@raineight there was a handful of firearms arrests for pistols, and one truck with a rifle. Compared to the thousands that attended the rally, hundreds that congregated on Capitol Hill, and 100+ that entered the building proper, that's not an insurrection.
*Suspected* pipe bombs were found at separate (empty) locations hours before the rally, and even longer before they marched on Capitol Hill. No indication other than circumstantial that they had anything to do with the Stop The Steal rally.
Not one fire was lit at Capitol Hill. Terrorists were on camera: respecting property, remaining within velvet rope barriers, asking police to stand aside (which they did) to allow them access, tidying up after 2 bins were knocked over, waving flags and messaging their grandkids.
Not one firearm was discharged by any "terrorist" in or around Capitol Hill, but an unarmed woman was shot dead by a secret serviceman, who was behind concealment until seconds before firing, did not announce himself, did not attend the scene to provide aid (which was instead provided by police that were standing behind her at the time she was shot) and still has not been identified or as far as I know become subject of any investigation.
Another woman was trampled to death after tear gas was used in an enclosed area causing panic. I assume this is also how another man died of his heart attack.
Not that there wasn't property damage or theft or assault, but to characterise it as a terrorist insurrection is absurd politicking. To characterise it as a coup d'etat is even more absurd; who was being overthrown? And as for "overthrowing democracy", the irony of that statement given the stonewalling of any investigation into electoral and voter fraud (which was the reason why the so-called "terrorists" were there in the first place) is not lost.
If the livestreams haven't all been scrubbed from the internet, I recommend you scan through them. I was watching them, and the account they tell from first hand runs utterly counter to the political narratives.