My Little Sister Stole My Fiancé: The Strongest Dragon Favors Me and Plans to Take Over the Kingdom? - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
@Acolytus *sigh* You really have problems to understand written text do you? You wont send a messanger beforehand, because that makes it look like you look down on the other side if you dont have any prior political ties or anything like that and go there to make these ties to receive help.
She didnt charge into the Kingodm and AGAIN: she did nothing wrong there. All arguments you bring are working IF they have some sort of connection already, be it through political means or trade. Both are things they dont have yet. Therefore even if from the current situation looks like that would have been better the moment the mage saw her he lost ALL arguments there.

You are right that under other circumstances of her own kingdom sending a messanger would be the right thing to do, but they didnt have a situation, where I have already explained enough, that she did the right thing. A little funfact for you: it doesnt matter if she come with a couch pulled by undead or on a dragon or on foot. It was basically military movement within another territory.

You are saying you dont defend them, but put the blame on the MC. That is basically saying that the other country behaved right. She didnt even got into their airspace. If she would have done that or tried that, you would be in the right, but we know that she didnt wanted to do that. Therefore no country has the right to say what form of transportations the other uses. At most they would had the right
to get alarmed and ready to fight. (because of the actions of the MC)
Thats the point.

Oh and to your first point how that changes everything: That my friend is something that would allow the country of the MC to deploy even a real and big dragon to be there. Like i said several times now: The MC did nowhere something stupid and no where did she made a grave mistake.
Its like saying that when a person uses a road on his bicycle and gets stopped by the police because he did something wrong. Where did that person anything wrong? Was it wrong because he approached with a bicycle without sending someone to tell the police that he comes through with a bicycle.

PS: It should be known that the other king is a dragon so every dragon they see could be a subordinate of Greed. In other words: MC using a dragon isnt that strange to begin with.
Nov 10, 2019
The new court magician looks likes he's pissed off but he's the one pissing me off.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
bruh it's like the mangaka has no idea how real diplomacy work or smt... smh
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Nematoda She is more an envoy. My point was that if she sent someone first to inform them of her visit to the kingdom, they couldn't have pulled the "we didn't know it was an envoy" card and if they went far enough to kill the messenger she would know it's not safe to visit them. The dragon was close enough to get hit by that long range magic (which the panel doesn't portray as being sent from really far away) and notice that once the dragon falls they are right in fron of the walls. In a world with long range magic getting down before they were close enough to get hit would have been smarter.

@Dragou No, what I don't understand is that logic. Why the fuck would the king be ofended by a messenger showing up to tell him "hey, the princess of this kingdom wants to visit you to formally introduce herself and begin negotiations. If would be cool if she was allowed safe passage and accomodations, or just don't fucking shoot her if you see a dragon flying into the kingdom". If anything not informing him that she is visiting and just showing up with her dragon expecting to be welcomed seems way more rude to me, specially if she is there to ask for help. How would you even get to the capital if the ruler doesn't know you are on your way? Are the people in the border expected to let you through even though they ignore (or pretend to ignore) your alliegance and intentions? The only way that would make sense is if you want to make a show of strength in a "I dare you to reject me and tell me to go back" sort of way.

She was charging into the kingdom or at least they can claim she was because her dragon was flying straight at their fortress, the only line of defense before getting into the kingdom. The only possible interpretation is that she was trying to get in. And yes, the moment the mage saw her he couldn't play dumb anymore, even though he tried, but I assume that's why he wanted to kill them/detain them before that got out.

It wouldn't matter if she came in a coach pulled by undead or even riding a dragon on the ground but she didn't do that, she was flying straight at their fortress. Had she used any other way to approach that place, they would have had more than enough time to notice her, warn her and have her identify herself and thus they wouldn't have the "we thought it was a stray beast or an attack" excuse. She chose the worst possible way to do this, the equivalent of having your army "peacefully" approach a foreign fortress by having it charge at it. It's really dangerous to try to warn something that is already charging in your direction and in this case they really couldn't due to a lack of a radio or anything similar, which leaves you with two options: you either let it be hoping its intention isn't to kill you or you stop it before it reaches you.

I'm not saying they were right but I do admit I'm kind of victim-blaming here. My point is that these guys are idiots looking for trouble and this is totally their fault, but the MC could have avoided being put in this situation had she done things differently. You could argue she didn't expect them to react like that and that would make sense, but I would expect that at least someone around her would have gone "maybe flying into the fortress when they don't know we are envoys isn't such a good idea".

I really don't see how knowing about the mage dude would allow her to deploy a bigger dragon or how it changes the fact that she would get attacked once she flew close enough.

This situation is not like your example at all because in that case the police is stopping you even though you are in a normal area and have the right to roam freely. In this case the MC approached a military base at high speeds with no prior warning while using a beast capable of killing. The closest equivalent is the one I already gave in another post: a fighter jet flying straight into a foreign military base in the border without informing them that it would take that route or what its purpose is. It won't be hard for the people in that base to shoot it down and then claim they thought they were being attacked or he was trespassing, even if the one inside was actually a diplomat who chose a really unorthodox vehicle to visit that country.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
@Acolytus they already knew if MC and former CM coming tho? since on this chapter first pages it shows that the retard suprised that former CM coming back..
besides they already prepared a trap magic and waiting at the border (there's no way Court Magician guarding the border), so yeah, no matter how MC and her friend come after notifying them, either ride the dragon or carriage, they still gonna kill them, they are just using baseless excuses to proving that they have right to kill MC and her friends...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Nematoda They only seemed to be aware that Chris and MC were coming but the point wasn't for them to know, since they were going to do this shady shit anyway, but rather for it to be known publicly (or at least within the court) that the princess was visiting. If a dragon shows up in the border and after shooting it down they "found out" that it was being rided by her, then can claim they didn't know she was visiting (even though it won't save them from Greed' wrath). If she made her visit known beforehand, they couldn't use that same excuse because they would have been expected to know that the princess of the dragon kingdom was on her way and of course she would be riding a dragon.

It's precisely about avoiding this situation by taking away their excuses. If they killed MC and her friends anyway then that means they were stupid enough to do something that everyone would see as intentionally murdering a foreign envoy.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
@Acolytus And here we see that you really dont understand that and you didnt read the chapter. She wanted to stop there, she was nowhere charging (why do you even believe this) at their fortress. Besides the point that she most likely would had informed the borderstation/fortress which would have send a messenger of their own ountry to the King. (which is the normal way to handle such a thing)
IF she would have send a messenger themselves it would have implied that their Kingdom is in a position of power. Which they have only in a military sense because Lord Greed which would be an indirect threat (or easily interpreted as such). In such cases you need high ranking Nobles to be send. Which AGAIN they dont have. (normally you send a Duke, Prince or something like that with several other people)

You confirm that monster first, which makes it obvious that people are on it (which they knew like we saw it). She didnt invade or trespassed in any way their country. If they would have avoided the fortress it would be trespassing, because she would have crossed the border. Which isnt so easily allowed especially for Royalty (which she is basically as the Queen). Approaching the Fortress or borderstation or something like that is expected in such a case and needs to be done.

Like you said the mage wanted her ddead and would have attacked anyway. The MC has still adhered to the customs. There is still nothing wrong with it. Even more so that they attacked her while she was still in her own territory.

For example your argument with the jet fighter:
If you see a jet approaching and shot it down while the pilot had the intention of landing near the broder and you shot it down without any confirmation is really bad. Normally the bordertroops would/could/should at most frown about it while beeing vigilant. In our modern society it would be something that would be a mistake by the diplomate because we HAVE things like phones and so on.
They dont have and the reason they didnt send a messenger is something I explained above again.

If you still dont understand that I either think it is pointless to teach you something or you are a troll. Have a good day and maybe something sticks with you.
PS: Victim-blaming is really the worst you can do in such a situation. Especially you know in which situation she is. Because we even explained you why she did things like she did until it is stated in the story otherwise.
PPS: if she would have approached otherwise they would have claimed they looked like imposters or bandits. Therefore the other approaches wouldnt have changed anything.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
@Acolytus they already stupid enough tho...
they probably try not to get publicly or the court, since they do this on the border where rarely people go there (moreover since the neighborhood kingdom still restored from Civil War, that border become more deserted)...
they give MC and her friend their excuses attacking them is just indirectly tell them "i wanna kill you all"...
if she made visit beforehand, the result is same, the retard still try to kill her, moreover if she's coming alone or with normal soldiers, it just make their job easy, since they can give easy excuses, like "she got killed by bandits or monsters"...
the messenger probably already give them notification since they knew MC is coming, and there's 2 possible explanation, first the retard didn't let the notification reach the higher ups and try to kill MC and her friend of his own volition, the second one is its the higher ups that order them, you know, the MC's sister, the Thot princess...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2018
since the novel translations aren't far enough ahead can someone give me novel spoilers?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2018
I didn't read all the other posts after mine. I just read your answer.

Yes I agree with you.

MC did a diplomatic faux-pas (albeit, for me, a small one) and bad mage used that to justify his dumb actions.

Bad mage is either super hyper dumb, blinded by greed/envy/rage or want his country to burn.

I vote for the second one.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Dragou What she wanted to do doesn't matter, what it looked like does. From the point of view of literally anyone except for those who are aware of the whole situation (so pretty much asshole mage, MC's party and the readers) she was charging at the forest. If a dragon approaches a fortress in such a way no one is going to expect the one in charge of it to go "mmmh, maybe it's just a friendly dragon or it brings an envoy, I'll let it be", they will expect him to either scare it away, capture it or shoot it down. We, the readers, know that the guy was aware of MC and Chris riding the dragon and we also know that MC only wanted to carry out peaceful negotiations, but by doing things in a way that could be easily interpreted in a completely different way, she put herself in a situation that allowed these dumbasses to do as they wanted.

If she sent a messenger the border station would have been informed too because he would need to go through them to reach that place. That would mean that they would have been informed and couldn't deny that they knew she was coming. The only way for things to play out in the same way would be for the messenger to get killed while in the border while the MC set off while not knowing of his fate.

How does sending a messenger asking for safe passage into the capital constitute a threat? If they only send a messenger to tell the king what they wanted, then it would be totally rude and make them seem like they didn't need he was worthy of their time, but the messenger's only purpose would be to inform the king they were sending a high-rank noble to meet him so he could prepare accordingly and this visit became public knowledge.

All they saw (or pretended to see) was a dragon flying their way. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume the dragon was trying to get into the kingdom, since it was clearly flying that way, and to try and kill it before it does. Even if they saw people riding it, attacking would still make sense if they had no means to stop the dragon and talk with them, since otherwise from their point of view they would be forced to allow them to trespass. In a lot of cases you don't need to wait for someone to commit a crime before you retaliate as long as the circumstances make it logical for you to assume that your life is in danger and you must protect yourself.

The mage might have attacked anyway but attacking when you have a good excuse for your actions and attacking when you don't are too different things. MC's approach gave him an easy excuse and put her in a tricky situation that might have been avoided had she done things in a less rushed way.

In the jet fighter example, we have something that the people in this story don't: radio communications. But assuming that a jet got close enough to a military base to be withing reach of its missiles and the one riding didn't or couldn't identify himself, state his intentions or be told to stop/leave, then it's highly likely that it would be shot down. There is no reason for a fighter jet to be that close to a foreign military base, much less to be flying in its direction, and no one will take the risk of waiting to see if it's just playing or wants to stop near the border for some weird reason, because if it isn't, then a lot of people are going to die and even more people are going to be in trouble. Like I said, this scenario happened with Russia and Turkey and it turned into a "it was close enough/it wasn't close enough" argument because not even the country the fighter came from would try to argue that it got close to a military base with harmless intentions.

If you can't argue with someone without thinking he is a troll or insulting him then have a good day and next time don't make me waste my time.

@Nematoda They found out about Chris and MC through a sentinel, who I assume just saw them and didn't recieve any sort of official message. They are definitely looking for trouble, my point is that MC made it even easier for them to cause it and get away with it.

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