My Little Sister Stole My Fiancé: The Strongest Dragon Favors Me and Plans to Take Over the Kingdom? - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

Double-page supporter
Oct 16, 2019
@acolytus you're correct as far as you go but that's not the same as being right.

He knows Eliana is maried to lord greed, and that greed has just destroyed and taken over the kingdom next door, so unless his game plan is to destroy threnvale via lord greed rotting it, he is an idiot.

Eliana isn't much better. She is the damn queen and doesn't assert her position, or the consequences of them harming her, or Jill for that matter.

Violence is always a last resort, especially when you don't know what's going on and have much to lose
Dec 18, 2018
If you shoot at a diplomat of another country or even worst it’s prime minister, that’s war 100%, even if they came in a f*cking nuclear warship. Otherwise other countries will never respect you. They should at the very least ask that this person be incarcerated, which will not happen because this story is dumb
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@BalrogDeMorgoth Greed is like a dragon king, he is obviously a million times more dangerous than a regular dragon but that doesn't mean that dragon is a harmless beast. We are talking about a giant flying lizard, which is dangerous enough without mentioning the fire-breathing or other magical bullshit (I honestly don't remember if they explained what these dragons can do). A horse is harmless unless you are right below it, a dragon can bypass traditional defenses, move way faster than any horse and cause a shitton of destruction. Plus she approached the fortress really fucking fast. A noble in a horse would be slow as shit, since he is probably moving with at least a small guard, and would be able to show his kingdom's banners or identify himself way before he even got close to the fortress, meaning that the people in charge would have no reason to fear an immediate threat or act like they didn't know him.

I don't know what you mean by "right in the middle of her own kingdom". Even if I got it wrong and this is not really the frontier but rather some fortress further in, it doesn't change the fact that she got extremely close to it without identifying herself. And of course the mage is stronger than the fucking dragon, a bunch of missiles are also supposed to be stronger than an attack helicopter, otherwise there is no point in setting up defenses. He is not "putting dangerous stuff too close to other countries" because he is stationed in that fortress to protect it and his first attack clearly could be interpreted as him doing exactly that.

I'm going to have to ask you why you are so sure this is how it works because from my understanding of how foreign visits work (granted, I'm no expert) you do have to inform the host that he is getting an important visitor so he can prepare to welcome him, which is usually done by sending a messenger. Any important foreign envoy will need to be allowed past the borders and maybe given protection and since he/she will be staying for a while, you will need to have a place ready as soon as he arrives, plus preparing for the meeting itself. All of that stuff takes a lot of time so prior warning is absolutely needed. And, again, even if all of this is not necessary, testing the waters with a messenger and waiting to see if he gets killed is better than risking your own princess like this.

The other country has reasons to claim they didn't know who they attacked and even if people don't believe that shit, they can always choose to pin the blame on that mage, claim he acted out of orders and then take a much minor hit to their reputation. As things stand I don't see how the kingdom could be seen as the barbaric country when they didn't have any reason to expect a princess riding a dragon to fly so close to their fortress and dragons are dangerous enough to not allow them to get that close. I mean, they are obviously the barbaric country because this is a ploy and the mage is either acting on his own interests or the king's orders, but MC's actions made it really easy for them to pretend otherwise.

@kawaii123456 Oh, I agree that the dude is a fucking idiot and I don't see what he stands to gain from angering a dragon king (who probably won't give a shit about diplomacy or his excuses), my point is that this situation could have easily avoided had MC or Greed taken some precautionary measures instead of just having her fly straight into the capital to meet the king.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2020
After reading the comment section, I think they are right. This chapter has too much plot hole that makes it ridiculous. Both of them are on the absolute wrong side. As a foreigner, Eliana should inform them before making a visit to the country, not to mention having an audience with a fucking king. She cannot just charge in with a dragon above the fortress wall. It is basically the declaration of war. Let me ask you, does the USA let a whole combat jet of someone they don’t know fly above the land of their country and thunder toward the White House? They will absolutely shoot down the plane. Secondly, the mages are also at the wrong here. They have to ask question before using the violence. They have to stop them and talk like a fucking civilized people for god’s sake or at least giving warning before using firepower.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Uhh why is this manga suddenly using the NakamaTM trope here?
Ignoring why the fact that the new Head Magician was at the garrison, if they didn't spare any of their time to her what made them think the King would?
If she ignored them, she is basically trespassing into the Kingdom.

@Yasagamo Well to be fair, they didn't know she was a diplomat. The country she is coming from still in civil war as they know it.
And again ignoring what a prick the new head magician attitude, his suspicion is somewhat warranted seeing she is riding a freaking dragon right into their country.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@Acolytus It's a cool world in your head but how about you actualy focus on the story ?

That's a lot of words to say 'i invented a whole scenario in my head to justify my dumb take', Greed is a dragon and the flying lizard is litteraly called the same as any random beast by the mage.

The whole 'destruction' thing is just in your head, buddy because we litteraly saw it casualy get shot down so clearly the mage is more dangerous and was close to HER border, yet you don't say her pull that bulshit.

It mean she was in her own kingdom, not theirs so they shouldn't do shit either way, no matter how hard you try to justify it, you have no idea how diplomacy or even basic laws work it's annoying.

Yeah so you defend them putting more dangerous stuff closer to other people's borders while shooting thing at the other side of the border, awesome logic, it's incredible how far you'll go to defend your dumb take.

No, it can't, trying to argue that interpretation would get you laughed at and litteraly just get a casus beli for the other country to attack anything near their border that you own.

'n-n-n-no expert !!!' more like you don't know the most basic shit, foreign visits =/= opening diplomatic discussion and it can't be done by random BECAUSE RANDOMS DON'T HAVE THE AUTHORITY FOR THAT KIND OF STUFF, have fun having a random messenger promising half your kingdom after getting drunk and you can't send someone before opening diplomatic discussion because it's litteraly the first step for anyone from your country to be accepted in the other country.

No, they don't, she litteraly announce who she is and got attacked while still in her own country, you're bulshitting really hard.

Doesn't matter who they pin the blame on, he's on of their citizens so they are barbarians and get a casus beli against them, that's how this stuff works.

You don't see it because you're desperate to defend your dumb take, you don't shoot shit that haven't even crossed your frontiers for that very reason, you don't have the authority to do shit beyond your borders.

'd-d-d-dangerous enough !!!!!!' says you and no one else, once again, Greed is a dragon, what she ride isn't, the mage say as much.

No, it doesn't because that's not how this works, there isn't a single court where this kind of shit would fly for a single second.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
pff jealous ex-worker gonna doom the whole kingdom before the other fuckers even fuck it up
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@BalrogDeMorgoth It's A FLYING FUCKING LIZARD. Like I said, even if he can't breathe fire or use magic, the fact that it can just fly over any traditional defense makes him dangerous enough. It might not be a threat to the entire country but it could easily kill a shitton of people if it wanted to. Wolves aren't world-ending threats and they get shot down too because allowing dangerous beasts into your territory is stupid, specially if it might be under the control of someone.

And AGAIN an attack helicopter can also get shot down by missiles and so can a warship, it doesn't mean that they aren't dangerous or that using the missiles against them is wrong because the whole fucking point of having such defenses set up is to deal with that shit. If a mage couldn't stop a dragon from flying over the fortress then there would be no reason to have mages there.

He is close to her border because he is in a goddamn defensive fortress, of course he is going to be close to her border. He is not walking around, he is in a building that was specifically built in a place close enough to their mutual borders to allow them to defend them, there would be no purpose if they had to wait till the dragon is right over them or already in their territory. And I must remind you that she wasn't casually flying around, she was flying straight into their lands. By that point that "I'm just in my kigndom" logic doesn't apply anymore because her intentions are more than clear.

The only dumb take here is yours. You can't seem to grasp the idea that a country that might get invaded by its neightbours or by random beasts would obviously have shit capable of killing those things in their border defenses. What do you expect them to do if an actual dragon attacks them? To shoot it down with kindness? Do you also think it's unfair for a fortress to use its cannons to kill an army charging at its walls since a cannon is obviously more dangerous than a bunch of soldiers?

It's not even such a far-fetched interpretation. There have been similar "fighter shot down near borders" incidents like the one between Turkey and Russia a couple of years ago and that played exactly like I said: one side claimed the fighter didn't identify itself and got close enough to their territory to justify retaliation, the other side claimed the fighter wasn't even close to their borders and though the countries' relationship soured, it didn't even lead to an actual conflict or to people laughing at Turkey, the leaders of other countries either took the side that was convenient to them or just asked both sides to avoid escalation.

I'm not talking about sending a messenger to negotiate shit, are you joking? I'm talking about just sending a messenger to inform them that the princess wants to visit the country for diplomatic purposes. The actual opening of diplomatic discussion would be when she arrives, the messenger is just there to tell them in advance so they already know beforehand. Again, hosting an envoy requires preparation, you can't just tell them to go find an inn or something and even if you can, having the time to get ready for the incoming negotiations is a huge help.

She only identified herself after they shot her down and though by that point the mage didn't have any reason to retaliate and was clealry in the wrong, it was already too late. The dude is clearly an asshole so the moment he got his convenient excuse, he probably didn't give a fuck about what came afterwards. Or maybe he is just incredibly stupid and actually thought he had the right to kill her after she stated her business, you never know with these villains.

You seem to have a pretty simplistic idea of politics, pal. Shit is never so black and white or clear-cut. As long as you don't go too far (or rather, you fail to hide the fact that you went too far), an incident can be interpreted in many ways and its up to the other kingdoms and their own interests to determine how they see it. Had the princess died along with her companions, leaving only the mage and his underlings as witness, it wouldn't have been difficult to portray it as a way more ambigous situation than it actually is. Plus I highly doubt international courts are even a thing in this setting.

And yes, I'm no expert. I would rather admit I have limited knowledge of these subjects and be open to someone more knowledgeable pointing out why I'm wrong than pretend my claims are irrefutable and act like an agressive shitlord for no reason.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
@Acolytus you are forgetting another REALLY IMPORTANT fact .... that mage is the highest ranking mage in their country. If we go by your logic this other country would have been oblieged to inform the other Kingdom that he is there.

No she was in her own Country and if you are a new country you dont just send a messenger. You are sending a high ranking noble or another really important person, to show how sincere you are. They dont have any nobles beside the MC and Lord Greed. Oh and before you say to just send Chris ... you normally send more than just 1 Noble, thats called an entourage, which hase some lower ranking nobles in it. The mages had at most the right and so on to issue a warning and maybe a warnshot that doesnt hit. Anything more is that this mage overstepped his bounds by ignoring political and diplomatic customs.

To be presice sending even a single messanger beforehand could have be interpreted, that Greed and his Kingdom look down on them. Which is a really bad move if you need this diplomatic talks to assure help. Because if you look down on someone, doesnt show sincerity and THEN ask for help. That could easily interpreted as something incredible rude. Which normally is done by tyrants.
Going directly to the Castle and imploring with the King is the right choice here.

Naturally there is a chance of it failing, but if these information get leaked to other kingdoms than this Kingdom will lose all their political ties rather fast. Harming a messenger even if he is from an enemy kingdom is something that is taboo. That was always the case. Harming this messanger or even nobles/royalty of another country without declaring war beforehand is the worst you can do and normally no other surrounding country would accept such a thing.

So long story short: the moment these happenings get public (and each country has many ways to get this information because of that) it would be at worst a political death and at best an international incident, which would give ALL surrounding countries in this case a casus belli to attack them for breaking diplomatic customs.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Dragou I ignore if its custom to inform a neighbour that you assigned a high-ranking court official to your border (I assume it is) but even if they did, how would that change anything?

Ignoring the fact that the attack was intentional, the dragon was moving fast and it's possible for then to claim that they couldn't issue any sort lf warning before it crossed the borders. Not to mention that his first excuse was that he mistook it for a stray beast.

Again, I'm just talking about sending a messenger to inform that the MC intends to visit, not carrying out diplomatic negotiations through him. I assume there is a long way from the border to the capital so getting permission to enter "foreign" lands seems the most sensible thing to me. The alternative would have been to approach the border fortress through the ground so they can't just claim she was rushing there.

I do agree that it's an incredibly stupid move either way (even without the whole international issue thing, Greed would genocide them if they killed MC). I'm not trying to defend these dumbasses, I'm saying that MC could have prevented this situation if she didn't just try to charge into the kingdom.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
Okay... They choose retard as new court magician...
As expected from retard kingdom...
It would be funny af if The kingdom would get destroyed by one retard....

@Acolytus she is the Messenger....
they still quite far from the border gate (i guess they gonna stop in front of gate and try to get permission), just get shot by long range magic, the dragon didn't move that fast and high since she's small and carrying 3 people, they should able to see the MC and former court magician yet they still attacking...

that retard should already knew what happen on neighborhood kingdom, and knew if MC still alive = the dragon likes her, but still try to kill MC and former CM anyway...
His retard action is far from "justified"...

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