'tarded. Someone explain to me the game. I thought if the girl has any one of her "friends" respond back to her, she's be set free and live right? Who cares if the guy told her to @#$% off - he responded back no? Or was Maria lying from the start (like the girl lies) and there was never any chance at repentance?
The friend need to come and save her from that trap but she couldn't say anything about the trap

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