I'll still never understand in series like this, how can you be worried about turning evil if you oh I dunno simply choose to not be evil. There saved you the trouble of not being seens as eeeevil.
Yeeess... Then again.. Our MC, by being reincarnated into a story he knows the Plot of, is Predestined to become "Evil".
"Evil" being a relative here. Especially given the black/white positions in the Plot as being Telegraphed thus far.
Good Intentions have a notorious tendency of backfiring. There may be different routes to key points, so the MC may still unwittingly be walking one of them. Maybe the "World's Will" may force our MC to make choices necessary for advancement of the Plot. That wolf appearing where it normally isn't, with all the Goodies that handily drop is a hint "The World" isn't taking the MC's lack of cooperation in the Story with much grace..
This is a world where "Narrative Imperative" plays a big role, and that principle has the nasty tendency to have its way, regardless of the route chosen.
It could well be our MC ultimately will
have to kill the Heroine, with the best of intentions even, thus becoming "Evil" in the eyes of the rest of humanity.
The basic premise of the story is the old-and-tried: "Can you escape Fate?", after all. Which can be a source of Lazy Writing, or a bloody good yarn, depending on the author. I have hopes for this one.