My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Destruction Embraced

Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2023
god i want to crawl through my screen and slap each and every one of these girls its genuine impressive how the author made these characters are so annoying that it makes me feel this way
Active member
Mar 10, 2020
''Oh nyoo I'm having affair behind my girlfriend but it's not count as cheating since I didn't acknowledge it''

''My girlfriend cheated but I love her uwu''

so stuuupid
Thought I found something oh well
Nov 22, 2020
Difficult to read through, but I do feel like this is probably the most realistic and in-character scenario we can get.

- Yuni was again just going through the motions. Her inability to speak up (you can say it's submissive) is what caused her to cheat initially, and ultimately what led her back to Nanase (for now). She was forced to pick a side when she's clearly undecided, hence the utter silence in the end.

- Nanase, well, Nanase didn't necesarily do anything "wrong" here. She forgave her girl and got her back. Only problem is from a reader's perspective there's red flag all over the place. She made big promises, ignored half of Yuni's requests, and focused on "herself" a lot (words like "I want to treasure you", "I will give it my all", "I'm sorry I hurt you"). These might be words to get your girl back but also shows that she's still that narcissistic Nanase. It's what made her want to hide their relationship in the first place and what made her totally fine to be initmate with the manager girl. There's a difference between "I want myself to love someone" and "I love/want someone", Nanase is the former, while Yuni wants the latter,

- Fuuko didn't speak nor do much in the final sequence, but I feel like "I can still be her number two" basically summerizes what led to her defeat here. At this point she clearly likes Yuni and wants to go out with her. However, her past experience clearly made her too afraid of being rejected. It's why she always resorts to manipulative tatics to get close to Yuni - the normal way would just be too dreadful for her. Even after Yuni showed affection for her after the trip, she still appears to be content with "being number two". Had she made this clear to Yuni, we probably will already see the end of this manga.

I still think Nanase is the antagonist and the story will end with Yuni and Fuuko being together in some new way(at least not through cheating). What I don't konw is how it's going to get there. Maybe manager girl will actually do something useful again.

Alright here's coping that my theory is actually true. :meguuusad:
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2019
this really is peak, i didnt know that toxic yuri is the genre i need. Hope fuuko comes back stronger and fucks up their relationship even more 👍
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2023
Can't wait for another chapters😍 and curious what gonna happen to Fuuko🥺
I dunno but I like Fuuko😂
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2020
You could stick a fork in this and call it done.
Original relationship restored, potentially better than ever.
Girl promised to do better.
Psycho Girl successfully BTFO.
Roll credits.

However, I suspect that Psycho Girl will pull some other bullshit, because she's psycho, and you can't have a yuri story without DRAMA.
Jul 19, 2023
I think I know what is the problem here.
People don't make a difference between someone being poly and cheating.
To many it looks the same (from the outside, I suppose), and they hate poly relationships same as they hate cheating.
But cheating and being poly is not the same.

In this manga is obvious that starting relationship Yuni-Nanase was unfulfilling and needed compromises from both sides. Unresolved disbalance between them opened the door to Fuuko to come in and keep the balance on.
But it was made secretly, at first, behind Nanase's back.
In the meantime, Yuni starts to feel something more for Fuuko, even if she still loves Nanase.

Now it's too late for Nanase to pull back Yuni from Fuuko. Symbiosis is already established. And Nanase won't be able to keep her promises to Yuni. She is attention seeker more than Yuni is, and type who is taking everything but giving not much, or giving nothing at all.

Yuni-Nanase relationship needs serious compromise to survive. If Nanase wants club and Yuni, she must accept Fuuko, who fulfills the void between Nanase and Yuni.

There are much more relationships than we know, relationships between two people who needs additional compromises to function normally.
Let's say if we have a loving husband and wife, and husband gets injured so he can't give all of himself to wife, but needs her total care. Should she leave him and find someone to fulfill all her needs?
Should he deny her needs?
They should find a compromise, and probably find the third person (or another couple) to be included in their marriage. But that third person must be respectful and trustful toward both of them. There's nothing wrong to find compromises in relationships of any type.
But it does not matter how many persons are involved, they must be faithful and respectful to each other same as it's only about two persons relationship, who love and respect each other and are faithful and lovingkind .
Everything can be turned dirty or noble, choice is ours.
WTF?!... being poly is not an orientation,everyone has capacity to fall in love or be attracted to more than one person, but if you actively choose to pursue a sexual or romantic relationship with another person without consulting your current partner it's just plain old cheating. I'm not against polyamory but painting it this way is just making it easy for toxic people to excuse their shitty behavior...
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Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2023
I just got here but wild speculation:
Fuuko exposes the relationship (+alt account I guess) and the problem comes not from two girls dating but from Yuni being a cheater. If Fuuko overheard Nanase's backstory during the festival, since she was already there anyway, she could use it and make Yuni a social pariah which would hurt both Nanase (reliving trauma) and Yuni (getting outed as a cheater) in the process. I could see Nanase getting some shit for being a bad neglectful girlfriend but I think most people consider cheating a worse offense. Fuuko might also get shit for being the other woman though, but I don't know how that would affect her.

Honestly I just want everyone to be broken up and miserable in the end. I think it'll be more interesting that way
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Everyone commenting here doesn’t understand how humans work and y’all would be surprised- a marriage counseling
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I'm still on board so far. As usual, everyone is not without their faults.
Yuni was swept up by Fuuko, but still loves Nanase. She's developed something for Fuuko though, only time will tell; I can suspend disbelief enough. Perhaps some consequences for her actions later?
Nanase realizes her shortcomings and will try to make amends as she still loves Yuni despite the cheating; fine, I can suspend disbelief. I don't think it'll work out, but I'm interested how it'll go.
This is the first time Fuuko is rattled and upset at not being chosen by Yuni. In her own way, she did do everything right. Aside from making someone who didn't want to cheat on their partner, she comforted someone who was lacking love, was there for them, and fulfilled them as they needed/wanted. To Yuni, she 'should've' been the perfect girlfriend she was hoping for. But still not being chosen because she's not the official "girlfriend".
Looking forward to some Fuuko time. See ya next month.
Yeah but most people commenting seem lost af

Would it make sense for someone to never want to date the person that cheated on them? Yes

Would it make sense for the one cheating on her to stay with the one she’s cheating with? Yes

Does that mean the opposite doesn’t make sense? No, and quite frankly it’s pretty believable, trust me lol; she’s in love, to her it doesn’t matter if the other was better to her

Would different scenarios been better? Mayhaps

But one neglected the other putting in 0 work and never really being in the relationship, whilst the other cheated and started putting in more work into her affair thus they start anew, not dropping everything prior but starting again

Also they’re teenage girls in love……….. they ain’t going to make very sound decisions

Just wondering who’s going to end up with who (as there’s 3 possible relationships), if anyone at all, what the characters endgoals r as in who’s the true antagonist etc
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Active member
Oct 18, 2023
 I just binged all the 20 chaps and man, what sould I say. First of all, fck that manipulative b*tch. Idc what happens to her. I've never been this pissed on any character before. But she deserves all the hate.

I was also pissed at Funi for all the cheating stuff. But I've calmed down about it and came to understand that it isn't totally her fault. Fuuko took advantage of her weak and depressed state. Yuni was just mentally not there, wasn't understanding what's happening, what's right or wrong. When she said stuff like 'I hate that b*tch' to Nanase, it was just because of how she was feeling and getting hurt and she just blamed Nanase for everything she did. I see people completely say that Funi isn't at fault here. But that's just wrong. While I understand that she was in a weak state, but it wasn't that worse at the beginning, it became worse afterwards. But at the start of Yuni & Fuuko's 'relationship', Yuni still had a chance to stop everything, but she simply couldn't. She understood what she was doing was wrong, but just blamed everything on Nanase because she didn't wanted to feel that it was her fault, she didn't wanted to feel the guilt. It got out of hands after she just totally lost control of herself and her mind was just jot hers anymore but Fuuko's.She totally took control over Yuni's mind. She only said things that Yuni wanted to hear and well, it was a success because Yuni really fell into that trap in her weak state. And obviously I felt bad for her but also felt anger towards her.

Let's talk about Nanase. At first I didn't really liked her that much. I thought she should give time to Funi instead of her Volleyball club and all. But I understood afterwards as the story progressed that it's not too easy. And I think people gotta understand it too. Sport is something that you can hold really close to your heart. Because it isn't just a sport for some people, but there passion. And no fkin way you'll just leave something you love, your passion just because your Gf/Bf says so. I understand that the relationship with your Gf/Bf is just as important, but your partner has to understand that you just can't leave your passion behind. Nanase is passionate about Volleyball and that's why she's so serious about it and doesn't wanna skip the club. But I think she should've made time for Yuni and go on dates. There's mistakes on both the sides equally. It's not like only the one is completely at fault here. Nanase should've made some time for Yuni and Yuni should've also understood things a bit better and shouldn't have had an 'affair' with Fuuko. Ik she was in a bad state. But she wasn't as broken as she got afterwards. That is her fault. Because after it happened, there was no easy way out of it because, well, Fuuko was a monster. If only Yuni had talked with Nanase about her problems, the things wouldn't be as they are right now. I see people say that Nanase forgot their anniversary and all. But cmon, she only forgot it this time. Because we see Yuni herself saying that Nanase has always texted her before she did. She only forgot it this time because her Volleyball match was coming. And well, as I said, someone who's passionate about the sport, match is a big deal for them. People who have played any sports would understand. And well, when she doesn't get a text from Nanase she really loses it because she was already weak and Fuuko took advantage of that. Yuni also herself says that why can't she be the one to text her, to talk to her? She always wants Nanase to be the first. And Nanase texts her just some minutes after 12 but it was a bit late, but she did text her. Nanase also says that she was wondering why Yuni hasn't texted her the whole day. Means she constantly has Yuni on her mind too and she didn't sleep but kept thinking what would've happened and then she realizes that it was their anniversary and texts immediately.

Up untill now, we see Nanase has been trying to make Yuni happy, to do things that she would like, trying to change bit by bit for her sake and we see that. For example, first she didn't wanted to tell anyone about her relationship with Yuni, but she remembers how Yuni asked her that why can't she tell about their relationship to anyone? And tells Yuki about their relationship without worrying about anything. We also see that she hugs Yuni in front of everyone without worrying what others would think. She was also thinking about gifting matching pair to Yuni as a surprise because she asked for it once and it would make her happy. There are other details like this that people just forget about Nanase. Idk why some people only remember some negative points about her.

I can't belive some people see Nanase as a antagonist and encourage the relationship between Fuuko and Yuni. Well, at least for now I think that only the relationship between Yuni and Nanase is acceptable. Because this Manga is unpredictable and something fcked up can happen in the future, like, Yuni just couldn't forget about all the time she spent with Fuuki and all the things she did with her and then she just goes to Fuuko again and their relationship grows to something stronger and then I might think that Nanase was supposed to be antagonist and Fuuko and Yuni were supposed to be together all along. Until then, it just doesn't make sense to me.

And Yuni, I like her but, what has she done? We've seen no development in her. Like she's just there. She's just been controlled by Fuuko and didn't have her own mind. She was just falling deeper and deeper and that's all. I understand that she was in a weak state, but like I said, she was in her senses when she did what she did with Fuuko. I don't know what else to say. I understand Yuni is just not able to speak. Her mind just wasn't in a great condition from the start. And it wouldn't have been this worse but Fuuko just fkd her up pretty badly man. I don't feel like blaming Yuni but she is at blame as much as Nanase is.

All I see here is development in Nanase, slowly but surely. And it would've been faster if Yuni would've talked about her problems with Nanase. But instead she cheated on her. You have to be emotionally prepared if you're in a relationship and tell whatever's on your mind to your partner. I understand it can be hard and scary to talk about and what would your partner think. But still.

Ahh it's all so complicated...

In the end, they both are just teens who are unable to fully understand relationships and each other. Their need and conditions. Both are at fault here and Fuuko just makes it worse. I'm hoping it wil get better from here on out with both understanding each other more and compromising things.

And well, we'll see that because now Nanase understands and is changing herself. Can't say anything about Yuni. She was silence the whole time since Nanase arrived. I'm not even sure if she really chose Nanase because she really wanted to. Or just chose her because she thought she's supposed to choose her? That would be really fkd man. Give me some wholesomeness after all this.

Well can't wait for the next chap. Can someone tell me what date does it come out? I'm assuming it's a monthly Manga. I mean, it's obvious.
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