Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 7 Ch. 54 - Unforgivable

Dex-chan lover
Oct 22, 2018
At the very least Kousuke finally made up his mind and taking a big step. What i am afraid is that there is a possibilty that the ending will have a really bad end. I just hope that it will have a happy ending :(
Aug 15, 2020
Huh, a dogfight in the comment section?! Maybe I should not type out my thoughts.....screw it I already started typing. So two things:

1. Miya is a brat and yes she is still a child, which also the problem with her. She is a child acting like she is an adult without understanding what makes an adult an adult and that is communication. And it is funny because everytime she and her father do communicate with each other, she comes across as a hypocrite. When they first confronted each other, she scolded him about not coming home on time but has been in her room ignoring him this whole time (which was understandable at the time). The second time she is scolding him for dating her friend, which was understandable until she did the stupid thing of running away to a guy that knows nothing of her situation and is only going by what she tells him and then there is this chapter's confrontation which would make her understandable in her reaction if not for her previous actions beforehand nullifying the impact of her words and frankly my sympathy completely and the real kicker is when she threw that water bottle at him like a child. She is 15-16, she is now at the age range to start growing up and start being an adult not acting like it. It is also becoming more irritating when those who keep calling Miya a child thinks that means she should get less criticism for her behavior. Because at this rate a child would be able to understand kousuke better than miya would and that's a understatement.

Sidenote: She sorta was not lying when she said she was trying to understand him (there was atleast one moment of them communicating/ bonding with each other.....well before she discovered he was seeing her friend behind her back and he tried to cover it up.) but the issue is that she is still on the surface level and still do not understand anything about her father which means she did not put any real effort and still is the little girl who could . And honestly is starting to get annoying that she thinks she is the only victim when she was suppose to be trying to understand her father. I guess she could not put it together that her father was suffering too but somehow was able to understand her friend even though she will not forgive her for her actions.

2. I know you guys believe Kousuke is wrong in his decision in going after Koto, but honestly I believe he is not wrong in going after her. He is not wrong in saying he is the only one who can understand her because he is the only one that got to atleast know the real her as well as been able to get her to trust him enough to even tell him that she is running away. Also remember he is still an adult and she just told him that she is running away, so him going to try and stop her from making a mistake makes sense for an adult to do (yes, I know there are other motives for why he is going but I believe this is also another one that is just as likely as the rest). Also koto's mother is a helicopter mom and is a big reason to why Koto ran and her supposed best friend does not seem to care enough to help find her nor wants to go with her father to talk some sense into Koto. So what about leaving it to the police? Yea they can not really help her because they are a third party and they would not change anything but could also make everything worse between koto and her mother, so really he is pretty on point with that statement

Just so we are clear, I do think it was stupid for him to tell his daughter that he love koto. But, I am glad it happened for two reasons; Miya needs a well deserved reality check and he is finally doing something selfish and stupid, actually acknowledging it and embracing it.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 31, 2020
Bruh this bitch spoiled, she needs to look at shit objectively if she thinks she has the right to say abandon family, like did you not just embrace hikikomori lifestyle for a year and not even talk to your dad for a year when he was grieving too, that daughter needs a reality check trying to make her dad out to be the enemy but he wouldnt have been as lonely if you were there for him the same way he was there for you
Feb 2, 2018
Maybe this time Miya will see how fucked Koto's situation is and see for real that her dad is trying to help both of them at the same time.
Man I seriously hope Koto's mother get separated from her and she starts living with her dad, that woman is not healthy for anyone.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 3, 2019
It's funny reading some of the comments knowing the reaction would be the opposite if it was their mother trying to get her cheeks clapped by one of their close school friends. Hilarious...

Yes. Miya is a spoiled brat but she's a teenager while Kousuke is an adult. Also, how is she supposed to understand that her father is in a romantic relationship with one of her classmates? No shit, Sherlock. Of course, she was gonna react negatively and oppose the idea. Did you guys really expect her to support her father's involvement with a minor? A totally natural and normal outlook of the situation makes her, a kid, a piece of shit? Lol.

And what about Kousuke? Just because he's under a lot of pressure and deserves better in life doesn't excuse him for all the wrong choices he's made since getting involved with Koto. On top of that, he now has a hero complex, believing is his role to save the girl by becoming her lover? Even to the point of choosing her over his only family.

Let's go Kousuke, you surely deserve the Man of the Year award.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
Ehh i see miya still being a lil bitch.... Literally guilt tripping him in this chapter yet again.
Jun 23, 2018
Page 54:
Bien ctm !!! Ta bien mi causa !! Dale con todo !!

This spoiler daughter can be go trash !
Go man go with the girl that stay for you in difficult moment !!!

P.S : I just read the commentary, people are d*ck or something like that ? You see the same beginning that me no ? The daughter was a spoiler brat and don't saw that her father was basically in depression and in boderline for Burnout , his own parents tell him that "you weak" and from nothing a Girl appear and help him ?
The bad in the story is the st*pid mother and the spoiler brat that can't understand her father
If someone tell "Omg she teenager she can't understand adult" , just F*ck Off !!!!
When you are in mourning the family try comfort between their and try help each other for overcome that , I know because I lived a situation recently,
So F*ck Off to everyone that think that the father is wrong !
May 27, 2020
That daughter is literally my sister and seeing the daughter being BTFO'd so hard after being dumped by her father literally felt great.
Nov 30, 2019
Uweeee.... My dad abandon me, my dad ignored me, my dad dont love me.....

Me after read this manga from beginning..

May 11, 2020
I'm sorry Miya, you totally neglected your father for 1 years, leaving him with literally no emotional support. You fucker is not the only one who lose your family, the man fucking lost his wife, while he couldn't help it since he had to support the family financially. You blocked him out, not giving him a chance for him to do his duty, caused him trouble, acted like a spoiled child who can only think for herself without even considering other people's feeling. Even upon hearing about your friend's issue, you just fucking ignore and blame all things to your father, right? Since it's the easiest thing to do. So good, much wow, a truly good friend here. Sorry guys, this chapter it's clear to see who's being the unreasonable one here. I'm glad the dad made up his mind and went to look for Koto, nevermind how wrong his relationship with her, abandoning someone in dire need is wrong. Miya, well, go fuck yourself with your newfound friend. It seems you had no problem at all being without your Dad for a night as far as I know.

Also, Koto's mom deserves it. Absolutely DISGUSTING. DISGUSTING HAS TO BOW BEFORE YOU.
Aggregator gang
Apr 23, 2020
@Rekdeksek34 You hit the nail on the head and my issue with Miya defenders. Literally ignore everything that she's done and excuse it cuz she's a child.

I personally am not defending Kousuke at the same time I understand why he's been pushed to do this despite how idiotic he's being.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
I want to reread earlier chapters before I add my two cents into the discussion. In the meantime, I'd love to see a brawl break out between Koto's mom and Kosuke after they both find Koto. Let's raise the stakes a bit more, yeah?
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2019
This made me angry. This was the dad's moment to call out his daughter. He could have said how he sear he'd for her when she ran away or how she has been acting towards him. But NNOOOOO the author had to have him say he loved Koton instead of he is worried about her.
May 31, 2020
I mean honestly at this point Maya can brutally kill someone and the Maya defenders will be like "bUt SHes oNLy A cHiLd".

Claiming that shes a child is not an argument so I find it funny that so many people use it as such. Context decides an argument, and in this case allthough her actions at first were justifiable, the lengths at which she did it was not. Also isnt she like 16 or something, so lets not act like shes devoid of thought and reasoning.

Also news flash Kousuke isnt a pedophile. He would not be categorised by definition as such. He can commit a pedophilic act, but that would hardly make him a pedophile. Such as how being a guy, and sucking dick to cure cancer doesnt make you gay, unless you enjoyed it. You would merely be doing something thats gay.

As for why he isnt a pedophile, its rather fucking simple. He isnt sexually attracted to Koto. So lets stop throwing the whole "KouSuKE iS a PEDOphiLe" notion when hes objectively not one.
Aggregator gang
May 15, 2020
@starch12313 The brain does not fully finish develop before you’re 25 years of age. Her being only sixteen year of age is an important aspect of her decision making, because we do not believe by the standard of the law or by societal standards for that matter that she is capable of adult responsibilities. It’s why she can’t drink, drive, work full time, vote, open a bank account etc. She is a child. She is a hormonal, depressed, grief stricken teenager and Kousuke has a parental obligation to be there for her. Which he hasn’t. Even now he chose his underage girlfriend right in front of her eyes. Y’all expecting her to behave in any logical sense to such a heartbreaking scene is beyond me.

This is not to say that Kousuke is now allowed to feel the same amount of grief. However we do have different expectations of behavior between a fully grown middle aged man and a teenaged girl. He could have picked a number of vices to drown his sorrow in. Yet he chose to enable a relationship with a vulnerable young girl, which resulted in both this girl and his daughter to sink even further deep down into a hole. Miya has not done anything so far that is even remotely as damaging as that.

I’m sure you’re right that in a clinical sense he is not a certified pedophile. However any stable normal adult that looks at him will absolutely agree that he’s a fucking nonce. If you don’t you’re probably very young and can’t comprehend why full blown adults should not romanticize the idea of being with a sixteen year old, or a nonce yourself.

The amount of devils advocate yall play for Kousuke and “‘not to defend him buuuutt..” yet are not able to extend that same amount of sympathy towards Miya is mind boggling. Apparently Miya, a child, is an irredeemable selfish spoiled asshole, while Kousuke is a broken misunderstood man who is just making bad choices and should “save” Koto.. it’s laughable.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 3, 2019
Even though I've been doing my best to understand you...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... fuck... YOU! Man, I don't think even Shield Hero got me this pissed off.

Y' know, originally, I wrote a huge rant here, but... I mean, it's this manga's (and this character's) job to aggravate me, so I'll just leave the declaration above here, praise the author for their consistent writing, and thank @princess_daphie for the TL. Bless you all except Miya

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