Mercenary Enrollment

May 4, 2020
Real Nice story and art reminds me of rooftop sword master btw if you like this kind off stuff I can only recommend rooftop sword master
Active member
Jan 4, 2019
@bvdaf Tell us how you really feel. Your urge to see women being beat up doesnt come across as creepy at all.
Double-page supporter
Aug 28, 2019
@Uthred no I actually feel bad seeing MC’s sister being bullied, but bruh that bitch just deserves a beating for what she has done. It’s not like I’m some kind of sadist or anything like that, but just why is it that author has to show us MC’s sister in so much pain, while that bitch is all happy about it and is doing it without any consequences, oh wow her brother got beaten up, oh look she doesn’t care, oh woe MC is gonna destroy her family, great but why not just direct it at her? bruh really fuck da ho, honestly I would be more satisfied with her getting the punishment than her brother because she was shown as the main bully of MC’s sister and she was the reason of MC’s sister ruined mental shape. And all we got is her tripping and breaking her arm XD, that’s not an eye for an eye it’s more like nothing for destroyed mental state of the sister, I want her to at least get slapped by MC’s sister or MC.
Apr 22, 2020
@Uthred @bvdaf As my man Kazuma once said: "I am an advocate of TRUE gender equality, a guy who has no problem doling out a drop kick to a female opponent."
ANYONE, regardless of gender, race, age, what-have-you, that decides to bully, torture, and physically assault someone MUST do so with the expectation that they risk the same or worse being done back to them. Being born a woman isn't a free pass to be an abuser. The police, the school, her parents, literally every authority figure in her life decided to encourage and support her vile actions. Thus, there is LITERALLY no choice but to handle it personally in order to protect themselves and their loved ones.
Her being a woman got her a free pass after the sister asked him to not hurt her, but she basically said she was going to keep going, and do FAR worse than ever before. That's literally threatening to maim and/or kill her. Yeah, she doesn't deserve to get a pass any more. She never fucking did.

PS: This chapter sent this comic from a 9 to a 10 for me. It legit handled things perfectly to get the right level of payoff while keeping the MC away from the vengeance-obsessed edgelord trope that's quite common in these stories.
Active member
Jan 4, 2019
What a load of bollocks. Here's the thing, if you abuse your superior power to do the very thing you are raging against then you lose any kind of moral high ground you have. Which is fine depending on the tone of the story. But that wasnt the fucking point. The point is the amount of creepy posts wanting to see women getting beaten up.

"Literally no choice", what a load of cock. Of course there's a choice, you can deal with them without beating the shit out of them, in fact the MC shows how to do that in this chapter. If in the next chapter he turns out to have beat the shit out of them? I don't particularly care. What happens to fictional characters doesnt bother me. It's all the creepy revenge porn salivation in the comments thats off-putting. (Though I will find it boring if he beat them up, so far whats distinguished this from similar comics is that the main character isnt a violent sociopath, I mean stuff like Rooftop Sword Master is good trashy fun but variety is nice)
Mar 1, 2018
@Uthred Oh no, I really wanna see that chick beaten to pulp by that guy. Oh boi, there is just no enough manga where women who bully are getting reck! Take your whiteknight codexes and morale shite somewhere else you peasant.
Active member
Jan 4, 2019
Fuck me, you could at least spell moral correctly you mouth breather. If it calms your tiny dick down I find similar comments about male characters equally creepy. People working out their emotional issues in the comments of a comic is always generally pathetic. I suppose we can consider your little gem a case in point.
Mar 1, 2018
@Uthred Using tiny dick in 2020, not knowing that morale exist, using analytical psychology on the internet... you are like 15y edgy 4chan user? Lol, chill out
Active member
Jan 4, 2019
What mental gymnastics? I made one point. Not a particularly complex one at that. Genuinely surprised the genius before you didn't bust out simp as well. It'd be too hard to put together something approach a cogent response with relying on the auld bellend catchphrases. Oh wait, I'll phrase it in a manner you can relate too "lol y u triggered bruh??"
Jul 17, 2018
@Uthred Literally triggered tho. Your point was retarded and it just boils down to you being uncomfortable with women getting hurt, then rationalizing it whatever way you can. ""Moral high ground"" lmaoo. Get outta here you fedora tipper
Apr 25, 2020
This is a good source of face slapping after the most recent Eleceed cliffhanger. The family is precious tho.

Also, oof, there is more tension in the comments than in the actual comic. My take on it is that it doesn’t matter whether she is a girl or a boy. If she was doing those things as a boy there would be no controversy over whether she deserves to get the shit beat out of her. I don’t particularly want every annoying girl in stories to get punched, but c’mon, after all the shit that she did, she deserves a few good smacks more than anyone else in the story. If you’re not okay with reading about her getting beat up, I can understand that, but if you think that she doesn’t deserve to get beat up, you’re pretty fucked up.
Oct 21, 2020
At the end of the day, I'm glad there's this one manhwa that leaves me satisfied after this latest chapter. A definitely rare thing to happen when it comes to manhwa and manhua, or at least concerning the ones I've read.
Active member
Aug 12, 2019
good premise, good art, average execution, common tropes.

10/10 manhwa just what i expect
Oct 2, 2020
This series is just justice boner again and again, this man doing what needs to be done to protect his family
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
Been a while since I enjoyed an OP MC exacting J U S T I C E

Support the author by just clicking through the chapters and giving it a heart ya'll! It's fairly new so it needs the support it can get
Sep 5, 2019
I’m giving this a 10 for now since the MC executed his vengeance for his family in 10 chapters. Finally, an MC who has the skills and caution to wrap things up quickly and tie up loose ends.

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