Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 4 Ch. 30 - Foisting

Group Leader
Jan 4, 2019
This was the last chance for Miya to make peace with her father and she blew it up but, hey, hopefully she will improve her behavior when her new mommy arrives
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2019
Okay, this little b***h is getting on my nerves. She is the one being selfish. All she does is either ignore or blame her dad and now she ran from home (I bet to that boy's house)

I mean he tried giving you space after your mom (his love\wife) died (she avoids seeing\talking to him), he tried talking to her about the situation (she only asks one question), he asks for her input on whether they should move or not (she calls him selfish and runs from home)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
lol no
The new worker pushed him around when he was trying to mind his own business which lead to meeting Miya on the pub.

It's just Tower Defense.
You'll get bored quickly.
Double-page supporter
Aug 28, 2019
He actually asked for her opinion about this, that f*cking b*tch go live on a street like a dog and experience life without ur father ungrateful b*tch.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 27, 2018
Raid is invading manga scanlations, is nothing sacred these days
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Honestly, this manga is good at providing you little bits of additional information that have massive repercussions.

Not only is Kousuke's domestic life shitty enough as it is having a dead wife, and having an unresponsive and distant daughter, but it's implied that his mother is just as doting and highly forceful as she can be. She doesn't have faith in him to be a good father and is constantly pressuring this stressed out man EVEN MORE.

I think Miya does understand this aspect, and if she does think that living at Grandma's wouldn't work partially because she doesn't want her father to be even MORE stressed I think that would improve our ability to empathize with her a bit, but I think she ultimately ran away because she just began to open up and she, too, is under a lot of stress and pressure. She is hotheaded and rash, but I think she's a confused girl who doesn't quite know what to process and as soon as she's begun to process one thing and tried to resolve it, this is sprung on her suddenly. Keep in mind that she's known this city all her life and moving away suddenly when she's just begun to make friends and love interests again and when she's conflicted over the unresolved issues in relations to her best friend and her dad, I think she doesn't want to simply run away from her problems nor does she want her father to. How does she do this? Ironically, by running away so her dad can't move out.

Really, I think if we have some more focus on Miya's perspective, maybe having some scenes of her talking with both her love interest and her childhood friend about her situation, we could really sympathize a lot more and I think there's a story to discuss from her understanding more than just "this irritating girl that is overly impulsive and unsympathetic to her dad."
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 15, 2019
lol, ppl just blindly hating on Miya and defending mr. pedo dad xD

i get the self-inserters are unable to process how the dad has not already married and boned Kii while also abandoning his daughter... but at least try and see things from miya's perspective before calling her a bitch or retarded.

Sure she's not perfect and it was definitely a bit of an overreaction/outburst to run out like that this chapter, but she's hardly at fault.

She was actually making progress and opening up a bit but then she finds out her dad was dating a high school girl, her friend no less. Sorry, but that isn't something any kid is going to be able to easily process or get over cause it's incredibly fcked up. The outburst was not about him asking a question, but more about her state of mind, feelings, stress, loss of mother and so on. And then her dad brings up moving which Miya won't want cause moving is a big deal for any kid, especially when it comes to making friends annnd that not boyfriend of hers. And her thinking that he is trying to use the move to get away from what he'd done and avoid people saying stuff, can't fault her for thinking that.

She's just a confused girl, and sure, can call her out as being a bit of brat here... but ppl fully hating on her is just dumb -_-
Apr 15, 2019
Its not blindly hating, you can see from chapter 1 he trying to understand her even with the crude way he had done. You also see that he asking for her opinion too. She could reply him with her own opinion rather than lash out and go. Its not about confused girl, its about girl that don't want to grow up. Sure the Dad is at wrong too, but he already has too much to handle to begin with, work, parenting, and other things. No man can handle that much alone and it will be better if the daughter is think with her own brain at least that. Being confused girl isn't justified in this case.
Aug 19, 2019
So asking if she wants to move back is the same as making a decision for her to move back. Fk this manga it’s retarded.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 23, 2018
@voidox lets be fair he never did anything with her kept a clear boundary and cute off the relationship.

While the daughter at no point tried to be sympathetic or understanding what hes going through and only made his situation worse. And in every chance he would try to do right by her.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
Dad's dad to the rescue with a timely smoking break from nag-asauras rex. Clear MVP.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 15, 2019
@Starbright still fcked that he even let it be something and go on... but that aside, we know that as readers.

The thing is how is Miya supposed to know that the dad didn't fck her friend or that he didn't go far? When her relationship with her dad is so strained, how is she meant to trust his words, especially when he suddenly brings up moving?

Also, lest we forget, we still had the chapter were the dad took the girl to a love hotel where she stripped naked and was kissing him/licking his neck a long while before he stopped her.

And in every chance he would try to do right by her.

sure, but again, the daughter has no reason or way to know or trust this... hence why she's acting like this. How is any kid supposed to be sympathetic or understanding to their father dating a high school girl

@asurast um, but it is blindly hating... there are people calling miya a bitch/retarded and some actually want the dad to abandon his daughter and go bang Kii -_-

you can see from chapter 1 he trying to understand her even with the crude way he had done

true, we saw from chapter 1 how the Miya and her dad were not in a good place after the mother died. But we also saw how there was progress being made and Miya was opening up to him slowly, it was getting better. But then she finds out her dad was fcking dating a high school girl, her friend no less. She felt betrayed and disgusted not just with her dad, but with her best friend. And this is the perfect reason for her to go all out on hating her dad.

so I ask, how are you blaming Miya for being a kid under a lot of stress, pressure and just finding all this out. Then you ignore how it sounds for the dad to then suddenly bring up moving... like wat?

now sure, for the dad, it's definitely true that he also has to deal with the death of his wife, the breakdown of his relationship with his daughter, his mother, work and it all does bring a lot of stress... but how can you think Miya is anything but a confused girl? she's 16 for crying out loud... how are you expecting her to be calm and cool and be able to talk to her dad like it was nothing?

he brings up moving right after she learns about his pedo relationship, of course she's going to think he just wants to move to run from what he did and avoid people finding out/saying stuff. And moving is not a small thing for any kid: from leaving behind friends to leaving the city/place they grew up to boyfriends and stuff.

If you wanna call her as being a bit of a brat this chapter, sure. It definitely was a bit much to run out like that, but it's also not surprising given her state of mind right now. And again, she's just a kid. This was not just a question from the dad, this was a whole lot of shit boiling over and coming out for her. Like I said, try and look at things from Miya's perspective before hating on her.
Active member
Dec 6, 2018
@voidox finally someone that’s not shitting on a kid just so they can watch a pedophile get his rocks off. The dad is trying to take the easy way out hell last chapter he even took the camera to a photoshop and gave himself half a year to decide to either keep the picture or have the evidence discarded and knowing him he would definitely take the photos the moment he see Kii or has problems at work. The dad is fucking trash 🗑
Jun 23, 2018
@voidox @Tamerlane @Danoso
This manga creates controversy and I love that!

Not like those "NTR is bad, etc..." kind of controversies.
As in certain books that I've read, maybe the goal of mangaka is exactly that (like when you read a book of literature), believe that people are divided between the two fields, according to which one they have more empathy and could put themselves in the place of one of the two. For create this form of narration you need that the two point of view are possible and not "Evil"

Well here
We have two points of view, that of "father", of "daughter" and the fact that they do not overcome their grief.

Some info before:

[ul]Grief is classified in the ICD-10 at
( Z63.4 is the "normal" grief AND F43.21 is the pathological grief ) [/ul]

[ol] Chapter 1 page 29 specifies that the mother died only 1 year ago and this is very important. [/ol]

Grief Algorithm (in spanish) :

What we can observe in the manga is that the daughter have the pathological grief. F43.21:
F43.21: Adjustment disorders
"States of subjective distress and emotional disturbance, usually interfering with social functioning and performance, arising in the period of adaptation to a significant life change or a stressful life event. The stressor may have affected the integrity of an individual's social network (bereavement (grief) , separation experiences) ........ The manifestations vary and include depressed mood, anxiety or worry (or mixture of these), a feeling of inability to cope, plan ahead, or continue in the present situation, as well as some degree of disability in the performance of daily routine. Conduct disorders may be an associated feature, particularly in adolescents. The predominant feature may be a brief or prolonged depressive reaction, or a disturbance of other emotions and conduct."

And the husband is in "intermediate grief" Z63.4 which is defined in:
" Intermediate grief (months or years): emotional storms, contradictory experiences (of searching, presence, guilt and self-reproach). With the resumption of the daily routine, the reality of loss begins to be perceived, with cyclical mourning appearing in the first year (anniversaries, parties). The feeling of loneliness predominates. New patterns of behavior are established that take into account the current situation of loss. Social activity is resumed and pleasant situations are enjoyed again without guilt. I remember less and less painful."

They both need help from a psychiatrist.
How in Japanese society the process of grief is more complicated with their society.
The father don't realize that his daughter need help and he begin at deviate from the normal one.

And lastly, like us in our society, we criticize behavior (because there are both parties that criticize each other outright) if we ignore that there are more than physical illnesses, that there are mental illnesses that must also be treated by specialists.

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