My Wife Is From a Thousand Years Ago - Ch. 225

Dex-chan lover
Dec 1, 2019
She's been clear that in spite of feeling attracted, she does not want to do dirty things. She's stated she wants sex to be part of marriage for one. She also feels uncomfortable with their dynamic since she's indebted to him for taking her in. The time still isn't right.

And since she's clearly said "no" he's being scummy for continuing to push.
As the other person said, she's conflicted because the thought of sex before marriage is frowned upon during her time. She's interested but is not willing to agree to it because her outdated morals are stopping her, hence, training Xu Qing to "push her down" giving her an excuse to go against her conscience shaped by her experience a thousand years ago. But now that she's becoming more modern in thinking, is it really that bad after all? Xu Qing realizes this and is trying to crack it as slowly as possible. He's definitely interested and could sense that she's also interested, that's why he's constantly probing around Jiang He. Xu Qing's interested, Jiang He's interested but conflicted by her outdated morals, so it's now up to Xu Qing to make her realize that sex is a normal and a healthy thing to do between couples, otherwise, their relationship won't progress.
Nov 11, 2023
That "lack of respect of women towards men" is just not true. Sure, we are personally seeing more of it... but that's because the internet allows us to see it. And let's be real, there is just as many men who do the same towards women.

Often times, these men and women are hurt by bad people of the opposite gender and blame the entire gender, mistrust the entire gender... but forget that they're not scum because of gender but scum regardless of gender.

That isn't the actual majority case. In fact, that is just a minority that we can now see... honestly most people would probably live their entire lives and never meet those kinda people... the internet just gives the illusion that they are more common.

It's also a case for kidnapping and violence. Because we see it on TV or the net, we fear it more than we logically should (cause our brains aren't wired for world level though).

And I personally feel that you are allowing your personal fears to affect your judgement of the character. It's pretty clear she loves him.

Also, the term "gold digger" is often mixed. We need to remember that for most of human history, the ONLY way women could ever better their lives was with men.

The very idea that women can earn their own better life is a new one.

But it's also not everything to a woman either. It's like how guys get attracted to beautiful women, women get attracted to wealth... what matters isn't why they get with you, but what they do once married.

Jiange He's love for him is so obvious it's crazy. And that's what is pissing me off. He's taking advantage of that love and care she has for him and ignoring her values.

And honestly, when people break some values, they are likely to break more. Most people who cheat don't think cheating is okay. They just broke those values.

As long as the value isn't harmful, keeping values is often better than breaking them, cause if not, you are breaking your character... and can you really trust a person who can't keep their character???
Now, why do I now have this strange feeling that as if I am talking to a woman?

Internet allows men to see bad women, in the same way bad women teach ordinary women how to treat men badly over the same internet? In my childhood women were pretty normal sensible people. Even in my university days. But after 2005 with internet becoming popular, the women simply lost their minds. I no longer remember how many times I have had to change my carrier choices because of crazy women falsely accusing me or my friends of some harassment. And this just a workplace. The family life is even worse. Just in my country 70% of marriages end in divorce. And 80% of those divorces are initiated my women. The population growth rate is way below replacement rate. And there is a war at doorstep. If war wont finish this country off, women surely will. Lets just say I am just baffled by the amount of hatred women actually harbor towards men. What the hell? When did these wonderful creatures turned into such monsters? Someone must have replaced them with aliens or mutants and gave them a shape of women. Because these are certainly not the same creatures that were from my time of youth. It just gives me the idea that women were always like this, they just didn't have a chance to show it off. And if that the case, I pretty much don't want to have anything in common with them, or keep their every action under heavy scrutiny. You never know where the punch will come from. Better be ready than sorry.

I do not see how where and how she loves him. She surely loves the life they are having, and worries about him as provider of that life. But beyond that, it is my understanding that Xue is useless to her.

Throughout the history the only way for women to have a better life was with a man. And it is somehow different now? It still is, but these "modern" women think they know better.

Women cant earn their own better life alone. It is a delusional thought. First of all, a life for a woman without children which is something that automatically cannot happen without a man, is a direct attack on the foundation of being a woman. What is the worth of a woman in this life is she cant even hold a man and have children with him? It is a wasted life. Since we all live only once, it is equal to suicide. You call this "earning a better life alone"? Modern women are delusional beyond recognition. I am so shocked to see them so easily following that path that I am not sure which part of their body I shall feel sorry for?

A woman's beauty is the same as mans wealth? Excuse me? What kind of shallow thinking is this? Are you really going to tell me that women feel absolutely no attraction to good looking men? And if they do, why focusing on wealth alone? This sentence sounds like the reasoning that a gold digger should have. So she is trading her beauty to his wealth? Selling off her body to the man? Excuse me, I am not sure about women, but men arent that shallow. Most men wouldn't trade their freedom for women who sell their bodies off. They will have fun with them, and then pass her to the next guy to do the same.

I do not see how Jiang He loves him. And he surely isn't taking advantage of her. If he truly tried to take advantage of her, he would place her between choice of either leaving him alone or crawling to him in the bed.

I do not see why Jiang He would place such a great value on marriage. If Jiang He has brains she should know that marriage wont guarantee her a winning hand. He can leave her with divorce after bed fun and that will be end of it. To think in that line is lack of reasoning. Unless the priorities are different. Which is exactly what I think the case here is.

Of course holding up to ones values shows strength of character. But holding up to the values that do not make any sense shows absence of any character.
Active member
Sep 29, 2023
When you are done with believing into magic and fairies, get on your kneels and worship people of Tang Dynasty as Gods too.
My God dude, do you even have fun? This is literally fiction dumbass... I won't try to argue with you because it would be a waste of my time...
Nov 11, 2023
My God dude, do you even have fun? This is literally fiction dumbass... I won't try to argue with you because it would be a waste of my time...
It would be fun if people like you wouldnt believe that a petite female with no apparent abs or muscles could beat up a man twice her size. There is a big difference between fiction that is close to reality (which is this novel is about) and make believe story about fairies and magic. This novel isnt about it.

Heres just an example in terms of strength.

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Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
It would be fun if people like you wouldnt believe that a petite female with no apparent abs or muscles could beat up a man twice her size. There is a big difference between fiction that is close to reality (which is this novel is about) and make believe story about fairies and magic. This novel isnt about it.

Heres just an example in terms of strength.
Dude his point that this was a fictional story with time travel... and she came from Jianghu, so she has super human skills.... so real world logic won't perfectly work. In fact, the reason everyone thinks her boyfriend is stronger is because the modern world doesn't seem to have cultivators anymore...

The MC is like a real person and she's like a comic book martial artist... see the problem??? See why talking about real world biology won't work?
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
1st, I have no idea why you think you are talking to a woman... that's just you having weird bias.

2nd, yes, women are attracted to attractive men... but there are men attracted to a woman's wealth as well...

But historically, men chose women because they looked good and women would pick spouses based on who could take care of them. And women would keep their chastity until marriage so that they would be valued. Basically, men had women to show them off. Or at least powerful men.

It's kinda recent in human history where women could get rich or have great success using their own hard work. That's a new thing.

3rd, her blushes, the way she thinks about him and the smiles she give........ is this by chance your first fictional story you read or something??? These are way too common tropes.

4th, you realize sex is often considered the most important act in a relationship by many? By valuing it, by keeping it sacred, she's allowing their relationship to stay sacred. So she's more likely to be loyal, because to her, sex is just that important. It's a sign of her love for him... it actually makes perfect sense.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Dude, I don't mean this in a bad way and I absolutely swear that I'm not making fun of you... but you seem to have deep psychological problems.

There were multiple obvious signs our girl likes the MC, and you can't recognize them.

I repeat, you can't recognize obvious clear signs of love....

You are offended by a girl wanting to keep her purity before marriage even though that was the norm for most of human history and is a sign of love and respect.

You seem to take an argument about this being a world with time travel to talk about real world biology...

You take over simplified historical talk as over full fact without recognizing it's being over simplified...

And I'm sorry but if your country has that high of a divorce rate, there might also be issues with the men...

The way you talk, a marriage with you doesn't seem like it'd be pleasant.. and you seem offended by the idea of a relationship with respect and stuff.... it sounds so toxic and kinda cruel....

I honestly don't see how you could have a successful relationship if everyone in your nation have such psychological issues.

It's probably not a woman problem but a people problem you are dealing with.... there is something fundamentally wrong with your society and blaming only the women is not a good thing.

You probably need therapy... and if you have a partner, make sure they go as well.. and maybe even get marriage counseling...

For me, on both sides of the family, we have never had to deal with divorce and have happy successful marriages...

Not to mention that you are way over projecting your own struggles of life on a RomCom series...

Think about that... you are over projecting your issues in life on a RomCom......

Not a single one of those things are good signs and imply that you might really need therapy.

It's actually been proven that our own perspective can manipulate how we see things....
Nov 11, 2023
Dude his point that this was a fictional story with time travel... and she came from Jianghu, so she has super human skills.... so real world logic won't perfectly work. In fact, the reason everyone thinks her boyfriend is stronger is because the modern world doesn't seem to have cultivators anymore...

The MC is like a real person and she's like a comic book martial artist... see the problem??? See why talking about real world biology won't work?
She clearly stated herself that she is not a cultivator, magician or illusionist. So whatever "power" she has it has to come from biology. And when it comes to biology, she cant have such power over a man. Period.
Nov 11, 2023
1st, I have no idea why you think you are talking to a woman... that's just you having weird bias.

2nd, yes, women are attracted to attractive men... but there are men attracted to a woman's wealth as well...

But historically, men chose women because they looked good and women would pick spouses based on who could take care of them. And women would keep their chastity until marriage so that they would be valued. Basically, men had women to show them off. Or at least powerful men.

It's kinda recent in human history where women could get rich or have great success using their own hard work. That's a new thing.

3rd, her blushes, the way she thinks about him and the smiles she give........ is this by chance your first fictional story you read or something??? These are way too common tropes.

4th, you realize sex is often considered the most important act in a relationship by many? By valuing it, by keeping it sacred, she's allowing their relationship to stay sacred. So she's more likely to be loyal, because to her, sex is just that important. It's a sign of her love for him... it actually makes perfect sense.
You talk like a woman, think like a woman...therefore you must be one too. You defend the viewpoints of women in exactly the same way as women do. And that way is definitely not the way most men would think. Under such circumstances what else am I supposed to say?

Women attracted to men. You are avoiding my point. If women feel attraction to men, then why do you portray women who are attracted to wealth as the only reason why woman chooses a man? And if that is the case, why are we not seeing Jiang He losing herself in "translation" from time to time? She seems to be a master in manipulation...even of her body emotions. Disgusting.

Historically women choose men who can take care of them? Just historically? It is same right now as well. Which is why Gong Ping is in shambles with debt up her neck and no man no kids in her life. Hello crazy catlady. Dont you think she needs somebody to take care of her? And I do not mean just emotional matters. Financial too.

Women keeping chastity until their marriage...again you sound like speaking as instructor in the military boot camp. Nothing between men and women is certain. There is no such tight discipline between lovers. Forget it.

Very few women can get rich on their own. And even them usually do not have kids or husbands. They are miserably people. Getting wealth is a very slow process. It takes more time than their biological clock allows them to have. (and who said that a married woman doenst get rich quicker than single one?) For women it is a trade between wealth and a family. That is not true for men. Men do not have biological clocks like women do. They can reach wealth without trading off their ability to have a family. The women who choose to compete with men in that area, are simply bred out of circulation. They are the winners of Darwins Natural Selection prize. Nobody is going to miss them. Women need men today just as much they needed in the past. My grandmother married to a man who was 10 times less capable to provide her with good life than a modern man today can, and he was 3 times less attractive than most single men today. So, to hell with modern women. So much for brains of modern women. Work beoth work, its an opportunity of the lifetime.

If she truly loved him, it would be apparent. She simply gets annoyed by him. His every advance ends with a disaster. This is not an issue of chastity and values. She simply doesnt want him. And blushing can happen between men and women naturally even with minimal level of attraction. Which is way out of the scope of marriage.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
She clearly stated herself that she is not a cultivator, magician or illusionist. So whatever "power" she has it has to come from biology. And when it comes to biology, she cant have such power over a man. Period.
Dude, it was mentioned multiple times she came from Jianghu.... that's why she can move like shadows over buildings and stuff... she's not a normal human... she just wasn't as exaggerated as in legends... it's why when the cameras saw her move, they were afraid that it was ghosts... or why he was afraid to get her a bike...

Did you not know she was a super human???? A mortal cultivator of body refinement....
Nov 11, 2023
Dude, it was mentioned multiple times she came from Jianghu.... that's why she can move like shadows over buildings and stuff... she's not a normal human... she just wasn't as exaggerated as in legends... it's why when the cameras saw her move, they were afraid that it was ghosts... or why he was afraid to get her a bike...

Did you not know she was a super human???? A mortal cultivator of body refinement....
No I wasnt. From what I gather she clearly stated that she has no superhuman power or anything. Just excessive training. And I am pretty sure even an excessive training wont get you where she is now.

If she is a mortal cultivator, then their entire martial arts training is nonsense. She should teach him to cultivate first. And far as I as I know he never learns it.

And how come there are no modern cultivators if it was a reality for them in their universe in the past. Again sounds like nonsense. Things like that do not get lost in time.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
You talk like a woman, think like a woman...therefore you must be one too. You defend the viewpoints of women in exactly the same way as women do. And that way is definitely not the way most men would think. Under such circumstances what else am I supposed to say?

Women attracted to men. You are avoiding my point. If women feel attraction to men, then why do you portray women who are attracted to wealth as the only reason why woman chooses a man? And if that is the case, why are we not seeing Jiang He losing herself in "translation" from time to time? She seems to be a master in manipulation...even of her body emotions. Disgusting.

Historically women choose men who can take care of them? Just historically? It is same right now as well. Which is why Gong Ping is in shambles with debt up her neck and no man no kids in her life. Hello crazy catlady. Dont you think she needs somebody to take care of her? And I do not mean just emotional matters. Financial too.

Women keeping chastity until their marriage...again you sound like speaking as instructor in the military boot camp. Nothing between men and women is certain. There is no such tight discipline between lovers. Forget it.

Very few women can get rich on their own. And even them usually do not have kids or husbands. They are miserably people. Getting wealth is a very slow process. It takes more time than their biological clock allows them to have. (and who said that a married woman doenst get rich quicker than single one?) For women it is a trade between wealth and a family. That is not true for men. Men do not have biological clocks like women do. They can reach wealth without trading off their ability to have a family. The women who choose to compete with men in that area, are simply bred out of circulation. They are the winners of Darwins Natural Selection prize. Nobody is going to miss them. Women need men today just as much they needed in the past. My grandmother married to a man who was 10 times less capable to provide her with good life than a modern man today can, and he was 3 times less attractive than most single men today. So, to hell with modern women. So much for brains of modern women. Work beoth work, its an opportunity of the lifetime.

If she truly loved him, it would be apparent. She simply gets annoyed by him. His every advance ends with a disaster. This is not an issue of chastity and values. She simply doesnt want him. And blushing can happen between men and women naturally even with minimal level of attraction. Which is way out of the scope of marriage.
See, that's more your negativity than anything.

Most readers would understand that as love. And she was clear that she wanted to wait for marriage.

The fact that you are taking what is in almost every story obvious signs of attractions and not recognizing it shows an actual problem in your mentality.

And honestly, if defending women when your points are just not good makes me sound like a woman to you.... that's kinda a you problem.

It's common sense that people are people and even in ancient times, people knew you had to respect and value each other. It's not anything new...

And again, I was talking about in older times, when women weren't able to do things on their own for wealth and power (with rare exceptions).

And you are saying that they will be miserable for women to not be married... but the problem is if they would be happy when the men are acting like jerks.

Men and women need to respect each other... if one partner has huge issues, males or female, it'd often ruin the marriage.

You complain about modern women... but are modern men any better???

You are trying to put all the blame on women.... but if the men are also not great, then isn't it normal that you have issues???

Women are probably thinking the same thing about the men where you are from...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
No I wasnt. From what I gather she clearly stated that she has no superhuman power or anything. Just excessive training. And I am pretty sure even an excessive training wont get you where she is now.

If she is a mortal cultivator, then their entire martial arts training is nonsense. She should teach him to cultivate first. And as I as I know he never learns it.
He IS learning it.

Yes, there was excessive training, but she reached the super human level.. again, why he was so worried about her when it came to bikes and stuff.

And the main method seems to be discipline. So he's also cultivating, which is why he was able to get such results so quickly. In real life, no way a couch potato would have been able to beat up a robber with a knife so easily and have less trouble than a trained fighter like his friend.

His results are because of the cultivation.
Nov 11, 2023
Dude, I don't mean this in a bad way and I absolutely swear that I'm not making fun of you... but you seem to have deep psychological problems.

There were multiple obvious signs our girl likes the MC, and you can't recognize them.

I repeat, you can't recognize obvious clear signs of love....

You are offended by a girl wanting to keep her purity before marriage even though that was the norm for most of human history and is a sign of love and respect.

You seem to take an argument about this being a world with time travel to talk about real world biology...

You take over simplified historical talk as over full fact without recognizing it's being over simplified...

And I'm sorry but if your country has that high of a divorce rate, there might also be issues with the men...

The way you talk, a marriage with you doesn't seem like it'd be pleasant.. and you seem offended by the idea of a relationship with respect and stuff.... it sounds so toxic and kinda cruel....

I honestly don't see how you could have a successful relationship if everyone in your nation have such psychological issues.

It's probably not a woman problem but a people problem you are dealing with.... there is something fundamentally wrong with your society and blaming only the women is not a good thing.

You probably need therapy... and if you have a partner, make sure they go as well.. and maybe even get marriage counseling...

For me, on both sides of the family, we have never had to deal with divorce and have happy successful marriages...

Not to mention that you are way over projecting your own struggles of life on a RomCom series...

Think about that... you are over projecting your issues in life on a RomCom......

Not a single one of those things are good signs and imply that you might really need therapy.

It's actually been proven that our own perspective can manipulate how we see things....
Now I am definitely sure that I am talking to a woman. There is no doubt left.

Let me guess, next you are going to say that I have a small wiener.
Nov 11, 2023
See, that's more your negativity than anything.

Most readers would understand that as love. And she was clear that she wanted to wait for marriage.

The fact that you are taking what is in almost every story obvious signs of attractions and not recognizing it shows an actual problem in your mentality.

And honestly, if defending women when your points are just not good makes me sound like a woman to you.... that's kinda a you problem.

It's common sense that people are people and even in ancient times, people knew you had to respect and value each other. It's not anything new...

And again, I was talking about in older times, when women weren't able to do things on their own for wealth and power (with rare exceptions).

And you are saying that they will be miserable for women to not be married... but the problem is if they would be happy when the men are acting like jerks.

Men and women need to respect each other... if one partner has huge issues, males or female, it'd often ruin the marriage.

You complain about modern women... but are modern men any better???

You are trying to put all the blame on women.... but if the men are also not great, then isn't it normal that you have issues???

Women are probably thinking the same thing about the men where you are from...
OMG I am listening to a womans perspective. Disgusting. Out out!
Nov 11, 2023
He IS learning it.

Yes, there was excessive training, but she reached the super human level.. again, why he was so worried about her when it came to bikes and stuff.

And the main method seems to be discipline. So he's also cultivating, which is why he was able to get such results so quickly. In real life, no way a couch potato would have been able to beat up a robber with a knife so easily and have less trouble than a trained fighter like his friend.

His results are because of the cultivation.
Doesn't fit. If she had an excessive training her body wouldn't be petite. The reason why she has excessive power is not because of her cultivation, but because the author likes to portray women in superior way ... perhaps to show affection to inferiority complex of women in Asia and make his sales more. I have noticed that alot. Women are portrayed as excessively aggressive and capable of carrying out their threats. It seems to be something that in line with Asian culture. But of course it is far from reality.

And yes someone with little training can deal with ordinary thieves in the streets. You dont have to be superhuman to knock out someone in cold and clean right into hospital. Probably a very good placed punch even from an ordinary person would knock someone out and make them wake up in hospital. Its quite possible.

There is no mentioning of cultivation in this novel. Nor in its book. I think you are making this stuff up. Like I said if cultivation was real in the past of their universe, I do not believe that such a big power could have been forgotten over time. I will give you a small example. China got invaded and annexed many times during those 1200 years. If China truly had superhuman strength people, nobody would be able to defeat them. So the idea of cultivation is nonsense in that novel. You must be making this stuff up.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
OMG I am listening to a womans perspective. Disgusting. Out out!
See, no wonder no woman likes you... and just because I think you are wrong, I have to be a woman???? Doesn't that explain why you have issues with women??? Blaming women and claiming that a man is a woman just because he sees obvious problems with you is already a sign that you have issues...

And sad for you, I am a dude... you just seriously have issues that make women not want you. Don't blame the women when you are the one acting terrible.

Just because I'm a man, I have to pretend that you are right when you act horrible??? How the hell does that make sense.
Nov 11, 2023
See, no wonder no woman likes you... and just because I think you are wrong, I have to be a woman???? Doesn't that explain why you have issues with women??? Blaming women and claiming that a man is a woman just because he sees obvious problems with you is already a sign that you have issues...

And sad for you, I am a dude... you just seriously have issues that make women not want you. Don't blame the women when you are the one acting terrible.

Just because I'm a man, I have to pretend that you are right when you act horrible??? How the hell does that make sense.
I have to give you that. You are a very smart person. Just not as smart as me.

You are wrong about me on too many levels. You are wrong about the topics that we have been discussing here. I usually love talking about things on very deep level. But it requires face to face communication. Since we arent getting to that level, I would just say this. You are smart person. It is good to have smart people around. But know that there are smarter people around than you.

You are not my wife, not even my family member. Talking with you on that deep level is a huge emotional and mental investment. I think it is too troublesome to invest in it with some random person over the internet. If I had the ability to invest in every person on such a level, I would be a billionaire by now.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Doesn't fit. If she had an excessive training her body wouldn't be petite. The reason why she has excessive power is not because of her cultivation, but because the author likes to portray women in superior way ... perhaps to show affection to inferiority complex of women in Asia and make his sales more. I have noticed that alot. Women are portrayed as excessively aggressive and capable of carrying out their threats. It seems to be something that in line with Asian culture. But of course it is far from reality.

And yes someone with little training can deal with ordinary thieves in the streets. You dont have to be superhuman to knock out someone in cold and clean right into hospital. Probably a very good placed punch even from an ordinary person would knock someone out and make them wake up in hospital. Its quite possible.

There is no mentioning of cultivation in this novel. Nor in its book. I think you are making this stuff up. Like I said if cultivation was real in the past of their universe, I do not believe that such a big power could have been forgotten over time. I will give you a small example. China got invaded and annexed many times during those 1200 years. If China truly had superhuman strength people, nobody would be able to defeat them. So the idea of cultivation is nonsense in that novel. You must be making this stuff up.
Excessive training for Jianghu. Again, it is cultivation. And what the f*** is your point about body types???

The same is true for men. In most series, men stay lean despite having training that'd make them way more jacked.

Fiction does that. And it's Jianghu cultivation. Wuxia, not Xianxia.

Jianghu cultivation is basically just super martial arts, not magic martial arts...

I wasn't meaning cultivation as in "cultivation" but the literal word. The growth in power from the martial world..

Aka, she's Wuxia level super power, not Xianxia or Xianhuan...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
I have to give you that. You are a very smart person. Just not as smart as me.

You are wrong about me on too many levels. You are wrong about the topics that we have been discussing here. I usually love talking about things on very deep level. But it requires face to face communication. Since we arent getting to that level, I would just say this. You are smart person. It is good to have smart people around. But know that there are smarter people around than you.

You are not my wife, not even my family member. Talking with you on that deep level is a huge emotional and mental investment. I think it is too troublesome to invest in it with some random person over the internet. If I had the ability to invest in every person on such a level, I would be a billionaire by now.
True it is... and maybe I am. I am literally trying to judge you based on a few comments we are having on a random thread about a web comic....

But I'm going to be honest... a lot of your ideas seemed steep with lack of trust towards women and there is a huge negativity bias showing towards you...

A lot of people I work with often say sh*t about the opposite gender and how horrible and cruel they are... but hating on half the world's population seems much...

And it'd have a lot of discussion from people...

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