My Dearest Nemesis - Ch. 31 - Sick?

Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Poor OLO, I read those threads and people are shitting all over them because they're "slow", but that's just because their releases are of a high quality so naturally they take time. I agree that hopefully this drama dies, because the folk in these threads are barely even talking about the story anymore.
The irony? the day before Enelreturns posted they did upload chapter 20, both here and on Dynasty, but they removed to fix something, you can probably still find the thread even, though no idea how hard it is to find it, if you go look at Enelreturns upload of chapter 20 one person even mentions the fact it had a previous upload.

The funny thing is that as much as some complain about 1 chapter per month that's kinda of the norm on Mangadex, irrelevant if a series is completed or not, groups working on multiple series is pretty much the norm too since there's never enough people to work in most series, which is why vast majority of groups accept virtually anyone who is willing to learn, that is another reason why sniper pisses people off, since they always come and do garbage work when they could have offered to help with a better version already being made, and then of course sniper disappears as usual after causing drama.

Also, I went fuck it and got them, first two pics are from chapter 23, third pic is from their own version of chapter 20, can anyone please show to me where their lost their shit, had a fit, or acted disgraceful? Because everything they said was in response to someone else having worse attitude, but then again don't take my word on it:

Chapter 23 -
Chapter 20 -

Anyone can go read the entire discussion for themselves and see how OLO is unfairly getting shit out of this drama.
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 16, 2023
The irony? the day before Enelreturns posted they did upload chapter 20, both here and on Dynasty, but they removed to fix something, you can probably still find the thread even, though no idea how hard it is to find it, if you go look at Enelreturns upload of chapter 20 one person even mentions the fact it had a previous upload.

The funny thing is that as much as some complain about 1 chapter per month that's kinda of the norm on Mangadex, irrelevant if a series is completed or not, groups working on multiple series is pretty much the norm too since there's never enough people to work in most series, which is why vast majority of groups accept virtually anyone who is willing to learn, that is another reason why sniper pisses people off, since they always come and do garbage work when they could have offered to help with a better version already being made, and then of course sniper disappears as usual after causing drama.

Also, I went fuck it and got them, first two pics are from chapter 23, third pic is from their own version of chapter 20, can anyone please show to me where their lost their shit, had a fit, or acted disgraceful? Because everything they said was in response to someone else having worse attitude, but then again don't take my word on it:

Chapter 23 -
Chapter 20 -

Anyone can go read the entire discussion for themselves and see how OLO is unfairly getting shit out of this drama.
Good work getting the receipts. Man, all this drama could have easily been avoided with a little common courtesy and common sense.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Good work getting the receipts. Man, all this drama could have easily been avoided with a little common courtesy and common sense.
I readily admit having my own hand on making this drama worse, since me and many others have knee-jerk reaction over any form of sniping due to it virtually always ending bad, really, I say it, I'm one of the people who could have had better attitude and that maaaybe that would have helped things not turn so bad.

But that won't change the fact that OLO didn't deserve any of this crap, and that everything could have gone very different if Enelreturns had made a different choice at one of the countless opportunities he had, both before and after the drama started.

Really, with the most obvious one simply being asking OLO if the serie was dropped or offer help, you don't need to know the forum etiquette to do something so obvious, that's literally the most basic courtesy and common sense possible.
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 16, 2023
I readily admit having my own hand on making this drama worse, since me and many others have knee-jerk reaction over any form of sniping due to it virtually always ending bad, really, I say it, I'm one of the people who could have had better attitude and that maaaybe that would have helped things not turn so bad.

But that won't change the fact that OLO didn't deserve any of this crap, and that everything could have gone very different if Enelreturns had made a different choice at one of the countless opportunities he had, both before and after the drama started.

Really, with the most obvious one simply being asking OLO if the serie was dropped or offer help, you don't need to know the forum etiquette to do something so obvious, that's literally the most basic courtesy and common sense possible.
I don't think there is anything you have to apologize for. There is a reason why snipers are looked down upon and honestly drama like this is one of those reasons. Also, there is a mountain of manhua that is abandoned and an even bigger mountain of manhua that is untranslated so why go after something that has a dedicated group already working on it?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
I don't think there is anything you have to apologize for. There is a reason why snipers are looked down upon and honestly drama like this is one of those reasons. Also, there is a mountain of manhua that is abandoned and an even bigger mountain of manhua that is untranslated so why go after something that has a dedicated group already working on it?
Even if snipers tend to deserve the backlash I can still be way too much of an asshole lol, I try not to, but sometimes the internet gets the best of and I'm a real little shit when I shouldn't. :notlikethis:

Some people did give suggestions, but at this point he's doing it out of stubbornness and spite, plus the people throwing praise didn't help either, which is funny since they'll praise virtually anyone even if the quality is garbage, so it's not like they're actually on Enelreturns side as a person, they'll jump to anyone who makes a faster release. :dogkek:

I guess only real question is if he's gonna snipe another series and start more drama. :thonk:
Dex-chan lover
Nov 16, 2023
Even if snipers tend to deserve the backlash I can still be way too much of an asshole lol, I try not to, but sometimes the internet gets the best of and I'm a real little shit when I shouldn't. :notlikethis:

Some people did give suggestions, but at this point he's doing it out of stubbornness and spite, plus the people throwing praise didn't help either, which is funny since they'll praise virtually anyone even if the quality is garbage, so it's not like they're actually on Enelreturns side as a person, they'll jump to anyone who makes a faster release. :dogkek:

I guess only real question is if he's gonna snipe another series and start more drama. :thonk:
You know, I think you hit the nail on the head, the praise is kinda weird to me. I get wanting faster releases, but there is a marked step down in quality and the people in the comments were acting like these releases are of the same quality.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
You know, I think you hit the nail on the head, the praise is kinda weird to me. I get wanting faster releases, but there is a marked step down in quality and the people in the comments were acting like these releases are of the same quality.
Because quality is irrelevant, as long as they can "read" it anything is good enough, it's one reason many people not only praise but even defend some truly garbage mtl that barely makes any sense.

Of course these are the same people who will be crying when sniper inevitably drops the series and there's nobody working on it anymore because original group lost motivation and dropped it too.
Active member
Aug 6, 2023
I sometimes think that you want to argue just for the sake of arguing. I'm gonna end this here and block you, I'm tired of repeating myself over and over again, I don't understand how you're not.

I highly recommend others do the same. What a waste of time and energy.
So now you've become an attention-seeking coward that waits a couple of days to do another chapter for your time in the spotlight.
Just how low can you go really?
Can't wait for you to find another series that's somewhat slow and that people are enjoying and interacting just so you could jump in and be a leech.
Aggregator gang
Apr 17, 2023
Can you stop that pathetic excuse? A lot of your backlash wasn't simply for breaking the "rules", but you got told how things work, didn't like that, and then acted an ass all the time.

Also, the sniping rule is not arbitrary, because countless times we had sniper come, release a bunch of garbage chapter, making the people who put effort lose motivation to do it, and then the sniper disappear as soon as they get bored or the praises stop, which leaves us with another series abandoned, everyone loses.

Shame on you to agree with what he said, he made a bunch of faux pass in the begining but that was understandable, the issue was that he kept being an ass about it for the most part.

Using autism to try defend yourself for being an asshole is fucking offensive, being an asshole is a choice.

"got told how things work"

Yeah NAH. That's acting like a bunch of dickbags. It wasn't a polite "hey we have this set of social customs" that's "BOW PEASANT YOU HAVE VIOLATED OUR RULES". Someone that wants to work on a project isn't subordinate to the desires of other people who have also been doing work on similar projects. Those groups don't have any ownership rights, and they aren't allowed to harass or insult people or demand authority over the work.

And now YOU are the one throwing a shitfit - half the posts on this page are you, you're double posting repeatedly, clearly raging because you're throwing out "evidence" that you didn't even read and ignoring the harassment directed at ER over DMs.

You need to stop.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
"got told how things work"

Yeah NAH. That's acting like a bunch of dickbags. It wasn't a polite "hey we have this set of social customs" that's "BOW PEASANT YOU HAVE VIOLATED OUR RULES". Someone that wants to work on a project isn't subordinate to the desires of other people who have also been doing work on similar projects. Those groups don't have any ownership rights, and they aren't allowed to harass or insult people or demand authority over the work.
Good job showing your lack of reading comprehension, either that or your whiny bar is super low to think that is being a dickbag, much less call that harassement, cause you absolutely have no fucking clue of what is public harrassement.

I also funny that you keep focusing on OLO since countless other people were infinitely worse to Enelreturns, OLO basically had no presence in the drama, when are you gonna bash the people who actually harrassed him? Of course you won't, it's easier to use OLO as scapegoat and blame everything on them.

Seriously, it was Enelreturns who chose to make everyhing public, you talk abour OLO harrassement in DM, even if that is the case why didn't he block them and go on with his life? All your complaints fall part because of that, if he really just wanted to translated the series he could have blocked OLO and moved on with his life, instead he chose to create a circus and make everything public, that's entirely on him, he chose to be the main clown and now he has to own it.
And now YOU are the one throwing a shitfit - half the posts on this page are you, you're double posting repeatedly, clearly raging because you're throwing out "evidence" that you didn't even read and ignoring the harassment directed at ER over DMs.
Aw, "clearly raging" how cute from someone angwy cause someone showed how the person they defend is full of shit, also, at no point I ignored DM, I literally said I don't know what happened in private, again good job showing your lack of reading comprehension.

Not to mention what happened in DM is meaningless, because he literally could have blocked them and never heard of them again, he chose to give them attention and then make everything into a public circus.
You need to stop.
Make me, go ahead, try it, I'm not subordinate to your dedsires neither you have authority over me;

Actually, go ahead and contact a mod if you want, I'm not breaking any rules, I honestly dare you to try.

Also, I find funny that your entire argument boils down to "they were mean! wah wah!" and completely ignore how the entire public drama is of Enelreturns own making, he started it, literally, if he didn't say anything in public and blocked OLO the drama wouldn't have lasted past two chapters, it's all on him.
Group Leader
Jun 16, 2024
"got told how things work"

Yeah NAH. That's acting like a bunch of dickbags. It wasn't a polite "hey we have this set of social customs" that's "BOW PEASANT YOU HAVE VIOLATED OUR RULES". Someone that wants to work on a project isn't subordinate to the desires of other people who have also been doing work on similar projects. Those groups don't have any ownership rights, and they aren't allowed to harass or insult people or demand authority over the work.

And now YOU are the one throwing a shitfit - half the posts on this page are you, you're double posting repeatedly, clearly raging because you're throwing out "evidence" that you didn't even read and ignoring the harassment directed at ER over DMs.

You need to stop.

Establishing proper etiquette when it comes to a hobby isn't an issue. People aren't just trying to roleplay a dictatorship, but you all seem to like roleplaying outlaws and it's cringe. It's just basic human decency. It's the reason why most normal people wouldn't go out and punch someone for no reason, or steal something off their person. If we wouldn't set standards for societal etiquette and norms within hobbies, then there would be chaos, just like how the world would be bat shit crazy if we wouldn't have laws.

If you think sniping is fine even if it devalues the work people put in, out of their OWN FREE TIME BTW, and could cause someone to stop scanlating a series altogether, then do yout think stealing art fine? Heck, do you think AI art is morally right if it steals bits and pieces from artists without their consent, or so much as a credit?

I know I'm wasting my time trying to give maturity lessons to children, but this discussion has gotten so beyond derailed.
Group Leader
Jun 3, 2024
Are you making money off of this? Are you claming it's your art? There's a reason scanlating is socially acceptable.
Did the original author give us permission to repost? Did she give us the okay to potentially rewrite some of her dialogue for the sake of translation? Is she comfortable with the language we're using? Is any of the ad revenue on this site going to her? Has she seen a single penny from any of this? Every single chapter ends with a very clear "DO NOT REPOST THIS IN ANY WAY OR WE WILL PURSUE LEGAL ACTION" that all scanlators edit out.

You need to make peace with your decisions instead of living in denial. You know, like a child?
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Group Leader
Jun 16, 2024
Did the original author give us permission to repost? Did she give us the okay to potentially rewrite some of her dialogue for the sake of translation? Is she comfortable with the language we're using? Is any of the ad revenue on this site going to her? Has she seen a single penny from any of this? Every single chapter ends with a very clear "DO NOT REPOST THIS IN ANY WAY OR WE WILL PURSUE LEGAL ACTION" that all scanlators edit out.

You need make peace with your decisions instead of living in denial. You know, like a child?
"I don't understand societal morals in different contexts, and I certainly don't know how to apply them to my hobbies."
Group Leader
Jun 16, 2024
"my fragile ego can't handle the idea of doing something morally grey so instead I cope with self-righteousness"
Active member
Mar 6, 2023
You idiots want me to get the creator involved?

Cause last time I checked NONE of you own the rights to translating it !!!



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