Maseki Gurume: Mamono no Chikara wo Tabeta Ore wa Saikyou! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018
So the kingdom is modelled after the UK. How about Hyme kingdom? France?
May 29, 2019
@aigomorla btw it's mtl so there maube some missunderstanding 🤣
Ein is half dryad - half human he is born from genetic information of his father(?) blood. When dryad have sex they connected to their partner so when the partner die , they also die. olivia is scared so she using some kind hypnotic to her former husband take his blood and made ein using her skill. Btw Ein is Potential Mate of Olivia
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
Doting Parent WHEN?
and ain-kun that some fine milf i know you don't mind marrying your mother
(huhu jk)
oh shit that shit good fine plot right there MILF ROUTE UNLOCKED!!
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018
They didn't have sex since that means she's constrained by the "curse" of their race. So he was only hypnotised then she took some of his blood to create the MC.
I think that's why the retarded dad thought he'd get away with the cold treatment he gave to them. He thought that the not!UK wouldn't do something since he took the princess as the hostage.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@siscon :
Even if she was under the "curse", that is still way to big of an idiotic gamble, since it will almost certainly blow up in his favored sons face once he passes away and the hostage situation ends, if they do not force a resolution to their liking before then.

He has 1 person hostage (but not absolute, as almost guaranteed there are workarounds available), but they are going to care about 2 people.

Plus there are almost certainly expectations and agreements that were made for them to marry which he and his country are honor bound to uphold, her son being the heir is almost certain to be one of those agreements (and the arch duke even asks if they intend to break a promise while face-palming), but he might not even have the authority to if it is an agreement between nations and it could affect all kinds of things as a result even up to national security if an alliance with her nation was being used to keep an aggressor nation from invading, or there as some import from the arrangement that they needed.

The gamble also has to little chance of working when he is dealing with a superior nation who can likely go up to the Ring/Regent/Caesar/whatever say fix this and said ruler will have no choice but to say "sure" or something flowery that simplifies to that. due to not wanting to be invaded
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
Considering it's not rare for noble kids to be engaged even before a year old does this mean Ain is now engaged to Claune and Olivia since they both accepted the star crystals he gave them? After all, his father had two wives (not sure how divorces work but safe to say Olivia has had it with him and cutting all ties,) so polygamy (at least in Hyne Kingdom) is acceptable at least with nobles. Considering there were only two star crystals in the kingdom I wonder what the Archduke thinks Claune is holding and what his reaction will be when realizes that Ain gave her a real star crystal and she accepted it? Hope explanation on why Olivia married into the Roundheart family gets explained soon. Reinheart is definitely going to be in trouble and have a lot of explaining to do about how mistreated Olivia so much she called for a ship from her fatherland and left. Especially since the Archduke knows about Ain and Olivia being unable to attend the party, Ain finding an alternative allowing everyone to save face, along with the false rumors of Ain being pretentious (wonder if Glint or his mother is behind that?) Frankly I'm surprised Ain wasn't questioning on how Olivia destroyed that ring just by holding it without any chants or signs of magic used. That and why did Chris sigh when Ain mentioned how high the technology was along with so many demihumans being around? Is demihuman an insulting term or is Hyne Kingdom one of those kingdoms where demihumans are treated poorly, 2nd or 3rd class citizens at best and slaves to be abused and killed on a whim at worst, and most of the humans indulge their hubris with human supremacy views? That and why did Chris mention Olivia should be careful of her legs before taking an embarrassing position? Was it due to sitting down for too long on the train and carriage or something else?
Btw, his surprise at the size of the ship is due to most ships around the era of carriages used for travelling being around 70-100 meters with 200+ meter mega ships appearing around the late 1980s. Although the honor guards' armor is highly impractical for sea travel. While plate mail does provide the best protection as armor it is heavy and hard to just stand up again after falling to the ground. With all the straps and buckles holding it in place if someone wearing it loses their balance and falls into the water when the ship shifts they'd drown even if only need to stand up in place to poke their head out. Easy to get out of leathers or chain is more practical and lighter. Unlike tv or the movies where the actors seem to have little trouble swimming even light clothes can hamper things. Had a Boy Scout camp where had to jump into a lake and float for 10-15 mins with clothes had on. Trick was to get clothes wet, blow air in them to make quasi-flotation devices. The hard part was jeans glued onto and hampered leg movement along with getting heavier from weight of the water. While less clingy the long sleeved shirts were hard to get and tie off too. Don't believe me try it out for yourself, just make sure able to stand in water and have a friend in a swimsuit to help out if get in trouble.

@sjmcc13 Might be right, but considering how rare and valuable those things are you'd think he'd be shocked and surprised a little and want a closer look at it to verify it's the real thing. Especially considering it was given by a boy from an Earl family to his beloved granddaughter while carrying the cultural view that he was proposing to her and she accepted. This is way outside the norm as they had just met, no talks of marriage between the families, and the big gap in rank between an Earl household and an Archduke household. Then there's the matter of the high cost of it as Olivia did say would cost half a year of the family's income to make a flower by conventional means. Plus how Ain is viewed by his household as it's like saying Glint is the favored child becoming heir and engaged one instant, then the next Ain is favored by giving an extremely rare and valuable jewel that is one of the only three in the entire empire and becoming engaged to an Archduke's granddaughter. However, the Archduke just stared at it from a distance for a little bit before facepalming like he was giving up on something in a depressed, worn out reaction rather than an energetic frantic one over either the valuable gem or his angel of a granddaughter becoming engaged to some brat he'd rarely approve thinking rationally, and never approve as an emotional grandfather.

If I'm reading you right you're saying marriage not consummated and can be annulled. As for perfect partner am I correct in assuming that refers to Olivia using her Logas' blood/DNA in a magically equivalent version of immaculate conception that not only produces a human son with Logas' DNA, but tweaked physically as part of the process to be the ultimate husband/lover/father of children for Olivia once he matures? Like that fellow Genji who raised a girl up to be his perfect bride, but instead of just selecting a partner and raising them, is using magic to maximize physical compatibility from conception as well.

@cor3zone I'd say Olivia is the King's daughter by blood. So Olivia's mother is either a dryad or was descended from a dryad with Olivia being a dryad due to atavism. Although since the queen hasn't been mentioned yet she might have died due to illness, accident, or worst case foul play. In any case will just have to read on and hope things are explained to MC.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
So I read some chapters MTL for after the party, and if I am getting it right :
[*] the situation started because Olivia's nation wanted a resource that they were starting to run out of, but found a deposit in the ocean of Sperm Donor's (SD) territory.
[*] The nation wanted an agreement with military backing (makes sense), and the trade would also be valuable.
[*] The agreement seems to have included included the family getting promoted in rank, after announcing Ain (MTL keeps saying Ein like a certain corgi) as the heir Olivia's status would be revealed and they get promoted to Marquess, and Ain would have become a Duke on inheriting the house (considering how important rank is to nobles this shows how dense they are since becoming a ducal house is no small task, and unlikely to be something the knight half brother will be able to achieve unless something major went down)
[*] SD gets demoted to Viscount and loses all his lands as a result of the breakup, which is kind of light considering he cost them pretty much all diplomatic relations and trade with the local superpower, who is now doing business with other nations...
[*] The snubing at the party seems to have been pre-planned by the SD, his mother the worst grandmother (WGM) and 2nd wife (2W)
[*] 2W was not aware of Olivia's true status and gets very nervous after she finds out, and it seems she is trying to convince herself they did the right thing choosing her son over an actual prince. Guess she is the smart one. SD and WGM both knew full well
[*] WGM seems to be overestimating their countries strength on the continent and brushing off the international fallout as nothing since she thinks Olivia's nation would not act directly due to its founders philosophy ...
[*] It seem Olivia's dad (Best Grandpa?) recognizes his skill and its potential immediately (goddess said it was super rare, not unique, so likely someone had it in the past), and Olivia might have known it was valuable from the start, but theirs is the more advanced nation, so likely better documented and educated
[*] there is a lesser version of the skill known, and it seem WGM just assumed it worked along the same lines and did not bother asking it investigation how the EX changed it (from mildly useful to way to valuable, hell the value of the crystal rose is he can purify on demand are valuable enough, that is just the start or possabilities.
[*] Half brother seems to think Ain ran away, so likely does not know the extent of the families mess up at this time.
Considering there were only two star crystals in the kingdom I wonder what the Archduke thinks Claune is holding and what his reaction will be when realizes that Ain gave her a real star crystal and she accepted it?
He facepalms look at page 13. she holds it up on page 12 and he immediately recognizes it for what it is.
Apr 8, 2019
@sjmcc13 Where are you getting this information from? The raws? I tried clicking the raw link but the most recent chapter was 3 which is what just come out. Do you have a link for any raws further ahead?
Active member
May 8, 2018
The ability olivia used to "cultivate" Ain is normaly used to create a perfect partner. think of that how you want

@Mandeer web novel raws:
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@Mandeer : The link is in @Niemand 's post but on series with the Adaptation flag I normally check if there was a web novel or light novel by copying the japanese title and feeding it into google.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2019
I don't know why but I really like this manga. I usually don't have any strong feelings when it comes to Isekai, but this one is an exception.
Aggregator gang
Apr 7, 2019
Well, i have to admit that i didnt expected that... i like it tho, normally its all this "oh, he is shit, but then he isnt and he needs to show everyone, even if they didnt give a shit about him before"... the "well, fuck them, we go somewhere where they will treat him nice" is a good development instead <3 i like that it differs from the standard-tropes in some way :DD

PS: Yes yes, i know now its in the description, but i just started it because isekai and good rating without reading that... dont judge me, i like isekai...

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