So i read this till chapter 26 and decided to drop it. The reason why is cuz of the MC. This is one of the worst MCs i have ever seen, he suddenly does a full180 of his character ,which doesn't make any sense at all : suddenly becomes 200IQ, brave af and survives a hit from a HUGE tiger WTF?!?! At one point, while i was reading, a sentence he says takes my attention : "I was barely able to comprehend it, and acted like a retard in that short time!" like, wtf mate, you don't act like a retard for a short amount of time, you are either one or act like one PERIOD, theres no in between. And after all this happens he says to Rangii "this is the words of the man WHO MIGHT BE your husband." -_- Seriously mate ?? MIGHT BE, the dude still doesn't have his priorities set. It's at this sentence that i decided to drop it.
It's sad, i really liked the characters ( except his crush ) , the plot and everything else, sadly the MC ruins everything. I see why alot of people like this but i've read too many mangas like this one and know that the MC will probably not change from being an idiot who can't do shit ( except in crucial moments when he magically becomes a highly intelligent and brave man ) until MUCH later. When i read "a retard in that short time"i thought that he misspoke and actually meant the opposite : that he is a retard all the time excpet in crucial moments and started laughing.
PS : If the MC, at some point in the later chapters, stops being an idiot please tell me which chapter that is, cuz i really like the plot and can see that it can be developed really well ( if it's not already ).