Mushoku Tensei ~Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu~ - Vol. 9 Ch. 44 - Rescuing Lilia

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Saying the same thing over and over when it's not based on any evidence or logic or anything else, just makes you look like a fucking retard. If you can't understand that then you shouldn't be getting into debates.

My evidence is the dictionary itself and your own words that I've directly quoted over and over again, whereas I give you every possible opportunity to show me some part or word of your own demand that makes it into a suggestion instead, or for you to show me one single quote of mine that is supporting "Letitgo", not "the scanlator", and show in the process that you understand that the two entities can and are being treated differently, and you've utterly failed to do so on all possible levels.

Back your arguments up with evidence and sound logic, or begone. If you come at me with all this nothing, you'll never get anywhere, and your refusal to ever address the central point itself speaks volumes.
May 18, 2018

Already address how you are wrong and you're continuing to double down on your ignorance.

If all you want to do is twist words and definition of stuff, then I won't waste anymore time arguing with a autistic potato like yourself.

If you're going to keep repeating yourself, then I will consider this stupid argument over with you not learning anything from it.
Group Leader
Sep 30, 2018
I appreciate the effort of going through a second translation, but the global quality of this one is relatively low considering the first one.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I have to repeat myself as you refuse to learn.

You haven't addressed anything of the sort, in fact you've repeatedly done everything to avoid it. Any time you want to pick your balls up from my mantelpiece, man the fuck up and come at me honestly without simply trying to blow smoke up everyone's ass, I will be ready and waiting for you.

Feel free to show me any time where in the English language that a demand also requires a threat as part of it as you seem to think so, until then your silence says everything it needs to do.
May 18, 2018

What a surprise, you're still doubling down and repeating yourself! (sarcasm)

Looks like that's all you can do now that you lost the argument. Man how sad is that huh. Spending a week blowing LetItGo's cock and pretending to be intelligent just to continuously spin yourself in a circle when you have nothing else to contribute.

Let me know when you have a NEW(keyword right here buddy) argument to present which I can shoot down, till then eat a dick and don't waste anymore of my time you autistic potato.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Saying you've won the argument, doesn't mean you've won the argument, how fucking delusional do you have to be?

You have nothing, I keep giving you chances and you keep screwing them up. Why on earth are you being this pathetic?
May 18, 2018

Saying you've won the argument, doesn't mean you've won the argument,

Yeah because the person who lost the argument after embrassing him for a week will TOTALLY admit he was wrong. If you had that kind of self awareness and maturity, we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place now would we?

Only person that is pathetic is you bucko.

You spent a week arguing about someone opinion and now you're trying to change the meaning of the word demand when backed into a corner.

Like seriously, how autistic of a person are you and why didn't your parents get you any help so you don't spazz out for stupid stuff?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
The irony in your post is so thick it's almost material.
“accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it to create confusion”
It won't work on anyone with a brain though, sorry. Having a brain is great, you should try growing one.

Since you call them "retarded fucks" it's an insulting demand, much like how you'd abuse slaves. Your backpedaling is sad to the point of being pathetic.
May 18, 2018

Having a brain is great, you should try growing one.

LOL, what is this middle school? I know you're autistic and most likely mentally challenged but damn come up with a better insult then this.

Since you call them "retarded fucks" it's an insulting demand, much like how you'd abuse slaves.

Comparing calling someone retard fucks to abusing slaves. You're reaching a new level of autistic LOL.

But anyways, you have a new argument to present or you just going to keep throwing middle school insults around like a child throwing a tantrum?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Oh well, looks like you're massively outvoted. I put it up to the court of public opinion and people aren't on your side at all.
May 18, 2018

8 people agree that it's a suggestion, so people are on my side, and not surprise people would think of it as a demand when you remove context around why I said it. Good job of twisting the situation to fit your purpose.

Hilarious you would make a strawpoll for this argument LOL. Really shows how autistic you are in being wrong.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
8 people agree that it's a suggestion, so people are on my side
Which eight exactly? If eight people agree with you, why are there only two votes for you in the poll?
With context, added as soon as that guy asked.
May 18, 2018

That was the percentage I read, oops.

I went ahead and made an account to give context. Don't worry LOL.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018

Don't worry, I'm perfectly happy to let you dig your own grave over there. I'm sure you'll now try to tell me that those two votes outweigh the thirty four votes or something, your cognitive dissonance has reached crazy levels.
May 18, 2018

Of course the votes going to show that when you didn't put any context into the question.

That likes me asking others,"My girlfriend left me after cheating on me", was she in the wrong for doing so? Everyone will say she was in the wrong till I add context and tell them the reason she left is because I was a piece of shit boyfriend that cheated on her and abused her. People opinion will change in a heartbeat telling me I deserved to be cheated on and dumped.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
What context do you think is going to change it? I mean, I've been offering you over a week to put forth some sort of context or evidence that would make it into a suggestion, yet you've repeatedly declined to do so and avoided the question like the plague, so all I could do was present my side as you've been refusing to give your side.
May 18, 2018

You know damn well it hasn't been a week since you started arguing "Your suggestion was a demand!", it been two days and I have already put up evidence to prove that it was a suggestion by providing the definitions of both words, which you then twisted to fit your autistic perception.

Now not only did you make a flawed strawpoll without any context now you're intentionally lying about when this argument started. You're a waste of oxygen.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
You know damn well it hasn't been a week since you started arguing "Your suggestion was a demand!", it been two days
It's been ten days, since my very first reply to you. I did not use the word "demand", as I felt that it went without saying and didn't realise you were going to try to pretend it wasn't a demand.

I started by calling you entitled as that's what I felt your demand was, then my second post was:
You don't get to decide what is an isn't a waste of a group's time, only they do. They're translating because they want to, you're here reading it because you want to, you don't get to decide anything for them and they're not doing it for your praise - they're doing it for themselves and maybe the occasional donation if anyone feels like giving them one.
which again doesn't directly use the word "demand", but make absolutely no mistake; I am talking directly about your demand there and that is 100% what I was treating your post as, since the first minute.

Your post has full context, I even added a picture of your post to the OP of the thread along with a description of the circumstances.
I have already put up evidence to prove that it was a suggestion by providing the definitions of both words, which you then twisted to fit your autistic perception.
Go ahead and add your evidence there as well then, see how many people agree with it.

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