Moto Saikyou no Kenshi wa, Isekai Mahou ni Akogareru

Jul 18, 2019
Wow, this is so bad

Still gonna read it though lol, it's somewhat reminiscent of my middle school cringy fanfiction phase
Feb 10, 2018
I sometimes wonder if the people who write these garbage isekai stories ever come back after a couple of years, read this filth they produced, and wonder what the fuck they were doing.

I would be so embarrassed if I produced a story like this. Fundamentally, it's this level of self-criticism and self-evaluation that stops many people from ever writing anything to begin with, and yet even then, I think people who have this modicum of shame would by default write a better story than this. So perhaps someone stupid enough to produce a story this awful would never be able to come back and question themselves or what they have created, by definition.

I'm tempted to drop, but at this point I'm cringe-reading a number of low level isekai like this and Boring Sword-saint Guy out of morbid curiosity and because the comments are fun.

On a side note; this chapter had a joke that was great conceptually but executed so poorly that it becomes unnoticeable; the giant boar carcass coming through the front door could have been hilarious, but the execution, especially artistically, destroyed it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2019
trying to follow the recent chapter, felt like im missing some pieces, my brain was always stuck with these wuestions "when did this happen? who is this person? , had this been explained on the previous chapter?"

shame, i actually liked the beginning
Oct 25, 2019
I'm honestly surprised it took 16 chapters for one of the biggest isekai cliche's to finally show up
aka elf's
. With how filler everything feels I can only describe every release as waking up from a dream. You can remember some of the main or funny points but the rest is really just washed away. Just doesn't got enough in it to keep me invested, especially with how little depth in their characters I'm seeing.
Mar 25, 2018
All the women in the early chapters seem to have the same face and hair? I honestly can't tell who is who especially when it's a closeup.

The story pacing is horrible and jumps around all over the place
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
Usually I don't complain about the art at all, but this mc not only looks way too feminine with the cat head and thin neck but he also has a hint of down syndrome in his eye...
Story is beyond overused and badly executed. very weak in every aspect. Don't waste your time on this, way better mangas out there like this.
Double-page supporter
Nov 24, 2019
@konzolmester The manga isn't great but MC is only 7, not odd to look androgynous at that age. It's more that the artstyle for people is a bit weird.
Aug 25, 2019
This is both cliche and terribly executed. Both writing and art are bad.
Sep 2, 2020
There's 0 logic.
- family kicks hum out because suposedly he's tras, but at the next Second he shows he is OP, family could ignore the result and see the reality of his skill but continues to ignore and even manipulates the sister to say he's trash.
You could say so Far its ok, a Basic revenge plot right? No, MC doesnt care, It seems mother knew about his talent and decides to trash/kick/gnore his own son for his protection!?! And It seems the son thinks that behavior is ok because he only cares about Magic.
And Reading reviews of the novel It doesnt get better and the family stuff makes 0 Sense and its to piss people off.
Oct 27, 2018
Glad I'm not alone... The last like 4-7chs or so had me totally fucking confused, like I was missing pages or portions of it here and there or something.
Decided to jump back further to reread it and I came out with about the same feeling....
Like I was able to partially piece some of it together better than previously, but still feeling relatively lost. Idk if it's kissing stuff, reordered stuff, mis-tls, bad writing, or even me just like not understanding something, but whatever it is l feel like I'm not really following everything all that well....

I'm hoping it's me misunderstanding something--that I can fix with some 'simple' realization, and if not that I'm hoping it's like a tl error or error in order or something from when being tl'd for release. At least those can be remedied much more easily than if it's just shit writing in the source material to start.... 🤷‍♂️

Almost gave me a headache rereading it again to give it one more shot....
Jan 23, 2018
This starts off kind of interesting, but quickly devolves into a standard, generic fantasy reincarnation story. Also, starting around chapter 10-12 or so, the layout and framing starts to become sloppy and just bad. It makes the action dull, unclear, and hard to follow.
Jan 23, 2018
Isekai stories are basically a genre like superhero stories. There's often a common base. I mean, how many stories can you think of off the top of your head about a rich white guy who learns mystical abilities and/or martial arts from the Orient and returns a badass?

Some are good and really interesting, but most are generic to actively bad. That's just how genres go.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2019
@kimagure Uhh, maybe 3 or 4? Most superheroes are not wealthy Westerners that go to the Orient to learn mystic powers or martial arts. It's more common for the origin to simply be that they were born with it.
Jan 26, 2018
There was this one chapter from the novel that offended me so much that I had to stop reading. The entire chapter was just 1 damn long idea getting repeated over and over in the most boring way. Fuck this

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