Mr_Detective, regardless of your views you should just put a few of them into the poll anyway. And everybody just hold your panic buttons. If it's not popular then it won't get voted in. If it does get voted in, just do an Internet Search for the theme and find songs that you think are cool. Even if it doesn't get voted in or get many votes at all it's still interesting data. If you're worried about participation all I can point to is the first tournament: Not Anime,
And it turned out? Alright. And was it very restrictive? Well, no. Not at all.
Remember, we're doing themes so that we have a chance to bring some interesting variation to the field. This is not a genre-restriction (although it would probably be more straight-forward if we were doing that).
Combine all the various menu suggestions into
"Videogame Menu Music" because that simply covers all of them. And that way they aren't left out.
Videogame Home/Safe Area Music is almost universal in adventure games and RPGs. Development effort is
most certainly not spared when it comes to it. You could combine it with Travel/Exploration themes for the extremely broad
"Videogame Non-Combat/City/Safe Area Themes"
Anime Openings and Anime Endings are not comparable. They are not the same and don't mesh well pitted up against each other; it'd be a one-sided battle for OPs. Also any tournament including or regarding anime
needs to be more specific because you will likely have way more participants. Case in point: this thread.
If you don't want to include them separately then just put
"Anime OP Themes" and nothing else. Don't include endings because we could have them as a theme later. Don't combine them.
The worst thing that could possibly come from all this is that the poll box will be a bit bigger. Taking away the options pre-election makes small children sad.