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Which other work, the author mainly writes anthologies.It will end up in threesome, just like author previous work
Which other work, the author mainly writes anthologies.It will end up in threesome, just like author previous work
I cant tell if youre joking or an actual idiot. Yuni couldve just talked to her girlfriend about how she felt but because she is genuinly a fucking moron she didnt. So, how is it Nanase's fault SHE was cheating. All rationality gets thrown out the window when a 2d character is hot, you need to socialize with REAL peopleStupid bitch nanase doesn’t care about her girlfriend after she and the person she has been cheating on her with just explained how it’s been going on for 3 months, clearly fuuko and yuni are innocent in this situation
Yuni never talked about how her club affected her even when Nanase asked about it. Nanase can't fix shit the problem if she doesnt know a problem is prevalent in the relationshipI think everyone gets it, cheating is bad, buuuuuut...
I don't think there is any way to counter that Nanase brought it upon herself. She was repeatedly neglectful and didn't notice even a hint of what Yuni was going through internally. I get that she is not a mind reader, but if she spent more time with her girlfriend, she would pick up on something, since there was plenty to pick up on. But she was oblivious to that, oblivious about how hurt Yuni got by her insensitive behavior over and over again.
At that point, Fuuko didn't really have to work too hard to get inside those cracks. The girl was so starved for affection and attention and so vulnerable at times, that anyone who wanted to would walk right in.
Sure, it's all dysfunctional, lack of communication, manipulation, etc. etc. It wasn't Nanase's fault of course, but if you leave your front door wide open, you can't be really surprised that someone robbed your place.
One thing is clear, all the characters in this story are extremely flawed individuals. Also not very likeable even. I couldn't even make a list who I dislike the most. They all make me want to slap them around. Spank even..
Yuni just needs someone who will show her affection in public because she see nothing wrong about being gay. The other two are the one’s with baggage!Yuni is an attention whore amd needs to be treated as such
Fuuko needs professional help and should be kept out of society for a while
Nanese is just naive. And unlucky that her first relationship was with an attention whore
Yuni is a cheater. And as such, decidedly forgo all her rights the moment she did what she didYuni just needs someone who will show her affection in public because she see nothing wrong about being gay. The other two are the one’s with baggage!
Yes Yuni should have said something like a normal person but there's also a thing called self-awareness y'know my brother. and Nanase is either too engrossed in club to notice the neglect or she just lacks self-awareness. either way everyone is at fault and I believe most can agree with thatYuni never talked about how her club affected her even when Nanase asked about it. Nanase can't fix shit the problem if she doesnt know a problem is prevalent in the relationship
I wouldn't call her an attention whore since she was pretty neglected imo but yeah good summary my manYuni is an attention whore amd needs to be treated as such
Fuuko needs professional help and should be kept out of society for a while
Nanese is just naive. And unlucky that her first relationship was with an attention whore
100% agree. y'know I think this situation is similar to how for example parents need to show their kid they love them (especially for girls it will be obvious why in a sec) since if the kid thinks they aren't loved, they'll look for others to love them, which in turn can either make them be super happy in a lucky healthy relationship with another, or they fall into a toxic, unhealthy and overall scummy relationship (which girls often fall into).I'm not sure why Nanase can't say that her girlfriend is the important thing, maybe she just can't commit to having a serious relationship?
Edit: Thinking it further, Nanase is afraid of comitting to the relationship and being seen with a (gay) partner in public, she copes with this fear by hyperfocusing on her club, and distracting herself (probably?). That's what I think. She probably did love Yuni (i don't think she'll continue after this) but was afraid of showing it which is what lead to Yuni cheating for feeling neglected.
Yuni craves attention and wants to feel loved, she wants Nanase to show her affection but what Nanase does is very little for her, and because Yuni is narcisisstic she often blames Nanase (which is partially true) but doesn't communicate her needs directly and instead went to vent on the internet, and when our homewrecker girl showed up, Yuni then moved to be comforted by her. She is aware that cheating is wrong and hates herself but also enjoys it.
yeah but the reason she cheated was BECAUSE nanase didnt give yuni enough attention and only focused on the club, yuni wanted to feel loved and wanted attention and she wasn’t getting that with nanase so she got it from someone else BUT she still loved nanase, nanase was at fault, i get that its hard to focus on many things but she didn’t make ANY effort none to even send a message to her or even hang out with her especially on their anniversary, if she spent at least some of her time with yuni, yuni wouldve never cheated. also no one is saying that yuni cheated is a good thing so idk where u got that from but ur the one living in a delusionnanase did not "bring it upon herself" yuni decided to cheat on her with fuuko. trying to argue that someone somehow did something that justifies cheating is quite literally just delusional