Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 4 Ch. 30 - Foisting

Feb 9, 2019
either the dad is shit, or his daughter is a real pain. Can't really decide
Sep 20, 2018
he was asking her what she wanted to do wtf. how can she call that decide everything on your own. he wanted to have a discussion about things and she just up and left nice
Jan 5, 2020
What the fuck am I reading, this little rodent shit, and you call yourself her father when she acts like such a spoiled brat and you don't even say anything. The grand-mother dialogue was cringe, the daughter is cringe and the father really should remind the girl the world doesn't revolve around her. I'm shocked no one is telling her she's acting like a huge cunt, her mother would've slapped her and rightfully deserved.
Jun 21, 2018
The dad is just your regular non-superman guy. The daughter though is an entitled spoiled sulking brat.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 23, 2018
I do feel bad that hes just there to get yelled and chastised from everyone no ones trying to make his situation better. Also Miya is just trying to be difficult what's the point of allowing him to talk if you just want an arguement.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
How people don't consider Miya the one most worth of blame in the father daughter relationship is beyond me. This is in character, but it's still so aggravating.
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2018
could this get even worse? imagine daughter getting pregnant from her schoolboy friend assuming shes staying with him
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 11, 2019
@bagianatas "either the dad is shit, or his daughter is a real pain. Can't really decide"

I believe it's a little of both, but at least the father is trying to reach out to the daughter and all she does is snap at his hand. He was asking her if they should make a move and she acted like she had no input. For those that would defend the daughter... the way she treated her grandparents should be enough to understand what kind of kid she became.

Though the mother only made mention in the story, she must have been pretty crappy too because it's obvious her influence on the daughter was either non-existent or negative. The harsh reality when one is very sick the other parties in the family need to rally, and unfortunately the bills have to still be paid. Based on many mangas I've read about the position "salaryman" they seem to work ridiculously long hours, some even for free, and literally it's one of those positions where if you don't you're gone. She should have imparted on her daughter the reality of their family life, that she shouldn't hold a grudge against the father, and there was a reason why he couldn't be there all the time.

Most guys are more influenced by the presence or absence of their father when growing up, most girls are more influenced by their mother's presence or absence thereof, even if that parent leaves early by death, if they made their will known when they were in their life, then kid will understand the what and why. Seems like this daughter is missing or clueless about the family's reality, before she went into isolation it seems she communicated with others, and you would think even if her mother didn't make this part known that she would have gotten this info from her peers. I can understand if she felt her father abandoned her and her mother somewhat through work at that critical time, but this may have been the reason why they had a roof over their head, hospital bills paid, and food on the table. Maybe I might be unfair, but that daughter... well glad she isn't mine.

@koyuki "could this get even worse? imagine daughter getting pregnant from her schoolboy friend assuming shes staying with him"

Unfortunately yes...
he could be a pimp and found a victim to exploit
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 23, 2018
@koyuki wouldnt doubt it happening kind of feel like she started that arguement because she didn't want to leave that guy wouldn't be surprised while hes at work she visits the guy. At this point she really doesn't care what type of suffering she puts her dad through. No matter the mistakes he made he atleast he kept trying to make the right choices for her.


Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2018
While I get people to expect him to be the responsible one. The guy was in serious need of therapy from the beginning which I do not know how the Japanese society view. His daughter has apparently held that grudge towards him for a long time until it eventually became a rock he had to carry around his neck, choking him. It's no wonder if the story makes him depicted as a completely broken person in the end if nobody besides him begin to act.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 2, 2018
everyone is either retarded or shit so it doesnt really feel realistic and the girl is a sugar dady so yea kinda meh
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
All he did was ask if she wanted to. He didn't even make a decision yet, just asking.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2019
Yeah gotta be honest here, Miya is a bitch. I can understand that she's hurt because she lost her mother and that her dad dating her friend can be really fucked up, but man, she's just so unlikable. She's so selfish and entitled, never bothering to think about how others feel.

I mean fuck her dad asked her if she wanted to start over in other place, and she went ballistic even though he was asking, not ordering her to move out.

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