Well, this released when Vol.3 of the Official English translation of the LN got released roughly a week ago in my area...; and I only managed to actually get the Volume yesterday. LOL. Still reading.
Ok. I just re-read the the pages on the LN in regards to the current chapter. While some events were switched and/or added like the talk of setting up a new securities vs buying one out was done before finding out that Naomi-san's son works in Hokkaido Keitaku in the LN when in the manga it was revealed first before that talk. On that note, Runa was still undecided if she wanted to set up a new Securities firm or buy one out when they were talking about it. It was the reveal that Naomi-san's son works in Hokkaido Keitaku that pushed Runa to go with the buy out option. There was no scene of "Runa finding the idea of going the buy out route while in the loo" in the LN.
In terms of finding out as to what is better or not (ie LN or Manga), I feel that there is definitely a different tone in which the Manga is trying to show here. In the LN, there is a certain "Actions of a genius" grace in which Runa shows an almost effortless mindset in which she executes her schemes and ideas (as is befitting of an overpowered Villainess that is set to be the rival of an equally "overpowered" MC in a visual novel) that is tempered by the fact that she is basically also an Isekai character too. The actions of a genius and schemer of a high aptitude that is extremely out of place from a normal grade schooler but is "to be expected" from an Isekai character and what is going to be the "Villainess" of a visual novel (that is actually quite competent, if I read it right).
The manga meanwhile gives a LOT more detail to the scenes (seeing their faces drawn out and expressions is very nice) and gives Runa a more "human" side to her decision making. What does that mean? It shows that Runa is really more of an "Isekai character" that has the backing of the inherently Genius-tier base character that can show her the "correct" way of getting what she wants. In the LN, the "Isekai characteristics" is more shown in future scenes like
her taste in classical music and singing such things. Or even when she prefers to actually visit a mall to shop vs doing an out-of-store visitation from such places . Heck, it is even shown when she introduces Teia-kun to the vending machine and getting him hooked on Cola.. When it comes to the financial stuff, the Isekai characteristic and the inherent genius of Runa is more blended together.
There is nothing wrong with the manga taking some liberties on the source material (LN) to make it a better read and showing a different take on Runa-chan while ensuring that it is still at the very core the same person and settings. Infact, I like it a lot. It provides another perspective and an illustrated version to further enhance the source material. As a side note, some "official translators" and companies needs to learn from this kind of adaptation of a source material. Seriously, it is quite embarrassing to witness.
The Keika Rules finally made its showing. I see that most people got the general gist of it but doesn't get the intricacies and details as to why it is done that way. It does take quite a bit of background knowledge (like the knowledge of how companies work in Japan, especially during that time period, is one. The fact that she is a "recognized daughter" of the Keikain dukedom is another.) to fully grasp as to why she laid out such rules for Runa-chan to make such moves. Overall tho, it is to ensure that she has full control of her actions and having the freedom to enact such actions without any interference. This will be significant later.
Overall, I like seeing how this section is done in the manga and how SSS + GN did their work on providing a translated version that is made well and is readable. Good work on the redrawing (seriously, I can only imagine the absolute pain it must be) and the explanations are adequate enough. It is a bit hard to do so without overcomplicating it. Plain english is best but then if you dumb it down too much it'll lose its intended meaning. Bleh. Also, the thoughts on things is very nice and has some logical merit but it does come with caveats and the fact that (as far as I can tell), you're not an accredited financial adviser

This has gone on for long enough. TLDR? Good stuff. Some things were changed from the source material but it doesn't detract from it (unlike some other attempts by others). Some people might be confused but it'll (hopefully) make sense as the manga goes on. Good job on SSS's and GN's work. Thank you for your hard work.
All of that stuff and it gets condensed into 5 lines. I might be itching to write something.