Man, people really PMS when someone is tired of waiting and decides to take it upon themselves and translate the manga at a faster pace. NASS also wishes to have a monopoly over their manga it seems, but they don’t own any of the manga/mangas. People will do what they want. If you’d rather stay ‘Loyal’ or whatever, just ignore the chapters released by the ones that aren’t your idol group rather than complain that someone else decides to take a single one of their manga and do it better.
Sniping is retarded, the only more retarded word for it would be poaching. Regardless, anyone complaining about it, whether it be about this manga or NASS, is looking a gift horse in the mouth. This is capitalism in work, essentially. Someone sees a production being slow or bad and decide to improve it. They’re posting decent translations at a relatively high speed, so I say Thank You rather than get angry they ‘stole’ a series from some group of others. It’s already an illegal thing technically.