Nageki no Bourei wa Intai Shitai: Saijaku Hunter ni Yoru Saikyou Party Ikuseijutsu - Vol. 7 Ch. 31

Dex-chan lover
Nov 25, 2020
If you guys want to remove any confusion you have about the MC.

Mind you, I stopped reading the novel translation a long time ago. But no, the MC really is just stupid. He's super paranoid but he does have a power beyond anyone else and that is the ability to make use of artifacts. Everyone else drains their powers just trying to power one, but he carries multiple of them, to the point where he continuously drains the entire coffers of the guild just to buy expensive artifacts and each of those artifacts are incredibly powerful. That's part of why it was a big deal that he could use the sword artifact someone else owned like it was nothing.

For example, if memory serves me correctly, he owns and has equipped multiple artifacts of absolute defense, that will negate any attack that comes his way no matter what that attack is, but it takes him a while to recharge them.

But he himself, as a person, has no skills, no endurance. He's just someone whose power is to make use of god level gear, so he's entirely gear dependent. In everything else he is pretty average. If there was some sort of reveal later down the line in the novel that changed that, I haven't gotten there.

Think of him like Iron Man, except he isn't a genius, he's just a hoarder who's dense and because he grew up with childhood friends who were exceedingly powerful and love him so much that they all want to spoil him and meet his expectation, his sense of "normal" is screwed. He expects the average guildmate to be able to achieve S rank type tasks with ease, because that's the world he knows.

So mix the fact that he is physically and mentally average, has a skewed perception of what is normal, is surrounded by super loyal super powerful childhood friends that make up the core of his party, was forced to take the position of leader so his word is law forcing his skewed perception of reality on everyone else, and the draining of the entire fortune of the guild to hoard all sorts of super powerful artifacts that fits well with his singular power of recharging and using nigh unlimited artifacts and voila.

That's your MC, and that's how the guild became the strongest guild. And funny enough, because of his dense nature and his genius friends, he also happens to be the force behind illegal underground activities without knowing it. So he's both the boss of the strongest guild and the boss of a notorious underground group, the latter of which he has no clue about but those involved fully believe he's 110% in and plotting some big brain grand scheme a la Overlord, sasuga Ainz.

The manga helps alleviate some of the issues of the MC being super dense. Mainly because you're not in his head as much, so the story goes down easier.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
I don't think MC is OP, he just got lucky is all. If anything we've had alot of confirmation over the series he is indeed piss weak only his magic items are what makes him powerful in combat. The jokes already long run its course for me though.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
Anyone else thinks he may have some sort of supernatural luck or prediction power he himself is not aware of?
I really think he does. Him and the Eminence in Shadows guy.

EiS is able to root out outright conspiracies, and even bring them to light, all while believing it is all an extension of an old fantasy he "outgrew".

And in here, dude carries with him just the exact things he needs, gets right at the place he needs to, and has help arrive just when he needs to.
Sure, this could be just lazy plot armor... until you remember the mention of a time he took people to see something considered impossible to predit, just as it was starting to happen, apparently on a whim.

Both of these cases, to me at least, seem less like being dense and protected by plot armor and more like something is guiding them, as in in-universe guiding them, but not letting them be aware of it.

Which... would definitely explain his old party's obsessive belief in him, going beyond justifiable by loyalty.
When Liz said that his words are like a word of a god, I'm pretty sure everyone in his old party, but him, had seen enough proof to believe it.
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2020
As usual, I can't tell if he's as weak as he claims and just extremely lucky, or if he's playing dumb and actually really strong.
From what we have seen he isn't that strong physically but he seems to have talent in using magic items
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2020
I think I get it. As shown with the flame sword and chain dog Cry has total control over all types of relics/magic items. Since the golem is similar to the relics/magic items, Cry had complete control over the golem allowing Cry to make the golem forcefully fall back. This is just my theory anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
As usual, I can't tell if he's as weak as he claims and just extremely lucky, or if he's playing dumb and actually really strong.
Same. I like to think its the third option of the MC having insane in universe plot armor and everyone but himself being aware of it.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018

Does it not? Because if we do a little rewinding of time, you know about 5 seconds ago, when LIZ GOT BLASTED BY A FUCKING LASER, that it does in fact, have ranged attacks. Sitry, what the fuck?

Maybe its a close range only blast attack? Like a shotgun or it only aims down or something? Or idk maybe Sitry just wants to get back at Liz for eating the last slice of pizza (it’d be valid).

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