Your comment came off as super sarcastic at first, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I love reader engagement either way, so it's no skin off my nose if I'm wrong. After I saw your reactions to my posts, I realized that was the right move. Go me. Self five! 🙏Thank you. And you even got the title right! Wow! I know it must've been so hard, to not translate “狐” as “SLUT”. Jesus.
I mean, the story's already changed drastically. There's no NTR, she's actually painted as unwilling (Unless this moron has her go ahegao again for no fucking reason), took clear steps to stand up for herself and leave the situation, and now isn't just unable to consent, but literally told them she wants to leave before passing out. Instead of being uncomfortable at a social gathering with friends for unspecified reasons, now she's been lured to a party with what seems to be strangers, and they're badgering her for not drinking the beer. She makes it clear she doesn't like said beer (Though it might be an excuse, since she agreed to go with her friend), she notices the guy's making moves on her after the others literally tease him for it, and even tries to get his arm off her.I was waiting for this translation to get confirmation on her age. So she's 21 & in high school? Unless Tanuki comes barging in to save her next chapter, this basically tells us the author is just going to double down from the pre-serialization. God forbid that there will be Fanbox content but we'll see since I would assume there would be an editor for this. Doesn't look like editor is doing much besides having their name attached to this. Thanks for the translations.
Yeah that's my suspicion too.I mean, the story's already changed drastically. There's no NTR, she's actually painted as unwilling (Unless this moron has her go ahegao again for no fucking reason), took clear steps to stand up for herself and leave the situation, and now isn't just unable to consent, but literally told them she wants to leave before passing out. Instead of being uncomfortable at a social gathering with friends for unspecified reasons, now she's been lured to a party with what seems to be strangers, and they're badgering her for not drinking the beer. She makes it clear she doesn't like said beer, she notices the guy's making moves on her after the others literally tease him for it, and even tries to get his arm off her.
The only reason I don't give it my full-throated praise is because there's a non-zero chance the author will actually double down on the "MORE COCK. GIVE ME MORE COCK" thing.
It's not good to be sad.
Even in manga, being this cruel is impossible.
作品トップには「(ちょっと歪んだ) お節介ラブコメ!」てあるから読んだのにいまのところ全然ラブでもコメでもない件
The top of the work says '(slightly twisted) meddlesome romantic comedy!' so I read it, but so far it's not romantic or comedic at all.
You'll get arrested for non-consent, you know?
その展開は良くない。 弟、早く来るんだ!! どんな理由で来るかは予想できませんが
That development is not good. Brother, hurry up and come!! I can't predict the reason for your arrival, though.
It's almost too timely to be a coincidence... Just recently, news about a former Japanese national soccer team member and his friends getting arrested for allegedly getting a woman drunk and so on has been circulating.
胸くそ悪いだけだし、ページ数少な過ぎ。 もうちょいストーリーを進ませないと掴みにもならんし、切が悪くて読了感が最悪だ。せめて、弟が助けに来た、くらいまでは欲しかった
It's just frustrating, and there are too few pages. If the story doesn't progress a bit more, it won't grab me, and the ending feels abrupt and gives the worst sense of completion. I wanted at least the part where the younger brother comes to rescue.
Be careful when you become a college student.
I was confused because I realized on my own outside before my younger brother could even make me realize.
Just so you know, this manga has that kind of development, so farewell to the dropouts.
I think it's okay to dismember guys like this.
There's no need to explain it anymore, right?
I hate to say it, but if you're stupid, timid, and lonely, people will target you...
ヤリたいだけの男の乱交に付き合えないと大学だか専門学校だかで、皆がハブるのか。そんなクズだらけのいる学校に行くしかない、と。ひでえ環 境だな
If you can't join in on an orgy of guys who just want to have sex, you'll be ostracized by everyone at your university or college? You'll have no choice but to go to a school full of scum like that. What a terrible environment.
It feels painful like it's digging up trauma... I hope in the next episode, there will be words of concern from my younger brother that really hit home.
I can't predict what will happen next anymore.
Is it the type where you're saved after being done?
続きはfan boxへ (ガッツリエロ)。 いや商業になると無かった事になるのかなぁ......? まあ、それはそれで。
The continuation is on the fan box (heavily erotic). Well, I wonder if it gets ignored when it becomes commercial...? Well, that's how it goes.
Sorry, but you can't just cherry pick a couple of foreign trolls using broken Japanese, then point to the likes as some kind of "proof" that the Japanese don't like the story. Right @slyss ?Here are some comments from the Japanese public on the Young Jump app:
I know it's still early since Chapter 2 was released recently, but here are the current like counts for Chapters 1 and 2:
Sorry for the lengthy post.
To be clear, the middle of my comment is very much sarcasm, it's just not at your expense. It's at theirs. But the start of my comment is a genuine thank you to you and the end is a genuine expression of irritation at their comically bad translation.Your comment came off as super sarcastic at first, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
You should probably tell him that, since he confuses people not jumping down his throat like I did as an endorsement of his translation abilities.To be clear, the middle of my comment is very much sarcasm, it's just not at your expense. It's at theirs. But the start of my comment is a genuine thank you to you and the end is a genuine expression of irritation at their comically bad translation.
I left an indictive comment on their chapter, yeah.You should probably tell him that, since he confuses people not jumping down his throat like I did as an endorsement of his translation abilities.
Since the digital manga site that this story is being sold on is the same one as Maria no Danzai(has gratituous gore and rape), we may end up getting the previous fanbox content here in the serialization as part of the main story.Sorry, but you can't just cherry pick a couple of foreign trolls using broken Japanese, then point to the likes as some kind of "proof" that the Japanese don't like the story. Right @slyss ?
P.S.: "続きはfan boxへ (ガッツリエロ)。 いや商業になると無かった事になるのかなぁ......? まあ、それはそれで"
He saw the fanbox, and he's wondering if it's still canon.
On the other hand, I'd bet Maria no Danzai gets WAY better ratings than this, despite being roughly the same in tone- at least in theory.Since the digital manga site that this story is being sold on is the same one as Maria no Danzai(has gratituous gore and rape), we may end up getting the previous fanbox content here in the serialization as part of the main story.
This time the author has nothing holding them back, so I would buckle up for whatever nasty shit is about to come. Cause it may end up being even worse this time.
"It's not good to be sad."Here are some comments from the Japanese public on the Young Jump app:
I know it's still early since Chapter 2 was released recently, but here are the current like counts for Chapters 1 and 2:
Sorry for the lengthy post.
Imagine... she just sobers up immediately, rising up like the Undertaker.The only reason I don't give it my full-throated praise is because there's a non-zero chance the author will actually double down on the "MORE COCK. GIVE ME MORE COCK" thing.