Music Tournament 2: Battle Music!

Music Tournament 2: Battle Music!

  • Anime-Only Opening Music

    Votes: 7 18.9%
  • Anime-Only Ending Music

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Emotional Music (Anime, Games, Movies)

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • Video Game Menu Music (Lobby, Save, Customization, etc.)

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Video Game Town/City/Village/Civilization Music

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • Spooky Music

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Relaxing Music

    Votes: 7 18.9%
  • Licensed Music In Games, Anime, Movies

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Retro/Classic Music

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019

One Punch Man - Seigi Shikkou - Epic

Sora no Kiseki SC - Silver Will (Super Arrange Version) - Smooth

Ace Combat 7 - Anchorhead Raid - Stunning

Freedom Wars - Code Red - Brave
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
Kara no Kyoukai - M40
No Game No Life - IZUNA
Ace Combat 7 - Anchorhead Raid
that certain song which plays when you're trying to kill big dragons <- this means monster hunter
Group Leader
Feb 6, 2020
Pretty early this time. Here's my vote:

One Punch Man - Seigi Shikkou
Not much to say here. It's a solid battle track/theme and is just a symphony of pure awesome. Plain and simple.

No Game No Life - IZUNA
Because it's just more to my taste. (and because no Game No Life Season 2 memes are still fun)

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation – Malebolge
@Mr_Detective I hate you for pitting these two tracks against each other. I love them both to death and they are both amazing pieces, but there's a reason I nominated Malebolge. While Anchorhead Raid fits the tone of the mission in question and is very much a solid piece in its own right, Malebolge just feels more "in tune" with the chaos of battle, and fits more with the scale that it, at least to me, is trying to convey. I remember the first time I heard the track in game, it didn't need the build up of Anchorhead Raid, that was handled by the silent backdrop behind the enemy's monologue
(Meta Talk, Pasternak is no better than a Chinese knock-off Pixy. I love AC6 to death, but I can't get over how "Nation Without Borders" the whole speech feels. End Meta Talk)
, and the constant chatter on the radio did a fantastic job of adding to the already heightened tension. Then, when it finally cut after winning the fight, the tension just had a cathartic release that no other track has induced in my gaming career. The synthesized tones combined with the gentle brass/horns and mild beat sprinkled throughout create a nigh unforgettable engagement. I will always remember the first time I shot down Pasternak, and this track is the reason for that.

Freedom Wars - Code Red
This was an easy one. Solid rock impact with the speed to drill it into your skull. That there's a track made for pure, unadulterated action.

There's my vote for the 6th phase. Have a great Morning/Day/Afternoon/Evening/Night.
Another long explanation, this time for a track that is very dear to my heart. Gotta make the case, even if it's very anecdotal and biased.
Jul 23, 2019
One Punch Man - Seigi Shikkou (Reading the databook and listening this makes me want to rewatch the first season and perhaps watch the second)
No Game No Life - IZUNA
Ace Combat 7 - Anchorhead Raid
Freedom Wars - Code Red
Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2019
One Punch Man - Seigi Shikkou VS Kara No Kyoukai - M40
Bit of a toughie, this one. OPM wins out by a very, VERY small margin on my end, I do have a preference to more "heroic" sounding stuff.
No Game No Life - IZUNA VS Sora no Kiseki SC - Silver Will (Super Arrange Version)
Easy win. Those strings, man. Praise jdk.
Ace Combat 7 - Anchorhead Raid VS Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation – Malebolge
Ah, 2 AC themes, huh? Anchorhead Raid happens to be one of my favorite tracks from 7. And uh, given that I nominated it...
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - Proof of a Hero VS Freedom Wars - Code Red
Proof of a Hero's always a winner for me.
Active member
Jun 27, 2020
One Punch Man - Seigi Shikkou
No Game No Life - IZUNA
Ace Combat 7 - Anchorhead Raid
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - Proof of a Hero
Dec 31, 2019
Round 8 votes in bold:

One Punch Man - Seigi Shikkou VS Kara No Kyoukai - M40
No Game No Life - IZUNA VS Sora no Kiseki SC - Silver Will (Super Arrange Version)
Ace Combat 7 - Anchorhead Raid VS Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation – Malebolge
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - Proof of a Hero VS Freedom Wars - Code Red
Oct 5, 2018
Kara No Kyoukai - M40
Sora no Kiseki SC - Silver Will (Super Arrange Version)
Ace Combat 7 - Anchorhead Raid
Freedom Wars - Code Red
Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2019
One Punch Man - Seigi Shikkou
Sora no Kiseki SC - Silver Will (Super Arrange Version)
Ace Combat 7 - Anchorhead Raid
Freedom Wars - Code Red
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
One Punch Man
No Game No Life, but the other song was very relaxing and catchy.
Ace Combat 7
Freedom Wars

And uh, given that I nominated it...
uh i'm totally not guilty of this...
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
One Punch Man - Seigi Shikkou VS Kara No Kyoukai - M40

While I'm not a fan of the metallic-like instrument parts, I like the heroic parts that Seigi has. It's motivating and uplifting to listen to. Now, M40 is not a bad track. But I feel like it's one of those that could really benefit from some contexts. On its own, it's still decent, but not good enough to beat Seigi.

No Game No Life - IZUNA VS Sora no Kiseki SC - Silver Will (Super Arrange Version)

Hm. Tough match. Both tracks are pretty even. Izuna is more intense and exciting, while Silver Will gives you a feeling of melancholy and nervous vibe, with some tensions in some parts of the track. Now, both of these tracks are excellent and ones that I'd love to recommend to others and listen to again. But ultimately, Silver Will sounds slightly more pleasant to my ears, so it wins by a very slight margin.

Ace Combat 7 - Anchorhead Raid VS Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation – Malebolge

Heh. I like this match. Anchorhead Raid has a little slow beginning where it builds up tension, but unlike many other tracks I've seen, this build-up phase isn't boring at all. I clearly get the feeling that something climatic is about to happen, around 0:55, which is when the instruments start to become more exciting. And in the end, it wasn't disappointing. The part after 1:30 is probably when the main actions begin, as I can feel the track becoming more motivating and the beats getting faster. The whole track has some sort of melancholic feel and has a hint of nervousness, but still motivating. It's an interesting track, no doubt. As for Malebolge, it also gives me a sort of melancholic feel and nervousness, as if some bad situation is happening. Unfortunately, it lacks everything that makes Anchorhead the winner. There's no excitement, blood-pumping, or anything to impress me or makes me motivated for a battle. It feels like I'm in a build-up phase, waiting for something to happen, but never get any in the end. It might have worked within the context of the game, but on its own, it's not enough to win.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - Proof of a Hero VS Freedom Wars - Code Red

For a track called "Proof of a Hero", it doesn't feel very heroic to me, lol. It does have some uplifting and motivating instruments, as if some sort of march is happening. It's not a bad track, of course, but it's not entertaining enough to impress me. Code Red is, I daresay, possibly the best track in Freedom Wars and it's for a good reason. It's full of excitement, heroic feel, combined with motivating instruments and some tension here and there, and you have yourself a wonderful battle track. This track feels more heroic than its opponent. It feels like I'm overcoming some sort of struggle to each my goal, and that's what makes this a clear winner to me.

@Korsai Excuse me, sir. That kind of language is a violation of rule 1 of Mangadex: Be Civil. You have been reported and absolutely nothing is gonna happen to you.

Eh hem. The reason why I thought it was a good idea to pit these two against each other was to see what happens when two tracks from the same franchise are up against each other. I thought it'd be interesting to see which one's better. In the first tournament, we had to vote unofficially to see which MGR tracks were the best because they were eliminated before they can face each other.
I probably should have put X5 and Zero 4 tracks against each other, too. I'm not always gonna do that, though, lol.

@hazzack Uh... I assume that's a vote for both, then?
Group Leader
Feb 6, 2020
@ Mr_Detective I appreciate that you understood that I was joking with that "jab". Also, yeah I fully understand your position in regards to Anchorhead Raid. As you said, the build up has pay off. The nervousness you get in the sense of "something big is gonna happen" is because this is the last chance to stop the enemy from setting sail and wreaking havoc. Malebolge has the feel it does because you start the fight the moment the track starts playing. No time to build up (other than the aforementioned monologue), just get up and go get shot down by missiles that come from seemingly nowhere. Also metric crap tons of drones that somehow fit into the fuselage of a lone single seat fighter.

Don't ask. I sure didn't.

Yes, I'm giving context where is doesn't really matter. No, I don't think this will affect anyone's vote. No, I don't think it should either.
Dec 31, 2019
The pros of pitting an Ace Combat track against another Ace Combat track is that one Ace Combat track is sure to advance in the bracket.
The cons of pitting an Ace Combat track against another Ace Combat track is that one Ace Combat track is sure to fall in the bracket.

Also, because aerial dogfighting gives me a perfect excuse to repost this video again:

Group Leader
Feb 6, 2020
@justforthelulz I agree whole hardheartedly with that sentiment. At least one will advance, and as I said, I love both tracks to death so that particular match-up is one where I will have no complaints either way. It's the soundtrack of my favorite AC game versus a composition by the greatest composer to ever grace the franchise. I literally can't go wrong.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
And now, it's time to announce the results!

One Punch Man - Seigi Shikkou (10 votes) VS Kara No Kyoukai - M40 (4 votes)
No Game No Life - IZUNA (7 votes) VS Sora no Kiseki SC - Silver Will (Super Arrange Version) (7 votes)
Ace Combat 7 - Anchorhead Raid (12 votes) VS Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation – Malebolge (2 votes)
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - Proof of a Hero (6 votes) VS Freedom Wars - Code Red (8 votes)

What an intense phase! We have an even match, one lopsided defeat, one dominating defeat, and our first tie in the tournament!
And that concludes our first round! What a way to end it!

@EOTFOFYL Please do the honor!
While he does that, we will now begin round 2: the round of 32!

Samurai Warriors - City Of Flowers VS Gundam Build Fighters - Open The Future Mix
Nier Automata - Bipolar Nightmare VS Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - 0² Battle
Dark Souls III Soundtrack - Vordt of the Boreal Valley VS Ao no Exorcist - eXORCiST
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance - The Art of War VS Doom 2016 - BFG Division

Things are gonna keep getting more interesting from now on. Heheheh.

Enjoy the music, and vote!

And now, a word from one of our sponsors:


The durian (/ˈdjʊəriən, ˈdʊr-, -æn/) is the fruit of several tree species belonging to the genus Durio. There are 30 recognised Durio species, at least nine of which produce edible fruit, with over 300 named varieties in Thailand and 100 in Malaysia, as of 1987. Durio zibethinus is the only species available in the international market: other species are sold in their local regions. It is native to Borneo and Sumatra.

Named in some regions as the "king of fruits", the durian is distinctive for its large size, strong odour, and thorn-covered rind. The fruit can grow as large as 30 centimetres (12 inches) long and 15 cm (6 in) in diameter, and it typically weighs 1 to 3 kilograms (2 to 7 pounds). Its shape ranges from oblong to round, the colour of its husk green to brown, and its flesh pale yellow to red, depending on the species.

Some people regard the durian as having a pleasantly sweet fragrance, whereas others find the aroma overpowering with an unpleasant odour. The smell evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust, and has been described variously as rotten onions, turpentine, and raw sewage. The persistence of its odour, which may linger for several days, has led to the fruit's banishment from certain hotels and public transportation in Southeast Asia. By contrast, the nineteenth-century British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace described its flesh as "a rich custard highly flavoured with almonds". The flesh can be consumed at various stages of ripeness, and it is used to flavour a wide variety of savoury and sweet desserts in Southeast Asian cuisines. The seeds can also be eaten when cooked.

So, how many of your songs made it to the second round? I have 3 left. Not bad, I guess. Oddly enough, the track I believed to be most likely to win was knocked out right away. There were other songs that I expected to pass, but didn't. Really unfortunate. Which other songs do you guys wish had made it?
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
Open The Future Mix
The Art of War

2 songs TwT
barely survive with one vote.....

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